|?SUBJECT=Warning: E-Mail sent from a script below `SCRIPT_PATH` which is in the list of denied paths| Some script below the path |SCRIPT_PATH| has just sent an E-Mail, but this is in the list of denied paths. There could be a spammer, or the script could be compromised, as this path should not be sending any E-Mails. |*if PATH_UNDER_USER_HOME="1"|To unblock this path, go to: User Level -> E-Mail Accounts -> E-Mail Usage or manually remove the path from the file: |BLOCKED_SCRIPT_PATHS||*else|The path is outside of the User's home directory. The only way to unblock the path is to remove it from the file: |BLOCKED_SCRIPT_PATHS||*endif| |*if PHP_GUESS="highest"||DEAMONNAME| has determined that the following PHP script has sent |HIGHEST_PHP_SCRIPT| E-Mails: |BIGGEST_PHP_SCRIPT| but the path doesn't match, so we're not sure if this is the offending script. |*endif||*if PHP_GUESS="matched"||DEAMONNAME| has matched the following PHP script:line below the suspect path, with the number of deliveries: |POSSIBLE_PHP_SCRIPTS| |*endif||*if AUTO_UNBLOCK="1"|The script will also automatically be unblocked in |AUTO_UNBLOCK_HOURS| Hours. We still highly encourage that all scripts in |SCRIPT_PATH| be examined. |*endif|This warning was triggered by the BlockCracking monitoring tool in exim. |*if UNKNOWN_APACHE_SCRIPT="1"|The mail was generated as the 'apache' account and |DEAMONNAME| was not able to determine the sender based on the path. Check your exim logs and see this guide: http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=455|*else|The script path is managed under the |USERNAME| User account.|*endif| |MSG_FOOTER|