|*if REASON="inode"||?SUBJECT=User `USERNAME` has used up `INODE`% of their inode limit||*else||?SUBJECT=User `USERNAME` has used up `BANDWIDTH`% of their bandwidth and `QUOTA`% of their allocated disk space||*endif|This is an automated message notifying User |USERNAME| has used the following resources: |*if BANDWIDTHLIMITMEG>"0"|Bandwidth: |BANDWIDTH|%|*endif| |*if QUOTALIMITMEG>"0"|Disk Quota: |QUOTA|%|*endif| |*if INODELIMIT>"0"|File Inodes: |INODE|%|*endif| |*if BANDWIDTH_MAY_RUN_OUT="1"|It is estimated, at the current rate of use, that the account bandwidth will be used up in |TIMELEFT| days, at which time the account may be suspended for the remainder of the month. There are |DAYS_REMAINING_THIS_MONTH| days left before the bandwidth usage is reset.|*endif| The User should contact Support if this is an issue. |MSG_FOOTER|