#!/bin/sh # This script is written by DirectAdmin and Martynas Bendorius (smtalk) BUILDSCRIPT_VER=2.0.0 NAME=custombuild OS=`uname` WORKDIR=/usr/local/directadmin/${NAME} cd ${WORKDIR} #Added for security chmod 700 ${WORKDIR}/build >/dev/null 2>&1 chmod 700 ${WORKDIR} >/dev/null 2>&1 #Just making sure there are no default grep options set in .bashrc GREP_OPTIONS="" if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo "You must be root to execute the script. Exiting." exit 1 fi doHook(){ if [ ! -z "${1}" ] && [ ! -z "${2}" ]; then if [ -d ${WORKDIR}/custom/hooks/${1}/${2} ]; then find ${WORKDIR}/custom/hooks/${1}/${2} -type f -name '*.sh' | while read line; do echo "Executing '$line'..." . "$line" done HOOK_ERROR_CODE=$? if [ ${HOOK_ERROR_CODE} -ne 0 ]; then echo "Hook exited with error code: ${HOOK_ERROR_CODE}. Exiting..." exit ${HOOK_ERROR_CODE} fi fi fi } OPTIONS_CONF=${WORKDIR}/options.conf PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF=${WORKDIR}/php_extensions.conf OPTIONS_CONF_EXISTS=1 if [ ! -e ${OPTIONS_CONF} ]; then OPTIONS_CONF_EXISTS=0 fi VERSIONS_FILE=${WORKDIR}/versions.txt PATCHES_VERSIONS_FILE=${WORKDIR}/patches_versions.txt VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM=${WORKDIR}/custom_versions.txt VERSIONS_FILE_CL=${WORKDIR}/versions_cl.txt VERSIONS_FILE_CWAF=${WORKDIR}/versions_cwaf.txt VERSIONS_FILE_LITESPEED=${WORKDIR}/versions_litespeed.txt VERSIONS_FILE_JEMALLOC=${WORKDIR}/mysql/versions_jemalloc.txt VERSIONS_FILE_GALERA=${WORKDIR}/mysql/versions_galera.txt LOCKFILE=${WORKDIR}/.custombuild LOGFILE=${WORKDIR}/custombuild.log PROFTPD_PREFIX=/usr B64=0 EXEC_CL_COMMANDS_ONCE=false CL_COMPONENT_UPDATE=false CPU_CORES=1 DA_BIN=/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then MD5SUM=/sbin/md5 else MD5SUM=/usr/bin/md5sum fi is_os_eol() { EOL_FILE=${WORKDIR}/configure/custombuild/eol_os.txt if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/custombuild/eol_os.txt ]; then EOL_FILE=${WORKDIR}/custom/custombuild/eol_os.txt fi DA_OS=`${DA_BIN} o | head -n1 | cut -d"'" -f2 | cut -d"." -f1` if grep -m1 -q "^${DA_OS}$" ${EOL_FILE}; then echo 1 else echo 0 fi return } EXIT_CODE=0 LANG=C LSWS_HOME=/usr/local/lsws # Emulate ${!variable} eval_var() { var=${1} if [ -z ${var} ]; then echo "" else eval newval="\$${var}" echo $newval fi } removeLockfile() { rm -f ${LOCKFILE} trap - INT TERM EXIT } kill_childs() { if [ -s ${LOCKFILE} ]; then CB_PID=`cat ${LOCKFILE}` for process in `ps -ef | awk -v cb_pid=${CB_PID} '{ if ( $3 == cb_pid ) { print $2 }}'`; do kill ${process} done fi } doKill() { if [ -s ${LOCKFILE} ]; then kill_childs removeLockfile kill -9 ${CB_PID} exit 0 else echo "There is no CustomBuild process running." fi exit 0 } getTimezone() { if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then if [ -d /usr/share/zoneinfo ] && [ -e /etc/localtime ]; then MD5_LOCALTIME=`md5 /etc/localtime | awk '{print $4}'` # we don't use 'grep -m1' here to fix: "xargs: md5: terminated with signal 13; aborting" DATETIMEZONE="`find /usr/share/zoneinfo -type f -print0 | xargs -0 md5 | grep "${MD5_LOCALTIME}" | awk '{print $2}' | cut -d\( -f2 | cut -d\) -f1 | perl -p0 -e 's#/usr/share/zoneinfo/##'`" fi elif [ -e ${DEBIAN_VERSION} ]; then if [ -e /etc/timezone ]; then DATETIMEZONE="`cat /etc/timezone`" fi else if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/clock ]; then DATETIMEZONE="`grep -m1 '^ZONE=' /etc/sysconfig/clock | cut -d'"' -f2 | cut -d= -f2`" elif [ -e /usr/bin/timedatectl ]; then DATETIMEZONE="`timedatectl | grep -m1 'Time.*zone:' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{print $1}'`" fi fi if [ "${DATETIMEZONE}" = "" ]; then DATETIMEZONE="Europe/London" fi echo ${DATETIMEZONE} | awk '{print $1}' } random_pass() { #No special characters yet, because they'd cause problems with regexes and PEAR::DB to split the DNS string correctly in roundcube config.inc.php if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then RPC=${1:-`perl -le 'print int rand(7) + 10'`} else RPC=`awk -v min=10 -v max=17 'BEGIN{srand(); print int(min+rand()*(max-min+1))}'` fi tr -cd 'a-zA-Z0-9' < /dev/urandom 2>/dev/null | head -c${RPC} # perl generates a random integer between 10 and 16 } remove_file() { if [ "$1" = "" ]; then do_exit 1 "File not specified for remove_file..." fi if [ -e $1 ]; then echo "Removing file: $1..." rm -f $1 fi } remove_directory() { if [ "$1" = "" ]; then do_exit 1 "File not specified for remove_file..." fi COUNT_SLASHES="`echo \"$1\" | grep -o '/' | wc -l`" if [ "${COUNT_SLASHES}" -lt 2 ]; then do_exit 1 "Too dangerous path to remove: $1. Exiting..." fi if [ -d $1 ]; then echo "Removing directory: $1..." rm -rf $1 fi } # Systemd SYSTEMD=no SYSTEMDDIR=/etc/systemd/system CB_SYSTEMD=${WORKDIR}/configure/systemd CB_CUST_SYSTEMD=${WORKDIR}/custom/systemd if [ -d ${SYSTEMDDIR} ]; then if [ -e /bin/systemctl ] || [ -e /usr/bin/systemctl ]; then SYSTEMD=yes SYSTEMD_SCRIPTS=/usr/libexec fi fi HOSTNAME="`hostname -f 2>/dev/null`" if [ -z "${HOSTNAME}" ] && [ "${OS}" != "FreeBSD" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/hostnamectl ]; then HOSTNAME=`/usr/bin/hostnamectl --static | head -n1` if ! echo "${HOSTNAME}" | grep -m1 -q '\.'; then HOSTNAME=`grep -m1 -o "${HOSTNAME}\.[^ ]*" /etc/hosts` fi fi if [ -z "${HOSTNAME}" ]; then HOSTNAME="your.server.com" fi #There are used in other sections, so must be executed everytime PHP1_RELEASE_SET="5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4" PHP1_SHORTRELEASE_SET="`echo ${PHP1_RELEASE_SET} | tr -d '.'`" DEBIAN_VERSION=/etc/debian_version if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then OS_VER=`uname -r | cut -d- -f1` OS_FREEBSD_VER=`echo ${OS_VER} | cut -d. -f1` elif [ -e ${DEBIAN_VERSION} ]; then OS_DEBIAN_VER=`grep -m1 -o '^[^\.]*' ${DEBIAN_VERSION}` else if [ -s /etc/os-release ]; then OS_CENTOS_VER=`grep -m1 '^VERSION_ID=' /etc/os-release | cut -d. -f1 | cut -d'"' -f2` else OS_CENTOS_VER=`grep -m1 -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' /etc/redhat-release | cut -d. -f1` fi fi installDevtoolset() { if [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "6" ]; then #C++11 is needed for libmodsecurity if [ ! -d /opt/rh/devtoolset-7 ]; then yum -y install centos-release-scl if [ ! -s /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-SCLo-scl-rh.repo ]; then yum -y install http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6.10/extras/x86_64/Packages/centos-release-scl-7-4.el6.centos.noarch.rpm http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6.10/extras/x86_64/Packages/centos-release-scl-rh-2-4.el6.centos.noarch.rpm fi yum -y install devtoolset-7 --enablerepo=centos-release-scl yum -y install devtoolset-7 fi fi } USE_ALL_SETTINGS=1 use_all_settings_toggle() { USE_ALL_SETTINGS=0 } GETOPT_CASE=1 getopt_case_toggle() { GETOPT_CASE=0 } case "$1" in version) use_all_settings_toggle ;; kill) use_all_settings_toggle ;; update_da) getopt_case_toggle ;; get_timezone) getopt_case_toggle ;; set_versions_txt) getopt_case_toggle ;; show_file) getopt_case_toggle ;; esac if [ ! -e ${OPTIONS_CONF} ]; then USE_ALL_SETTINGS=1 fi if [ "${USE_ALL_SETTINGS}" = "1" ]; then ################################################# #ALL SETTINGS #SECTIONS OF OPTIONS ALL_SECTIONS="PHP_SETTINGS MYSQL_SETTINGS WEBSERVER_SETTINGS WEBAPPS_SETTINGS CLAMAV_SETTINGS MAIL_SETTINGS FTP_SETTINGS STATS_SETTINGS PHP_EXT_SETTINGS CUSTOMBUILD_SETTINGS CRON_SETTINGS CLOUDLINUX_SETTINGS ADVANCED_SETTINGS" PHP_EXT_SETTINGS="GMP IONCUBE IMAP OPCACHE HTSCANNER IMAGICK PHALCON SNUFFLEUPAGUS SUHOSIN XMLRPC ZEND" PHP_SETTINGS="PHP1_RELEASE PHP1_MODE PHP2_RELEASE PHP2_MODE PHP3_RELEASE PHP3_MODE PHP4_RELEASE PHP4_MODE SECURE_PHP PHP_INI PHP_TIMEZONE PHP_INI_TYPE X_MAIL_HEADER" MYSQL_SETTINGS="MYSQL MARIADB MYSQL_INST MYSQL_BACKUP MYSQL_BACKUP_GZIP MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR MYSQL_FORCE_COMPILE" WEBSERVER_SETTINGS="UNIT WEBSERVER HTTP_METHODS LITESPEED_SERIALNO MODSECURITY MODSECURITY_RULESET APACHE_VER APACHE_MPM MOD_RUID2 USERDIR_ACCESS HARDEN_SYMLINKS_PATCH USE_HOSTNAME_FOR_ALIAS REDIRECT_HOST REDIRECT_HOST_HTTPS" WEBAPPS_SETTINGS="PHPMYADMIN PHPMYADMIN_PUBLIC PHPMYADMIN_VER