|*if action="code"| |?SUBJECT=Your password has been reset| This is an automated email generated by |http|://|host|:|port|. Your new password has been reset to: |passwd| |*else| |?SUBJECT=Lost password reset request| This is an automated email generated by |http|://|host|:|port| requesting a new password be email to you. To initiate the password reset, click the following link and follow the instructions: |http|://|host|:|port|/CMD_LOST_PASSWORD?code=|code|&username=|username| The request was triggered by IP '|source_ip|'. If this is not your IP or you did not initate this password change, please click the following to report it to an administrator: |http|://|host|:|port|/CMD_LOST_PASSWORD?action=report&code=|code| |*endif| Do not reply to this email.