|?SUBJECT=Warning: `COUNT` non-existant E-Mails have just been sent by `EMAIL`| The address |EMAIL| has just finished sending |COUNT| non-existant emails within a |PERIOD| period, and has been blocked. There could be a spammer, the account could be compromised, or just sending more emails than usual. |*if EMAIL=USERNAME|To unblock this account, the password must be changed by the Reseller or Admin. Changing the password by the |DEAMONNAME| User will not work, as the password is likely compromised. |*else|To unblock this account, the password must be changed by a |DEAMONNAME| User. Changing the password through the E-Mail self-serve options will not work, as the password is likely compromised. |*endif||*if AUTO_UNBLOCK="1"|The account will also automatically be unblocked in |AUTO_UNBLOCK_HOURS| Hours. We still highly encourage that the password for |EMAIL| be changed. |*endif|The last IP to send an email was |HOST|. This warning was triggered by the BlockCracking monitoring tool in exim. The E-Mail account is managed under the |USERNAME| User account. |MSG_FOOTER|