SQUIRRELMAIL ROUNDCUBE WEBAPPS_INBOX_PREFIX" MAIL_SETTINGS="EXIM EXIMCONF EXIMCONF_RELEASE BLOCKCRACKING EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER SPAMD SA_UPDATE DOVECOT DOVECOT_CONF MAIL_COMPRESS PIGEONHOLE" CLAMAV_SETTINGS="CLAMAV CLAMAV_EXIM MODSECURITY_UPLOADSCAN PROFTPD_UPLOADSCAN PUREFTPD_UPLOADSCAN SUHOSIN_PHP_UPLOADSCAN" FTP_SETTINGS="FTPD" STATS_SETTINGS="AWSTATS WEBALIZER" CUSTOMBUILD_SETTINGS="CUSTOMBUILD CUSTOMBUILD_PLUGIN AUTOVER BOLD CLEAN CLEANAPACHE CLEAN_OLD_TARBALLS CLEAN_OLD_WEBAPPS DOWNLOADSERVER UNOFFICIAL_MIRRORS" CRON_SETTINGS="CRON CRON_FREQUENCY EMAIL NOTIFICATIONS DA_AUTOUPDATE UPDATES WEBAPPS_UPDATES" CLOUDLINUX_SETTINGS="CLOUDLINUX CLOUDLINUX_BETA CAGEFS" ADVANCED_SETTINGS="AUTOCONF AUTOMAKE LIBTOOL CURL NEW_PCRE SSL_CONFIGURATION" PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_DESC="PHP Extension Settings" PHP_SETTINGS_DESC="PHP Settings" MYSQL_SETTINGS_DESC="MySQL Settings" WEBSERVER_SETTINGS_DESC="WEB Server Settings" WEBAPPS_SETTINGS_DESC="WEB Applications Settings" CLAMAV_SETTINGS_DESC="ClamAV-related Settings" MAIL_SETTINGS_DESC="Mail Settings" FTP_SETTINGS_DESC="FTP Settings" STATS_SETTINGS_DESC="Statistics Settings" CUSTOMBUILD_SETTINGS_DESC="CustomBuild Settings" CRON_SETTINGS_DESC="Cronjob Settings" CLOUDLINUX_SETTINGS_DESC="CloudLinux Settings" ADVANCED_SETTINGS_DESC="Advanced Settings" YESNO_SET="yes no" #OPTIONS.CONF PHP1_RELEASE_DEF="7.3" PHP1_MODE_SET="php-fpm fastcgi suphp lsphp mod_php" if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ] || [ -e ${DEBIAN_VERSION} ]; then PHP1_MODE_DEF="php-fpm" else if uname -a | grep -m1 -q '\.lve' || uname -a | grep -m1 -q 'el7h'; then PHP1_MODE_DEF="lsphp" elif [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "6" ] || [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "7" ]; then PHP1_MODE_DEF="mod_php" else PHP1_MODE_DEF="php-fpm" fi fi PHP1_RELEASE_DESC="Default version of PHP." PHP1_MODE_DESC="Mode of the default PHP version. lsphp is only compatible with LiteSpeed, OpenLiteSpeed WWW servers or CloudLinux+Apache. For nginx (not as a reverse proxy for apache) php-fpm must be chosen." PHP2_RELEASE_SET="${PHP1_RELEASE_SET} no" PHP2_RELEASE_DEF="no" PHP2_MODE_SET="php-fpm fastcgi suphp lsphp" PHP2_MODE_DEF="php-fpm" PHP2_RELEASE_DESC="Additional version of PHP." PHP2_MODE_DESC="Mode of the additional PHP version." PHP3_RELEASE_SET="${PHP2_RELEASE_SET}" PHP3_RELEASE_DEF="${PHP2_RELEASE_DEF}" PHP3_MODE_SET="${PHP2_MODE_SET}" PHP3_MODE_DEF="${PHP2_MODE_DEF}" PHP3_RELEASE_DESC="${PHP2_RELEASE_DESC}" PHP3_MODE_DESC="${PHP2_MODE_DESC}" PHP4_RELEASE_SET="${PHP2_RELEASE_SET}" PHP4_RELEASE_DEF="${PHP2_RELEASE_DEF}" PHP4_MODE_SET="${PHP2_MODE_SET}" PHP4_MODE_DEF="${PHP2_MODE_DEF}" PHP4_RELEASE_DESC="${PHP2_RELEASE_DESC}" PHP4_MODE_DESC="${PHP2_MODE_DESC}" SECURE_PHP_SET="${YESNO_SET}" SECURE_PHP_DEF="no" SECURE_PHP_DESC="Disable dangerous PHP functions." EOL_COMMENT="Not in active development anymore, thus not recommended." #php_extensions.conf things start with PHP_, but they're listed without PHP_ inside the file PHP_HTSCANNER_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_HTSCANNER_DEF="no" PHP_HTSCANNER_DESC="htscanner for Apache (allows to confige php in .htaccess files using PHP)." PHP_GMP_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_GMP_DEF="no" PHP_GMP_DESC="GMP extension for PHP." PHP_OPCACHE_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_OPCACHE_DEF="no" PHP_OPCACHE_DESC="opCache opcode cacher for PHP." PHP_IONCUBE_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_IONCUBE_DEF="no" PHP_IONCUBE_DESC="PHP loader for ionCube Secured Files." PHP_IMAGICK_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_IMAGICK_DEF="no" PHP_IMAGICK_DESC="ImageMagick extension for PHP." PHP_PSR_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_PSR_DEF="no" PHP_PSR_DESC="Psr extension for PHP." PHP_PHALCON_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_PHALCON_DEF="no" PHP_PHALCON_DESC="Phalcon extension for PHP." PHP_IMAP_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_IMAP_DEF="no" PHP_IMAP_DESC="IMAP extension for PHP." PHP_XMLRPC_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_XMLRPC_DEF="no" PHP_XMLRPC_DESC="XMLRPC extension for PHP." PHP_SNUFFLEUPAGUS_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_SNUFFLEUPAGUS_DEF="no" PHP_SNUFFLEUPAGUS_DESC="Snuffleupagus security module for php7." PHP_SUHOSIN_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_SUHOSIN_DEF="no" PHP_SUHOSIN_DESC="Suhosin advanced protection system for PHP. ${EOL_COMMENT}" PHP_ZEND_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_ZEND_DEF="no" PHP_ZEND_DESC="Zend Guard Loader is a free runtime application that enables PHP to run the scripts encoded by Zend Guard. ${EOL_COMMENT}" ###end of php_extensions.conf PHP_INI_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHP_INI_DEF="no" PHP_INI_DESC="Enables ability to update php.ini file of PHP (rewrites any customizations!)." PHP_TIMEZONE_SET="userinput" PHP_TIMEZONE_DEF="$(getTimezone)" PHP_TIMEZONE_DESC="date.timezone setting in php.ini file of PHP. https://www.php.net/manual/en/datetime.configuration.php#ini.date.timezone." PHP_INI_TYPE_SET="production development" PHP_INI_TYPE_DEF="production" PHP_INI_TYPE_DESC="Type of php.ini file. php.ini-development contains settings recommended for use in development environments. php.ini-production contains settings recommended for use in production environments." SUHOSIN_PHP_UPLOADSCAN_SET="${YESNO_SET}" SUHOSIN_PHP_UPLOADSCAN_DEF="no" SUHOSIN_PHP_UPLOADSCAN_DESC="Scan PHP uploaded scripts using suhosin upload verification script and ClamAV antivirus (clamdscan). ClamAV must be installed and suhosin option should be enabled for the setting to work." #OUTPUT AS x-mail-header X_MAIL_HEADER_SET="${YESNO_SET}" X_MAIL_HEADER_DEF="yes" X_MAIL_HEADER_DESC="mail.add_x_header setting in php.ini file of PHP. https://www.php.net/manual/en/mail.configuration.php#ini.mail.add-x-header" UNIT_SET="${YESNO_SET}" UNIT_DEF="no" UNIT_DESC="Nginx Unit. Dynamic Application Server. ALPHA support." WEBSERVER_SET="apache nginx nginx_apache litespeed openlitespeed" WEBSERVER_DEF="apache" WEBSERVER_DESC="WWW Server." HTTP_METHODS_SET="userinput" HTTP_METHODS_DEF="ALL" HTTP_METHODS_DESC="Allowed HTTP methods. Enabled with rewrite_confs or webserver update." LITESPEED_SERIALNO_SET="userinput" LITESPEED_SERIALNO_DEF="trial" LITESPEED_SERIALNO_DESC="Serial number of LiteSpeed Enterprise license." MODSECURITY_SET="${YESNO_SET}" MODSECURITY_DEF="no" MODSECURITY_DESC="ModSecurity - Web application firewall." MODSECURITY_RULESET_SET="comodo owasp no" MODSECURITY_RULESET_DEF="owasp" MODSECURITY_RULESET_DESC="ModSecurity rule set. Set to 'no' to use no ruleset. Comodo option provides Comodo Rule Set for ModSecurity: https://modsecurity.comodo.com/. OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:OWASP_ModSecurity_Core_Rule_Set_Project. Add custom rules to custom/modsecurity/conf, they'd be added automatically to /etc/modsecurity.d after './build modsecurity' or './build modsecurity_rules' is ran." APACHE_VER_SET="2.4" APACHE_VER_DEF="2.4" APACHE_VER_DESC="Apache version." APACHE_MPM_SET="prefork event worker auto" APACHE_MPM_DEF="auto" APACHE_MPM_DESC="Apache Multi-Processing Module. 'auto' mode sets MPM to be Prefork if PHP as mod_php is chosen, because this way PHP is not thread-safe. Otherwise Event MPM is set." USERDIR_ACCESS_SET="${YESNO_SET}" USERDIR_ACCESS_DEF="yes" USERDIR_ACCESS_DESC="Allows accessing contents of public_html using https://hostname/~user, if enabled." MOD_RUID2_SET="${YESNO_SET}" #mod_ruid2 segfaults on debian, centos8 if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ] || [ -e ${DEBIAN_VERSION} ]; then MOD_RUID2_DEF="no" else if uname -a | grep -m1 -q '\.lve' || uname -a | grep -m1 -q 'el7h'; then MOD_RUID2_DEF="no" elif [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "6" ] || [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "7" ]; then MOD_RUID2_DEF="yes" else MOD_RUID2_DEF="no" fi fi MOD_RUID2_DESC="mod_ruid2 is an Apache extension that allows requests to a domain to run as the owner of that domain, instead of the Apache user. Not supported on FreeBSD or Debian systems." #OUTPUT as harden-symlinks-patch HARDEN_SYMLINKS_PATCH_SET="${YESNO_SET}" HARDEN_SYMLINKS_PATCH_DEF="yes" HARDEN_SYMLINKS_PATCH_DESC="Patches apache to include hardened symlinks patch." USE_HOSTNAME_FOR_ALIAS_SET="${YESNO_SET} auto" USE_HOSTNAME_FOR_ALIAS_DEF="no" USE_HOSTNAME_FOR_ALIAS_DESC="Redirects WEB appplications addresses to server hostname. Useful with FastCGI mode of PHP ('auto' option enables it for FastCGI mode of PHP only)." REDIRECT_HOST_SET="userinput" REDIRECT_HOST_DEF="${HOSTNAME}" REDIRECT_HOST_DESC="Hostname used for use_hostname_for_alias setting." REDIRECT_HOST_HTTPS_SET="${YESNO_SET}" REDIRECT_HOST_HTTPS_DEF="no" REDIRECT_HOST_HTTPS_DESC="Enables SSL redirection for use_hostname_for_alias setting." MYSQL_INST_SET="mysql mariadb no" if [ -e /root/.skip_mysql_install ]; then MYSQL_INST_DEF="no" elif [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "8" ]; then MYSQL_INST_DEF="mariadb" else MYSQL_INST_DEF="mysql" fi MYSQL_INST_DESC="Enables management of MySQL/MariaDB using CustomBuild." MYSQL_DESC="MySQL version." MARIADB_DESC="MariaDB version." MYSQL_BACKUP_SET="${YESNO_SET}" MYSQL_BACKUP_DEF="yes" MYSQL_BACKUP_DESC="Backups MySQL databases before the installation of MySQL/MariaDB server." MYSQL_BACKUP_GZIP_SET="${YESNO_SET}" MYSQL_BACKUP_GZIP_DEF="no" MYSQL_BACKUP_GZIP_DESC="Compress MySQL database backups." MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR_SET="userinput" MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR_DEF="/usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/mysql_backups" MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR_DESC="Sets full path for mysql_backup option were MySQL backups should be placed." MYSQL_FORCE_COMPILE_SET="${YESNO_SET}" MYSQL_FORCE_COMPILE_DEF="no" MYSQL_FORCE_COMPILE_DESC="Force compilation of MySQL/MariaDB instead of using system packages (RPM, DEB)" PHPMYADMIN_SET="${YESNO_SET}" if [ -e /root/.skip_mysql_install ]; then PHPMYADMIN_DEF="no" else PHPMYADMIN_DEF="yes" fi PHPMYADMIN_DESC="Enables management of phpMyAdmin (Web application to manage MySQL databases) using CustomBuild." PHPMYADMIN_PUBLIC_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PHPMYADMIN_PUBLIC_DEF="yes" PHPMYADMIN_PUBLIC_DESC="Makes phpMyAdmin accessible over /phpMyAdmin/ for everyone, if set to 'yes'. Setting this option to 'no' would make it available only from DirectAdmin (single-sign-on)." PHPMYADMIN_VER_SET="3 4 5" PHPMYADMIN_VER_DEF="5" PHPMYADMIN_VER_DESC="Selects the version of phpMyAdmin to install. Takes effect only when phpmyadmin option is enabled." SQUIRRELMAIL_SET="${YESNO_SET}" SQUIRRELMAIL_DEF="no" SQUIRRELMAIL_DESC="Enables management of SquirrelMail webmail using CustomBuild." ROUNDCUBE_SET="${YESNO_SET}" if [ -e /root/.skip_mysql_install ]; then ROUNDCUBE_DEF="no" else ROUNDCUBE_DEF="yes" fi ROUNDCUBE_DESC="Enables management of RoundCube webmail using CustomBuild." WEBAPPS_INBOX_PREFIX_SET="${YESNO_SET}" WEBAPPS_INBOX_PREFIX_DEF="no" WEBAPPS_INBOX_PREFIX_DESC="Adds INBOX. prefix to all of the mailbox folders in SquirrelMail/RoundCube (like: INBOX.Sent instead of just Sent)" EXIM_SET="${YESNO_SET}" EXIM_DEF="yes" EXIM_DESC="Enables management of Exim MTA (Mail Transfer Agent) using CustomBuild." EXIMCONF_SET="${YESNO_SET}" EXIMCONF_DEF="yes" EXIMCONF_DESC="Enables ability to update exim.conf and exim.pl files of Exim MTA (rewrites any customizations!)." EXIMCONF_RELEASE_SET="2.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5" EXIMCONF_RELEASE_DEF="4.5" EXIMCONF_RELEASE_DESC="Sets appopriate version of exim.conf to update." BLOCKCRACKING_SET="${YESNO_SET}" BLOCKCRACKING_DEF="no" BLOCKCRACKING_DESC="Enables BlockCracking in exim.conf for outgoing spam mitigation. Requires exim configuration version 4.3 or higher. More information: https://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php?t=50059." EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER_SET="${YESNO_SET}" EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER_DEF="no" EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER_DESC="Enables Easy Spam Figher in exim.conf for incoming spam mitigation. Requires exim configuration version 4.3 or higher. More information: https://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php?t=50059." CLAMAV_SET="${YESNO_SET}" CLAMAV_DEF="no" CLAMAV_DESC="Enables management of ClamAV antivirus engine using CustomBuild. Enables ClamAV automatically in Exim configuration." CLAMAV_EXIM_SET="${YESNO_SET}" CLAMAV_EXIM_DEF="yes" CLAMAV_EXIM_DESC="Enables ClamAV automatically in Exim configuration together with the installation of ClamAV." SPAMD_SET="rspamd spamassassin no" SPAMD_DEF="no" SPAMD_DESC="Enables management of Rspamd or SpamAssassin spam filters using CustomBuild. Enables Rspamd or SpamAssassin automatically in Exim configuration." SA_UPDATE_SET="no daily weekly monthly" SA_UPDATE_DEF="daily" SA_UPDATE_DESC="Installs a cronjob for sa-update to update SpamAssassin Spam Filter Rules daily, weekly or monthly using CustomBuild. Takes effect only if SpamAssassin is enabled on the server, at the installation time of SpamAssassin, CustomBuild cronjob or 'spamassassin_cron' call." DOVECOT_SET="${YESNO_SET}" DOVECOT_DEF="yes" DOVECOT_DESC="Enables management of Dovecot IMAP and POP3 email server using CustomBuild." DOVECOT_CONF_SET="${YESNO_SET}" DOVECOT_CONF_DEF="yes" DOVECOT_CONF_DESC="Enables management of Dovecot configuration files using CustomBuild." PIGEONHOLE_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PIGEONHOLE_DEF="yes" PIGEONHOLE_DESC="Enables management of Pigeonhole (enables Sieve language and the ManageSieve protocol, allows users to configure email filtering in their email clients) for Dovecot IMAP and POP3 email server using CustomBuild. When this setting is enabled, Pigeonhole is enabled with update/installation of Dovecot. RoundCube plugin to manage email filtering is enabled with update/installation of RoundCube." MAIL_COMPRESS_SET="${YESNO_SET}" MAIL_COMPRESS_DEF="no" MAIL_COMPRESS_DESC="Enables gzip compression for new emails (using zlib in dovecot). Compressed emails take less space (when testing, compressed mail folders took ~20% of their initial disk space). To compress old emails manual action is needed (script to automate the process: dovecot_compress.sh)." AWSTATS_SET="${YESNO_SET}" AWSTATS_DEF="no" AWSTATS_DESC="Enables management of AWstats (generates advanced web server statistics graphically) using CustomBuild." WEBALIZER_SET="${YESNO_SET}" WEBALIZER_DEF="yes" WEBALIZER_DESC="Enables management of Webalizer (generates advanced web server statistics graphically) using CustomBuild." MODSECURITY_UPLOADSCAN_SET="${YESNO_SET}" MODSECURITY_UPLOADSCAN_DEF="no" MODSECURITY_UPLOADSCAN_DESC="Scan HTTP uploaded files using ClamAV, when ModSecurity is enabled. ClamAV needs to be installed for this setting to work." FTPD_SET="proftpd pureftpd no" FTPD_DEF="pureftpd" FTPD_DESC="FTP Server." PUREFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PUREFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_DEF="no" PUREFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_DESC="Scan FTP uploaded files in Pure-FTPd using ClamAV. ClamAV needs to be installed for this setting to work." PROFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_SET="${YESNO_SET}" PROFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_DEF="no" PROFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_DESC="Scan FTP uploaded files in ProFTPd using ClamAV. ClamAV needs to be installed for this setting to work." AUTOCONF_SET="${YESNO_SET}" AUTOCONF_DEF="yes" AUTOCONF_DESC="Enables management of Autoconf (package for generating configure scripts) using CustomBuild." AUTOMAKE_SET="${YESNO_SET}" AUTOMAKE_DEF="yes" AUTOMAKE_DESC="Enables management of Automake (tool for automatically generating Makefile.in files) using CustomBuild." LIBTOOL_SET="${YESNO_SET}" LIBTOOL_DEF="yes" LIBTOOL_DESC="Enables management of Libtool (generic library support script) using CustomBuild." CURL_SET="${YESNO_SET}" CURL_DEF="yes" CURL_DESC="Enables management of cURL (library and command-line tool for transferring data using various protocols) using CustomBuild." SSL_CONFIGURATION_SET="modern intermediate old" SSL_CONFIGURATION_DEF="intermediate" SSL_CONFIGURATION_DESC="Auto-generated SSL ciphers/protocol list used in configuration, based on https://ssl-config.mozilla.org/." NEW_PCRE_SET="${YESNO_SET}" NEW_PCRE_DEF="yes" NEW_PCRE_DESC="Enables latest version of pcre to be compiled using CustomBuild." CUSTOMBUILD_SET="1.1 1.2 2.0" CUSTOMBUILD_DEF="2.0" CUSTOMBUILD_DESC="CustomBuild version to be used. WARNING: not recommended to change the setting without deep knowledge about upgrade/downgrade of the CustomBuild script." CUSTOMBUILD_PLUGIN_SET="${YESNO_SET}" CUSTOMBUILD_PLUGIN_DEF="yes" CUSTOMBUILD_PLUGIN_DESC="CustomBuild plugin, shown in DirectAdmin admin level." AUTOVER_SET="${YESNO_SET}" AUTOVER_DEF="no" AUTOVER_DESC="Updates versions.txt file (latest versions of the packages are listed there) with every execution of the CustomBuild script." BOLD_SET="${YESNO_SET}" BOLD_DEF="yes" BOLD_DESC="Enables bold effect for important output in terminal." CLEAN_SET="${YESNO_SET}" CLEAN_DEF="yes" CLEAN_DESC="Cleans not needed folders in the CustomBuild directory. Folders are often left from the previous packge installations." CLEANAPACHE_SET="${YESNO_SET}" CLEANAPACHE_DEF="yes" CLEANAPACHE_DESC="Removes Apache directory when the installation is finished. Takes effect only when 'clean' option is enabled." CLEAN_OLD_TARBALLS_SET="${YESNO_SET}" CLEAN_OLD_TARBALLS_DEF="yes" CLEAN_OLD_TARBALLS_DESC="Removes tarballs of old (unused) packages." CLEAN_OLD_WEBAPPS_SET="${YESNO_SET}" CLEAN_OLD_WEBAPPS_DEF="yes" CLEAN_OLD_WEBAPPS_DESC="Removes old WEB application folders from /var/www/html. Takes effect when any WEB application is installed/updated." DOWNLOADSERVER_SET="" if [ -s ${WORKDIR}/servers.txt ]; then DOWNLOADSERVER_SET=" `awk '{ printf "%s ", $0 }' ${WORKDIR}/servers.txt`" fi DOWNLOADSERVER_DEF="" DOWNLOADSERVER_DESC="Sets which download server to use to download files needed by the CustomBuild script. Any other server than ${DOWNLOADSERVER_DEF} may take 24 hours for latest files to be synced, however they may have better speeds than ${DOWNLOADSERVER_DEF}." UNOFFICIAL_MIRRORS_SET="${YESNO_SET}" UNOFFICIAL_MIRRORS_DEF="no" UNOFFICIAL_MIRRORS_DESC="Enables the use of unofficial mirror. DirectAdmin is not responsible for the content hosted there. Not recommended to use." CRON_SET="${YESNO_SET}" CRON_DEF="yes" CRON_DESC="Enables cronjob for CustomBuild scheduled jobs set." CRON_FREQUENCY_SET="daily weekly monthly" CRON_FREQUENCY_DEF="daily" CRON_FREQUENCY_DESC="Sets the execution frequency of the Cronjob (scheduled jobs). Takes effect only when the 'cron' option is enabled." EMAIL_SET="userinput" EMAIL_DEF="email@domain.com" EMAIL_DESC="Sets the email for notifications about the updates available. Takes effect only when 'cron' and 'notifications' options are enabled." NOTIFICATIONS_SET="${YESNO_SET}" NOTIFICATIONS_DEF="no" NOTIFICATIONS_DESC="Sets the email for notifications about the updates available. Takes effect only when 'cron' option is enabled." DA_AUTOUPDATE_SET="${YESNO_SET}" DA_AUTOUPDATE_DEF="no" DA_AUTOUPDATE_DESC="Sets DirectAdmin to be updated automatically when the Cronjob is executed. Takes effect only when 'cron' option is enabled." UPDATES_SET="${YESNO_SET}" UPDATES_DEF="no" UPDATES_DESC="Enables automatic updates of all available to update packages managed by the CustomBuild script. Takes effect only when 'cron' option is enabled. WARNING: not recommended in production!" WEBAPPS_UPDATES_SET="${YESNO_SET}" WEBAPPS_UPDATES_DEF="no" WEBAPPS_UPDATES_DESC="Enables automatic updates of all WEB applications enabled. Takes effect only when 'cron' option is enabled." CLOUDLINUX_SET="${YESNO_SET}" if uname -a | grep -m1 -q '\.lve' || uname -a | grep -m1 -q 'el7h'; then CLOUDLINUX_DEF="yes" else CLOUDLINUX_DEF="no" fi CLOUDLINUX_DESC="Enables CloudLinux support in the CustomBuild script (automatic patching using CloudLinux patches for specific components). NOTE: CloudLinux needs to be installed on the system. https://www.cloudlinux.com." CLOUDLINUX_BETA_SET="${YESNO_SET}" CLOUDLINUX_BETA_DEF="no" CLOUDLINUX_BETA_DESC="Enables BETA repository for CloudLinux packages. NOTE: CloudLinux needs to be installed on the system. https://www.cloudlinux.com." CAGEFS_SET="${YESNO_SET}" if [ -x /usr/sbin/cagefsctl ]; then CAGEFS_DEF="yes" else CAGEFS_DEF="no" fi CAGEFS_DESC="Enables support of CageFS component by CloudLinux in the CustomBuild script (automatic updating of files in CageFS using 'cagefsctl --force-update'). NOTE: CloudLinux needs to be installed on the system. https://www.cloudlinux.com." fi ################################################# showVersion() { echo "${BUILDSCRIPT_VER} (rev: 2549)" } if [ ! -d ${WORKDIR}/patches ]; then mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/patches chmod 700 ${WORKDIR}/patches fi doCSFpignore() { if [ "${OS}" != "FreeBSD" ]; then CSF_PIGNORE="/etc/csf/csf.pignore" CSF_PIGNORE_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/configure/csf.pignore" if [ -s ${WORKDIR}/custom/csf.pignore ]; then CSF_PIGNORE_SOURCE="${WORKDIR}/custom/csf.pignore" fi if [ -s ${CSF_PIGNORE} ] && [ -s ${CSF_PIGNORE_SOURCE} ]; then #very nice&quick way to add missing lines in destination file grep -x -f ${CSF_PIGNORE_SOURCE} ${CSF_PIGNORE} | awk 'FNR==NR{a[$0]; next} !($0 in a)' - ${CSF_PIGNORE_SOURCE} >> ${CSF_PIGNORE} #if file has been edited - restart lfd (suppress errors/warnings, as it could be disabled) find ${CSF_PIGNORE} -mmin -1 -type f -print -exec csf --lfd restart 2>&1 >/dev/null \; fi fi } initLogfile() { LOG_IP=localhost if [ `who | wc -l` -gt 0 ]; then if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then LOG_IP=`env | grep -m1 "REMOTEHOST" | cut -d= -f2` else LOG_IP=`echo $SSH_CLIENT | cut -d' ' -f1` fi fi if [ ! -e ${LOGFILE} ]; then touch ${LOGFILE} chmod 600 ${LOGFILE} else if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then LOGSIZE=`stat -f %z ${LOGFILE}` else LOGSIZE=`stat -c %s ${LOGFILE}` fi #Rotate the logfile if the filesize is >10MB if [ ${LOGSIZE} -gt 10485760 ]; then rm -f ${LOGFILE}.1 mv ${LOGFILE} ${LOGFILE}.1 touch ${LOGFILE} chmod 600 ${LOGFILE} fi fi } if uname -m | grep -qE -m1 'amd64|x86_64'; then B64=1 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/apache:/usr/local/icu/lib:/usr/local/lib64:/usr/local/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/lib:/lib64:/lib export LD_LIBRARY_PATH PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/icu/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig:/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig export PKG_CONFIG_PATH if [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "6" ]; then export KERBEROS_LIBS="-L/usr/lib64 -lkrb5 -lk5crypto -lgssapi_krb5" export KERBEROS_CFLAGS="-I/usr/include" export ONIG_LIBS="-L/usr/lib64 -lonig" export ONIG_CFLAGS="-I/usr/include" fi fi if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then CPU_CORES=`/sbin/sysctl hw.ncpu | cut -d\ -f2` MEMORY=`/sbin/sysctl hw.realmem | cut -d\ -f2` PROFTPD_PREFIX=/usr/local else if [ "`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -F 'model name' | wc -l`" -gt 0 ]; then CPU_CORES="`cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep -F 'model name' | wc -l`" fi MEMORY=`grep -m1 'MemTotal' /proc/meminfo | awk '{print $2}'` fi #Avoid OOM by making CB not cross-compile on boxes with low amount of memory if [ ! -z "${MEMORY}" ]; then if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then if [ ${MEMORY} -lt 2147483648 ]; then CPU_CORES=1 fi elif [ ${MEMORY} -lt 2097152 ]; then CPU_CORES=1 fi fi #check path for /usr/local/bin if ! echo "${PATH}" | grep -qF -m1 '/usr/local/bin:'; then export PATH=/usr/local/bin:$PATH fi #check PKG_CONFIG_PATH for /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig if ! echo "${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}" | grep -qF -m1 '/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:'; then export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig:${PKG_CONFIG_PATH} fi # Main variables HTTPDDIR=/etc/httpd HTTPDCONF=/etc/httpd/conf HTTPD_CONF=${HTTPDCONF}/httpd.conf PHPMODULES=${HTTPDCONF}/extra/httpd-phpmodules.conf NGINXCONF=/etc/nginx WWWDIR=/var/www/html DACONF_FILE=/usr/local/directadmin/conf/directadmin.conf DACONF_TEMPLATE_FILE=/usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/directadmin.conf DA_MY_CNF=/usr/local/directadmin/conf/my.cnf SERVICES=/usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/services.status TASK_QUEUE=/usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue.cb DOVECOT_CONFIG=/etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf SKIP_CMD_OPTIONS=0 skip_cmd_toggle() { SKIP_CMD_OPTIONS=1 } case "$1" in "") skip_cmd_toggle ;; opt_help) skip_cmd_toggle ;; set) skip_cmd_toggle ;; set_php) skip_cmd_toggle ;; get_versions_txt) skip_cmd_toggle ;; update_script) skip_cmd_toggle ;; version) skip_cmd_toggle ;; kill) skip_cmd_toggle ;; update_da) skip_cmd_toggle ;; list_configs_json) skip_cmd_toggle ;; settings_json) skip_cmd_toggle ;; get_timezone) skip_cmd_toggle ;; custom_config) skip_cmd_toggle ;; set_versions_txt) skip_cmd_toggle ;; show_component_config) skip_cmd_toggle ;; remove_customized_config) skip_cmd_toggle ;; show_file) skip_cmd_toggle ;; check_options) skip_cmd_toggle ;; update) skip_cmd_toggle ;; update_data) skip_cmd_toggle ;; gen_help_json) skip_cmd_toggle ;; versions_json) skip_cmd_toggle ;; versions_ajax) skip_cmd_toggle ;; versions_nobold) skip_cmd_toggle ;; versions) skip_cmd_toggle ;; gen_help) skip_cmd_toggle ;; list_removals) skip_cmd_toggle ;; list_removals_json) skip_cmd_toggle ;; remove_items) skip_cmd_toggle ;; esac IPV6=0 if [ "${SKIP_CMD_OPTIONS}" = "0" ]; then if [ -e ${DA_BIN} ]; then IPV6=`${DA_BIN} c | grep -m1 '^ipv6=' | cut -d= -f2` fi fi CWD=${WORKDIR} FORCE=0 HIDE_CHANGES=0 # Applications variables APPUSER=webapps APPGROUP=${APPUSER} APP_TMP=/var/www/tmp STRINGS=/usr/bin/strings MYSQL_DATA=/var/lib/mysql if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then if [ ! -d /var/lib/mysql/mysql ]; then MYSQL_DATA=/home/mysql fi MYSQL_BIN=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql else if [ -e /etc/debian_version ]; then if [ ! -d /var/lib/mysql/mysql ] && [ -d /home/mysql ]; then MYSQL_DATA=/home/mysql fi MYSQL_BIN=/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql else MYSQL_BIN=/usr/bin/mysql fi fi #Check if mysql database exists if [ -d ${MYSQL_DATA}/mysql ]; then SQL_PATH_IS_EMPTY=false else SQL_PATH_IS_EMPTY=true fi if [ "${SKIP_CMD_OPTIONS}" = "0" ]; then WGET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT="`wget --help | grep -c '\-\-read\-timeout'`" if [ "${WGET_CONNECT_TIMEOUT}" -gt 0 ]; then WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS="--connect-timeout=5 --read-timeout=10 --tries=3" else WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS="--timeout=10" fi fi WGET_HTTPS_OPTIONS="--no-check-certificate" MARIADB_DEF="10.4" MYSQL_DEF="5.7" if [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "8" ]; then #We don't have RPMs for EL8 of older versions in our mirrors MARIADB_SET="10.3 10.4 10.5" MYSQL_SET="8.0" MYSQL_DEF="8.0" else if [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "6" ]; then #no 10.5 on centos6 MARIADB_SET="5.5 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4" else MARIADB_SET="5.5 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5" fi MYSQL_SET="5.5 5.6 5.7 8.0" fi # Check if workdir exists if [ ! -d ${WORKDIR} ]; then do_exit 1 "Directory ${WORKDIR} does not exist." fi file_mtime="stat --format=%Y" if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then file_mtime="stat -f %m" fi set_LoadModule() { # Add to httpd-phpmodules.conf MODULE_NAME=$1 MODULE_FILENAME=$2 MODULE_FULLPATH=/usr/lib/apache/${MODULE_FILENAME} if ! grep -m1 -q " ${MODULE_NAME} " ${PHPMODULES} && [ -e ${MODULE_FULLPATH} ]; then echo "LoadModule ${MODULE_NAME} /usr/lib/apache/${MODULE_FILENAME}" >> ${PHPMODULES} fi perl -pi -e "s|^LoadModule ${MODULE_NAME}|#LoadModule ${MODULE_NAME}|g" /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf } ensure_my_cnf() { #1 = path to cnf #2 = user #3 = pass #4 = optional source file to compare with. update 1 if 4 is newer. # host will be on the command line, as that's how DA already does it. E_MY_CNF=$1 E_MY_CNF_DIR="`dirname ${E_MY_CNF}`" if [ ! -d ${E_MY_CNF_DIR} ]; then mkdir -p ${E_MY_CNF_DIR} fi W=0 if [ ! -s ${E_MY_CNF} ]; then W=1 fi if [ "${W}" = "0" ] && [ "${4}" != "" ]; then if [ ! -s $4 ]; then if [ -d "${MYSQL_DATA}" ]; then echo "ensure_my_cnf: cannot find $4" fi W=1 else MY_CNF_T=`${file_mtime} ${E_MY_CNF}` SRC_CNF_T=`${file_mtime} ${4}` if [ "${MY_CNF_T}" -lt "${SRC_CNF_T}" ]; then echo "Found outdated ${E_MY_CNF}. Rewriting from ${4}" W=1 fi fi fi if [ "${W}" = "1" ]; then echo '[client]' > ${E_MY_CNF} chmod 600 ${E_MY_CNF} echo "user=${2}" >> ${E_MY_CNF} echo "password=${3}" >> ${E_MY_CNF} fi } csf_enable_quic() { if [ -s /etc/csf/csf.conf ]; then CSFRESTART=false if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP_IN = ".*443' /etc/csf/csf.conf && grep -m1 -q '^TCP_IN = ".*443' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP_IN = ""' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then perl -pi -e 's|^UDP_IN \= "|UDP_IN = "443,|g' /etc/csf/csf.conf CSFRESTART=true fi fi if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP_OUT = ".*443' /etc/csf/csf.conf && grep -m1 -q '^TCP_OUT = ".*443' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP6_IN = ""' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then perl -pi -e 's|^UDP_OUT \= "|UDP_OUT = "443,|g' /etc/csf/csf.conf CSFRESTART=true fi fi if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP6_IN = ".*443' /etc/csf/csf.conf && grep -m1 -q '^TCP6_IN = ".*443' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP6_IN = ""' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then perl -pi -e 's|^UDP6_IN \= "|UDP6_IN = "443,|g' /etc/csf/csf.conf CSFRESTART=true fi fi if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP6_OUT = ".*443' /etc/csf/csf.conf && grep -m1 -q '^TCP6_OUT = ".*443' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP6_OUT = ""' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then perl -pi -e 's|^UDP6_OUT \= "|UDP6_OUT = "443,|g' /etc/csf/csf.conf CSFRESTART=true fi fi if ${CSFRESTART} && csf --status 2&>1 >/dev/null; then echo "Opened UDP ports for QUIC in CSF, restarting CSF..." /usr/sbin/csf -r 2&>1 >/dev/null fi fi } csf_enable_rspamd() { if [ -s /etc/csf/csf.conf ]; then CSFRESTART=false if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP_OUT = ".*11335' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP6_IN = ""' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then perl -pi -e 's|^UDP_OUT \= "|UDP_OUT = "11335,|g' /etc/csf/csf.conf CSFRESTART=true fi fi if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP6_OUT = ".*11335' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then if ! grep -m1 -q '^UDP6_OUT = ""' /etc/csf/csf.conf; then perl -pi -e 's|^UDP6_OUT \= "|UDP6_OUT = "11335,|g' /etc/csf/csf.conf CSFRESTART=true fi fi if ${CSFRESTART} && csf --status 2&>1 >/dev/null; then echo "Opened UDP ports for Rspamd in CSF, restarting CSF..." /usr/sbin/csf -r 2&>1 >/dev/null fi fi } create_global_modsecurity_rules() { if [ ! -e /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/modsecurity_rules ]; then touch /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/modsecurity_rules chmod 600 /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/modsecurity_rules chown diradmin:diradmin /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/modsecurity_rules fi } initMySQL() { if [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" = "8.0" ] && [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mysql" ]; then SKIP_MYSQL_UPGRADE=true else SKIP_MYSQL_UPGRADE=false fi #MySQL settings DA_MYSQL=/usr/local/directadmin/conf/mysql.conf if [ -s ${DA_MYSQL} ]; then MYSQLUSER=`grep -m1 "^user=" ${DA_MYSQL} | cut -d= -f2` MYSQLPASSWORD=`grep -m1 "^passwd=" ${DA_MYSQL} | cut -d= -f2` else MYSQLUSER='da_admin' MYSQLPASSWORD='nothing' fi if [ -s $DA_MYSQL ] && [ `grep -m1 -c -e "^host=" ${DA_MYSQL}` -gt "0" ]; then MYSQLHOST=`grep -m1 "^host=" ${DA_MYSQL} | cut -d= -f2` else MYSQLHOST=localhost fi #Where connections to mysql are from. Usualy the server IP, unless on a LAN. MYSQL_ACCESS_HOST=localhost if [ "$MYSQLHOST" != "localhost" ]; then MYSQL_ACCESS_HOST="`grep -r -l -m1 '^status=server$' /usr/local/directadmin/data/admin/ips | cut -d/ -f8`" if [ "${MYSQL_ACCESS_HOST}" = "" ]; then MYSQL_ACCESS_HOST="`grep -im1 ${HOSTNAME} /etc/hosts | awk '{print $1}'`" if [ "${MYSQL_ACCESS_HOST}" = "" ]; then if [ -s ${WORKDIR}/scripts/setup.txt ]; then MYSQL_ACCESS_HOST=`cat ${WORKDIR}/scripts/setup.txt | grep -m1 -e '^ip=' | cut -d= -f2` fi if [ "${MYSQL_ACCESS_HOST}" = "" ]; then echo "Unable to detect your server IP in /etc/hosts. Please enter it: " read MYSQL_ACCESS_HOST fi fi fi fi ensure_my_cnf ${DA_MY_CNF} "${MYSQLUSER}" "${MYSQLPASSWORD}" "${DA_MYSQL}" chown diradmin:diradmin ${DA_MY_CNF} } allSettings_options() { for section in $ALL_SECTIONS; do DESC=${section}_DESC echo "#$(eval_var ${DESC})" COUNT="0" if [ ${section} = "PHP_EXT_SETTINGS" ]; then continue fi for setting in $(eval_var ${section}); do SETTING_NAME=`echo $setting | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"` POSSIBLE_VALUES_VAR=${setting}_SET POSSIBLE_VALUES="`echo $(eval_var ${POSSIBLE_VALUES_VAR}) | awk -v OFS=", " '$1=$1'`" DEFAULT_VALUE=${setting}_DEF CURRENT_VALUE=${setting}_OPT echo "${SETTING_NAME}=$(eval_var ${DEFAULT_VALUE})" COUNT="1" done if [ "${COUNT}" = "1" ]; then echo "" fi done echo '#PHP extensions can be found in php_extensions.conf' } allSettings_php_extensions() { echo "#PHP Extension Settings" for setting in $(eval_var ${PHP_EXT_SETTINGS}); do SETTING_NAME=`echo $setting | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"` POSSIBLE_VALUES_VAR=PHP_${setting}_SET POSSIBLE_VALUES="`echo $(eval_var ${POSSIBLE_VALUES_VAR}) | awk -v OFS=", " '$1=$1'`" DEFAULT_VALUE=PHP_${setting}_DEF CURRENT_VALUE=PHP_${setting}_OPT echo "${SETTING_NAME}=$(eval_var ${DEFAULT_VALUE})" done } # Write options.conf if [ "${OPTIONS_CONF_EXISTS}" = "0" ]; then echo "Cannot find ${OPTIONS_CONF}, writing defaults." allSettings_options > ${OPTIONS_CONF} allSettings_php_extensions > ${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF} fi # Write php_extensions.conf exists if [ ! -s "${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF}" ] && [ -s "${OPTIONS_CONF}" ]; then for option in `echo "${PHP_EXT_SETTINGS}" | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]'`; do { if grep -m1 -q "^${option}=" "${OPTIONS_CONF}"; then grep -m1 "^${option}=" "${OPTIONS_CONF}" >> ${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF} sed -i "/^${option}=/d" "${OPTIONS_CONF}" fi } done fi # Check if options.conf exists if [ -s ${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF} ]; then #Read php_extensions.conf as 'source' PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF_SOURCE=`grep -o '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*=[^;<>\ ]*' ${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF} | perl -p -e 's|^|php_|g'` eval ${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF_SOURCE} fi # Check if options.conf exists if [ ! -e ${OPTIONS_CONF} ]; then do_exit 1 "Options file options.conf does not exist." else #Read options.conf as 'source' OPTIONS_CONF_SOURCE=`grep -o '^[a-zA-Z0-9_]*=[^;<>\ ]*' ${OPTIONS_CONF}` eval ${OPTIONS_CONF_SOURCE} fi # init.d scripts if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then INITDDIR=/usr/local/etc/rc.d else INITDDIR=/etc/init.d fi #################################################### run_dataskq() { DATASKQ_OPT=$1 if [ -s ${DACONF_FILE} ]; then /usr/local/directadmin/dataskq ${DATASKQ_OPT} --custombuild fi } cagefsctl_update() { if [ "${CAGEFS_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ -e /usr/sbin/cagefsctl ]; then echo "CageFS: Executing 'cagefsctl --force-update'..." if [ -e /usr/bin/ionice ]; then /usr/bin/ionice -c3 /usr/sbin/cagefsctl --force-update else /usr/sbin/cagefsctl --force-update fi cagefsctl --remount-all fi } writeLog() { initLogfile echo "`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'` ${LOG_IP}: $@" >> ${LOGFILE} } get_line_from_file() { #$1 is any part of the name, make sure it wouldn't have duplicates, as it'd select only the first instance of the match #$2 is full path to txt file if [ ! -s $2 ]; then do_exit 1 "$2 does not exist." fi if grep -m1 -q "^$1" $2; then RESULT="`grep -m1 \"^$1\" ${WORKDIR}/$2`" else RESULT="" fi echo "${RESULT}" } EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM=false if [ -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} ]; then EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM=true fi getVer() { APEEND=`echo ${1} | awk '{gsub(/\./,"_",$1);gsub(/-/,"_",$1);print $1;}'` RESULT=$(eval_var VERSIONS_TXT_${APEEND}) if [ "${RESULT}" = "" ]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: version of $1 not found in versions.txt!" RESULT="0" fi echo "${RESULT}" } getMD5() { if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 3` else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi if [ "${RESULT}" = "" ]; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${PATCHES_VERSIONS_FILE} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi echo "${RESULT}" } do_exit() { if [ "$2" != "" ]; then echo "$2" fi removeLockfile exit $1 } getDA_Opt() { #$1 is option name #$2 is default value if [ ! -s ${DACONF_FILE} ]; then echo $2 return fi if ! ${DA_BIN} c | grep -m1 -q -e "^$1="; then echo $2 return fi ${DA_BIN} c | grep -m1 "^$1=" | cut -d= -f2 } getPhpOpt() { #$1 is option name #$2 is default value FULL_VARIABLE=php_$1 GET_OPTION="$(eval_var ${FULL_VARIABLE})" if [ "${GET_OPTION}" = "" ]; then if grep -m1 -q "^${1}=" "${OPTIONS_CONF}"; then grep -m1 "^${1}=" "${OPTIONS_CONF}" >> ${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF} sed -i "/^${1}=/d" "${OPTIONS_CONF}" GET_OPTION=`grep -m1 "^${1}=" "${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF}" | cut -d= -f2` eval `echo "${FULL_VARIABLE}=${2}"` else echo "$1=$2" >> ${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF} GET_OPTION="${2}" eval `echo "${FULL_VARIABLE}=${2}"` fi fi echo ${GET_OPTION} } getOpt() { #$1 is option name #$2 is default value GET_OPTION="$(eval_var $1)" if [ "${GET_OPTION}" = "" ]; then echo "$1=$2" >> ${OPTIONS_CONF} GET_OPTION="${2}" eval `echo "${1}=${2}"` fi echo ${GET_OPTION} } #eg, CentOS 6.7 returns 6 da_os_major_version() { /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin o | grep 'Compiled on' | head -n1 | cut -d. -f1 | awk '{print $4}' } os_license_mismatch() { DA_OS_NAME=`/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin o | grep 'Compiled on' | head -n1 | awk '{print $3}' | cut -d\' -f2` DA_MAJOR_OS_VER=`da_os_major_version` if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then if [ "${DA_OS_NAME}" != "FreeBSD" ]; then echo "${boldon}Your license OS (${DA_OS_NAME}) does not match the OS installed (FreeBSD).${boldoff}" fi elif [ -e ${DEBIAN_VERSION} ] && [ "${DA_OS_NAME}" != "Linux" ]; then if [ "${OS_DEBIAN_VER}" != "${DA_MAJOR_OS_VER}" ] || [ "${DA_OS_NAME}" != "Debian" ]; then # Hiding the warning on ubuntu if ! gcc --version | grep -m1 -q 'ubuntu'; then echo "${boldon}Your license OS (${DA_OS_NAME} ${DA_MAJOR_OS_VER}) does not match the OS installed (Debian ${OS_DEBIAN_VER}).${boldoff}" fi fi elif [ "${DA_OS_NAME}" != "Linux" ]; then if [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" != "${DA_MAJOR_OS_VER}" ] || [ "${DA_OS_NAME}" != "CentOS" ]; then echo "${boldon}Your license OS (${DA_OS_NAME} ${DA_MAJOR_OS_VER}) does not match the OS installed (CentOS ${OS_CENTOS_VER}).${boldoff}" fi fi } have_php_system() { #Checks to see if we can use system() based on the disable_functions if [ ! -s "${PHP_INI}" ]; then echo 1 return fi C=`grep -m1 -c ^disable_functions ${PHP_INI}` if [ "${C}" -eq 0 ]; then echo 1 return fi C=`grep -m1 ^disable_functions ${PHP_INI} | grep -m1 -c system` if [ "${C}" -eq 1 ]; then echo 0 return fi echo 1 return } secure_phpini() { if [ -e $1 ]; then if grep -m1 -q -e disable_functions $1; then CURRENT_DISABLE_FUNCT="`grep -m1 'disable_functions' $1`" if [ -s ${WORKDIR}/custom/php_disable_functions ]; then NEW_DISABLE_FUNCT="`head -n1 ${WORKDIR}/custom/php_disable_functions`" else NEW_DISABLE_FUNCT="exec,system,passthru,shell_exec,proc_close,proc_open,dl,popen,show_source,posix_kill,posix_mkfifo,posix_getpwuid,posix_setpgid,posix_setsid,posix_setuid,posix_setgid,posix_seteuid,posix_setegid,posix_uname" fi perl -pi -e "s#${CURRENT_DISABLE_FUNCT}#disable_functions \= ${NEW_DISABLE_FUNCT}#" $1 else echo "disable_functions = ${NEW_DISABLE_FUNCT}" >> $1 fi perl -pi -e 's/^register_globals = On/register_globals = Off/' $1 perl -pi -e 's/^mysql.allow_local_infile = On/mysql.allow_local_infile = Off/' $1 perl -pi -e 's/^mysqli.allow_local_infile = On/mysqli.allow_local_infile = Off/' $1 perl -pi -e 's/^;mysqli.allow_local_infile = On/mysqli.allow_local_infile = Off/' $1 perl -pi -e 's/^expose_php = On/expose_php = Off/' $1 writeLog "secure_phpini: $1 secured" fi } #################################################### secure_php() { if [ "${SECURE_PHP_OPT}" != "yes" ]; then setOpt secure_php yes fi secure_phpini ${PHP_INI} for php_shortrelease in `echo ${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE_SET}`; do EVAL_PHP_INI_VAR=PHP_INI_FPM${php_shortrelease} secure_phpini $(eval_var ${EVAL_PHP_INI_VAR}) done if [ "${CLOUDLINUX_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then if [ -e /etc/cl.selector/global_php.ini ]; then secure_phpini /etc/cl.selector/global_php.ini if [ -e /usr/sbin/cagefsctl ]; then /usr/sbin/cagefsctl --setup-cl-selector fi fi fi echo "PHP has been secured." RESTART_APACHE="1" if [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" = "php-fpm" ]; then echo "Restarting php-fpm${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE}." control_service php-fpm${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE} restart RESTART_APACHE="0" fi if [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" = "php-fpm" ] && [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then echo "Restarting php-fpm${PHP2_SHORTRELEASE}." control_service php-fpm${PHP2_SHORTRELEASE} restart fi if [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" = "php-fpm" ] && [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then echo "Restarting php-fpm${PHP3_SHORTRELEASE}." control_service php-fpm${PHP3_SHORTRELEASE} restart fi if [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" = "php-fpm" ] && [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then echo "Restarting php-fpm${PHP4_SHORTRELEASE}." control_service php-fpm${PHP4_SHORTRELEASE} restart fi if [ "${RESTART_APACHE}" = "1" ]; then control_service httpd restart fi } #Used to set values ON/OFF in the services.status. #set_service name ON|OFF|delete set_service() { if [ ! -e ${SERVICES} ]; then return fi SERVICE_COUNT=`grep -m1 -c "^$1=" ${SERVICES}` if [ "$2" = "delete" ]; then if [ "${SERVICE_COUNT}" -eq 0 ]; then return else perl -pi -e "s/^${1}=.*\n//" ${SERVICES} fi return fi if [ "$2" = "ON" ] || [ "$2" = "OFF" ]; then if [ "${SERVICE_COUNT}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "$1=$2" >> ${SERVICES} else perl -pi -e "s/^$1=.*/$1=$2/" ${SERVICES} fi return fi echo "setService $1: unknown option: $2" } control_service() { SERVICE_NAME=$1 SERVICE_ACTION=$2 if [ "${SYSTEMD}" = "yes" ] && [ -e ${SYSTEMDDIR}/${SERVICE_NAME}.service ]; then systemctl ${SERVICE_ACTION} ${SERVICE_NAME}.service elif [ "${SYSTEMD}" = "yes" ] && [ -e /lib/systemd/system/${SERVICE_NAME}.service ]; then systemctl ${SERVICE_ACTION} ${SERVICE_NAME}.service else if [ -e ${INITDDIR}/${SERVICE_NAME} ]; then ${INITDDIR}/${SERVICE_NAME} ${SERVICE_ACTION} elif [ "${SERVICE_NAME}" = "mysqld" ]; then SERVICE_NAME=mariadb if [ "${SYSTEMD}" = "yes" ] && [ -e ${SYSTEMDDIR}/${SERVICE_NAME}.service ]; then systemctl ${SERVICE_ACTION} ${SERVICE_NAME}.service elif [ "${SYSTEMD}" = "yes" ] && [ -e /lib/systemd/system/${SERVICE_NAME}.service ]; then systemctl ${SERVICE_ACTION} ${SERVICE_NAME}.service else if [ -e ${INITDDIR}/${SERVICE_NAME} ]; then ${INITDDIR}/${SERVICE_NAME} ${SERVICE_ACTION} fi fi fi fi } #sets the value of $1 to $2 in the file $3 setVal() { if [ ! -e $3 ]; then return fi if ! grep -m1 -q "^${1}=" ${3}; then #ok, it's not there, add it. echo "$1=$2" >> $3 return else #ok, the value is already in the file $3, so use perl to regex it. perl -pi -e "s/^`grep -m1 "^${1}=" ${3}`/${1}=${2}/" ${3} fi } #A > B: 1 #A = B: 0 #A < B: -1 #3rd option is descriptor version_cmp() { A=`echo $1 | cut -d- -f1` B=`echo $2 | cut -d- -f1` if [ "$A" = "" ] || [ "$B" = "" ]; then echo "version_cmp has a blank value when checking $3" return fi if ! echo "$A" | grep -m1 -q '^[0-9]' || ! echo "$B" | grep -m1 -q '^[0-9]'; then echo "version_cmp has a wrong version when checking $3 for version comparison, ${A} vs. ${B}" return fi #swap underscore with dot. A=`echo $A | tr '_' '.'` B=`echo $B | tr '_' '.'` A1=`echo $A | cut -d. -f1` B1=`echo $B | cut -d. -f1` if [ "$A1" -gt "$B1" ]; then echo 1 return fi if [ "$A1" -lt "$B1" ]; then echo -1 return fi A2=`echo $A | cut -d. -f2` B2=`echo $B | cut -d. -f2` if [ "$A2" -gt "$B2" ]; then echo 1 return fi if [ "$A2" -lt "$B2" ]; then echo -1 return fi A3=`echo $A | cut -d. -f3` B3=`echo $B | cut -d. -f3` if [ "$A3" = "" ] && [ "$B3" = "" ]; then echo 0 return fi if [ "$A3" = "" ]; then if [ "$B3" = "0" ]; then echo 0; else echo 1 fi return fi if [ "$B3" = "" ]; then if [ "$A3" = "0" ]; then echo 0; else echo -1 fi return fi if [ "$A3" -gt "$B3" ]; then echo 1 return fi if [ "$A3" -lt "$B3" ]; then echo -1 return fi echo 0 } #################################################### GCCOPTIONS_CACHE=0 getGccOptions() { if [ "${GCCOPTIONS_CACHE}" = "0" ]; then # Exim always takes /usr/bin/gcc, even if it exists in /usr/local/bin/gcc. Other components built in /usr, not /usr/local might take it form there too. if [ -s /usr/bin/gcc ]; then GCC_VERSION="`/usr/bin/gcc --version | head -n1 | grep -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' | head -n1`" else GCC_VERSION="`gcc --version | head -n1 | grep -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' | head -n1`" fi if [ "`version_cmp ${GCC_VERSION} 4.9 'gcc ver check'`" -ge 0 ]; then GCCOPTIONS_CACHE="-fstack-protector-strong" else GCCOPTIONS_CACHE="-fstack-protector --param ssp-buffer-size=4" fi fi echo ${GCCOPTIONS_CACHE} } #These are needed for some functions outside BOLD_OPT=`getOpt bold ${BOLD_DEF}` # Variables for bolded text boldon="" boldoff="" if [ "${BOLD_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then boldon="`tput -Txterm bold`" boldoff="`tput -Txterm sgr0`" fi CLEAN_OPT=`getOpt clean ${CLEAN_DEF}` if [ -s ${DEBIAN_VERSION} ]; then MYSQL_FORCE_COMPILE_OPT=`getOpt mysql_force_compile ${MYSQL_FORCE_COMPILE_DEF}` else MYSQL_FORCE_COMPILE_OPT=`getOpt mysql_force_compile ${MYSQL_FORCE_COMPILE_DEF}` fi DOWNLOADSERVER_OPT=`getOpt downloadserver ${DOWNLOADSERVER_DEF}` UNOFFICIAL_MIRRORS_OPT=`getOpt unofficial_mirrors ${UNOFFICIAL_MIRRORS_DEF}` DOWNLOADSERVERS_OFFICIAL_LIST=" files2.directadmin.com files-fr.directadmin.com files-lt.directadmin.com files-de.directadmin.com files-sg.directadmin.com files-ca.directadmin.com" DOWNLOADSERVERS_UNOFFICIAL_HTTPS_LIST="files6.directadmin.com files9.directadmin.com files11.directadmin.com directadmin.mirror.liteserver.nl damirror.unix-solutions.be mirror.serverion.com damirror.pars.host mirrors.ereznet.co.il mirror.ihost.md" #We have spacing at the beginning/end to let grep work fine with these DOWNLOADSERVERS_HTTPS_LIST=" files1.directadmin.com ${DOWNLOADSERVERS_OFFICIAL_LIST} ${DOWNLOADSERVERS_UNOFFICIAL_HTTPS_LIST} " DOWNLOADSERVER_SCHEME=http if echo "${DOWNLOADSERVERS_HTTPS_LIST}" | grep -m1 -q " ${DOWNLOADSERVER_OPT} "; then DOWNLOADSERVER_SCHEME=https fi WEBPATH=${DOWNLOADSERVER_SCHEME}://${DOWNLOADSERVER_OPT}/services/custombuild WEBPATH_SERVICES=${DOWNLOADSERVER_SCHEME}://${DOWNLOADSERVER_OPT}/services WEBPATH_BACKUP_IP= WEBPATH_BACKUP=http://${WEBPATH_BACKUP_IP}/services/custombuild WEBPATH_SERVICES_BACKUP=http://${WEBPATH_BACKUP_IP}/services WEBPATH_CL=https://repo.cloudlinux.com/cloudlinux/sources/da WEBPATH_CWAF=https://waf.comodo.com WEBPATH_LITESPEED=https://www.litespeedtech.com/packages setPhpOpt() { #$1 is option name #$2 is value READ_OPTION_NAME="$1" READ_OPTION_VALUE="$2" SET_IN_FILENAME="${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF}" if echo " ioncube suhosin zend htscanner imagick opcache " | grep -m1 -q " ${READ_OPTION_NAME} "; then if grep -m1 -q "^${READ_OPTION_NAME}=" ${OPTIONS_CONF}; then if ! grep -m1 -q "^${READ_OPTION_NAME}=" ${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF}; then grep -m1 "^${READ_OPTION_NAME}=" ${OPTIONS_CONF} >> "${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF}" fi sed -i "/^${READ_OPTION_NAME}=/d" ${OPTIONS_CONF} fi fi VAR=`echo ${READ_OPTION_NAME} | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"` if [ -z "$(eval_var PHP_${VAR}_DEF)" ]; then echo "${READ_OPTION_NAME} is not a valid option." EXIT_CODE=50 return fi VALID="no" for i in $(eval_var PHP_${VAR}_SET); do if [ "${i}" = "${READ_OPTION_VALUE}" ] || [ "${i}" = "userinput" ]; then VALID="yes" break fi done if [ "${VALID}" = "no" ]; then echo "${READ_OPTION_VALUE} is not a valid setting for ${READ_OPTION_NAME} option." EXIT_CODE=51 return fi OPT_VALUE="`grep -m1 "^${READ_OPTION_NAME}=" "${SET_IN_FILENAME}" | cut -d= -f2 | perl -p0 -e 's|@|\\\\@|g'`" if [ -z "${OPT_VALUE}" ] && [ "${SET_IN_FILENAME}" = "${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF}" ]; then if grep -m1 -q "^${READ_OPTION_NAME}=" ${OPTIONS_CONF}; then grep -m1 "^${READ_OPTION_NAME}=" ${OPTIONS_CONF} >> "${PHP_EXTENSIONS_CONF}" sed -i "/^${READ_OPTION_NAME}=/d" ${OPTIONS_CONF} OPT_VALUE="`grep -m1 "^${READ_OPTION_NAME}=" "${SET_IN_FILENAME}" | cut -d= -f2 | perl -p0 -e 's|@|\\\\@|g'`" fi fi if [ ! -z "${OPT_VALUE}" ]; then perl -pi -e "s#${READ_OPTION_NAME}=${OPT_VALUE}#${READ_OPTION_NAME}=${READ_OPTION_VALUE}#" "${SET_IN_FILENAME}" else echo "${READ_OPTION_NAME}=${OPT_VALUE}" >> "${SET_IN_FILENAME}" fi if [ "${HIDE_CHANGES}" = "0" ] && [ "${OPT_VALUE}" != "${READ_OPTION_VALUE}" ]; then echo "Changed ${boldon}${READ_OPTION_NAME}${boldoff} option from ${boldon}${OPT_VALUE}${boldoff} to ${boldon}${READ_OPTION_VALUE}${boldoff}" | perl -p0 -e 's|\\\@|\@|g' elif [ "${HIDE_CHANGES}" = "0" ] && [ "${OPT_VALUE}" = "${READ_OPTION_VALUE}" ]; then echo "${boldon}${READ_OPTION_NAME}${boldoff} is already set to ${boldon}${READ_OPTION_VALUE}${boldoff}" | perl -p0 -e 's|\\\@|\@|g' fi } setOpt() { #$1 is option name #$2 is value READ_OPTION_NAME="$1" READ_OPTION_VALUE="`echo \"$2\" | perl -p0 -e 's|@|\\\\@|g'`" #Rewrite spamassassin to spamd for backwards compatibility if [ "${READ_OPTION_NAME}" = "spamassassin" ]; then READ_OPTION_NAME="spamd" if [ "${READ_OPTION_VALUE}" = "yes" ]; then READ_OPTION_VALUE="spamassassin" fi fi SET_IN_FILENAME="${OPTIONS_CONF}" if echo " ioncube suhosin zend htscanner imagick opcache " | grep -m1 -q " ${READ_OPTION_NAME} "; then setPhpOpt "${READ_OPTION_NAME}" "${READ_OPTION_VALUE}" return fi VAR=`echo ${READ_OPTION_NAME} | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"` if [ -z "$(eval_var ${VAR}_DEF)" ]; then echo "${READ_OPTION_NAME} is not a valid option." EXIT_CODE=50 return fi VALID="no" for i in $(eval_var ${VAR}_SET); do if [ "${i}" = "${READ_OPTION_VALUE}" ] || [ "${i}" = "userinput" ]; then VALID="yes" break fi done if [ "${VALID}" = "no" ]; then echo "${READ_OPTION_VALUE} is not a valid setting for ${READ_OPTION_NAME} option." EXIT_CODE=51 return fi OPT_VALUE="`grep -m1 "^${READ_OPTION_NAME}=" "${SET_IN_FILENAME}" | cut -d= -f2 | perl -p0 -e 's|@|\\\\@|g'`" perl -pi -e "s#${READ_OPTION_NAME}=${OPT_VALUE}#${READ_OPTION_NAME}=${READ_OPTION_VALUE}#" "${SET_IN_FILENAME}" if [ "${HIDE_CHANGES}" = "0" ] && [ "${OPT_VALUE}" != "${READ_OPTION_VALUE}" ]; then echo "Changed ${boldon}${READ_OPTION_NAME}${boldoff} option from ${boldon}${OPT_VALUE}${boldoff} to ${boldon}${READ_OPTION_VALUE}${boldoff}" | perl -p0 -e 's|\\\@|\@|g' elif [ "${HIDE_CHANGES}" = "0" ] && [ "${OPT_VALUE}" = "${READ_OPTION_VALUE}" ]; then echo "${boldon}${READ_OPTION_NAME}${boldoff} is already set to ${boldon}${READ_OPTION_VALUE}${boldoff}" | perl -p0 -e 's|\\\@|\@|g' fi } getWebserverPorts() { # 443 and 80 ports PORT_80=`getDA_Opt port_80 80` PORT_443=`getDA_Opt port_443 443` # Reverse proxy ports PORT_8080=`getDA_Opt port_8080 8080` PORT_8081=`getDA_Opt port_8081 8081` } case "$1" in "") getopt_case_toggle ;; version) getopt_case_toggle ;; kill) getopt_case_toggle ;; update_da) getopt_case_toggle ;; get_timezone) getopt_case_toggle ;; set_versions_txt) getopt_case_toggle ;; show_file) getopt_case_toggle ;; esac if [ "${GETOPT_CASE}" = "1" ]; then #CloudLinux CLOUDLINUX_OPT=`getOpt cloudlinux ${CLOUDLINUX_DEF}` CLOUDLINUX_BETA_OPT=`getOpt cloudlinux_beta ${CLOUDLINUX_BETA_DEF}` CAGEFS_OPT=`getOpt cagefs ${CAGEFS_DEF}` # Read options.conf FTPD_OPT=`getOpt ftpd ${FTPD_DEF}` PUREFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_OPT=`getOpt pureftpd_uploadscan ${PUREFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_DEF}` PROFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_OPT=`getOpt proftpd_uploadscan ${PROFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_DEF}` # Replace spamassassin= to spamd= if grep -m1 -q "^spamassassin=" ${OPTIONS_CONF}; then perl -pi -e 's|spamassassin=yes|spamd=spamassassin|g' ${OPTIONS_CONF} perl -pi -e 's|spamassassin=no|spamd=no|g' ${OPTIONS_CONF} fi SPAMD_OPT=`getOpt spamd ${SPAMASSASSIN_DEF}` SA_UPDATE_OPT=`getOpt sa_update ${SA_UPDATE_DEF}` CLAMAV_OPT=`getOpt clamav ${CLAMAV_DEF}` CLAMAV_EXIM_OPT=`getOpt clamav_exim ${CLAMAV_EXIM_DEF}` MODSECURITY_UPLOADSCAN_OPT=`getOpt modsecurity_uploadscan ${MODSECURITY_UPLOADSCAN_DEF}` # Mailman is not yet supported #MAILMAN_OPT=`getOpt mailman no` UNIT_OPT=`getOpt unit ${UNIT_DEF}` WEBSERVER_OPT=`getOpt webserver ${WEBSERVER_DEF}` HTTP_METHODS_OPT=`getOpt http_methods ${HTTP_METHODS_DEF}` LITESPEED_SERIALNO_OPT=`getOpt litespeed_serialno ${LITESPEED_SERIALNO_DEF}` MODSECURITY_OPT=`getOpt modsecurity ${MODSECURITY_DEF}` MODSECURITY_RULESET_OPT=`getOpt modsecurity_ruleset ${MODSECURITY_RULESET_DEF}` HN_T=${HOSTNAME} REDIRECT_HOST_OPT=`getOpt redirect_host ${HN_T}` REDIRECT_HOST_HTTPS_OPT=`getOpt redirect_host_https ${REDIRECT_HOST_HTTPS_DEF}` USE_HOSTNAME_FOR_ALIAS_OPT=`getOpt use_hostname_for_alias ${USE_HOSTNAME_FOR_ALIAS_DEF}` TZ_T=$(getTimezone) PHP_TIMEZONE_OPT=`getOpt php_timezone ${TZ_T}` #Apache APACHE_VER_OPT=`getOpt apache_ver ${APACHE_VER_DEF}` APACHE_MPM_OPT=`getOpt apache_mpm ${APACHE_MPM_DEF}` MOD_RUID2_OPT=`getOpt mod_ruid2 ${MOD_RUID2_DEF}` USERDIR_ACCESS_OPT=`getOpt userdir_access ${USERDIR_ACCESS_DEF}` HARDEN_SYMLINKS_PATCH_OPT=`getOpt harden_symlinks_patch ${HARDEN_SYMLINKS_PATCH_DEF}` #PHP PHP1_RELEASE_OPT=`getOpt php1_release ${PHP1_RELEASE_DEF}` PHP2_RELEASE_OPT=`getOpt php2_release ${PHP2_RELEASE_DEF}` PHP3_RELEASE_OPT=`getOpt php3_release ${PHP3_RELEASE_DEF}` PHP4_RELEASE_OPT=`getOpt php4_release ${PHP4_RELEASE_DEF}` PHP1_SHORTRELEASE=`echo ${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT} | tr -d '.'` PHP2_SHORTRELEASE=`echo ${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT} | tr -d '.'` PHP3_SHORTRELEASE=`echo ${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT} | tr -d '.'` PHP4_SHORTRELEASE=`echo ${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT} | tr -d '.'` PHP1_MODE_OPT=`getOpt php1_mode ${PHP1_MODE_DEF}` PHP2_MODE_OPT=`getOpt php2_mode ${PHP2_MODE_DEF}` PHP3_MODE_OPT=`getOpt php3_mode ${PHP3_MODE_DEF}` PHP4_MODE_OPT=`getOpt php4_mode ${PHP4_MODE_DEF}` SECURE_PHP_OPT=`getOpt secure_php ${SECURE_PHP_DEF}` PHP_INI_TYPE_OPT=`getOpt php_ini_type ${PHP_INI_TYPE_DEF}` #php_extensions.conf options PHP_GMP_OPT=`getPhpOpt gmp ${PHP_GMP_DEF}` PHP_HTSCANNER_OPT=`getPhpOpt htscanner ${PHP_HTSCANNER_DEF}` PHP_IMAGICK_OPT=`getPhpOpt imagick ${PHP_IMAGICK_DEF}` PHP_IMAP_OPT=`getPhpOpt imap ${PHP_IMAP_DEF}` PHP_IONCUBE_OPT=`getPhpOpt ioncube ${PHP_IONCUBE_DEF}` PHP_OPCACHE_OPT=`getPhpOpt opcache ${PHP_OPCACHE_DEF}` PHP_PHALCON_OPT=`getPhpOpt phalcon ${PHP_PHALCON_DEF}` PHP_SUHOSIN_OPT=`getPhpOpt suhosin ${PHP_SUHOSIN_DEF}` PHP_SNUFFLEUPAGUS_OPT=`getPhpOpt snuffleupagus ${PHP_SNUFFLEUPAGUS_DEF}` PHP_XMLRPC_OPT=`getPhpOpt xmlrpc ${PHP_XMLRPC_DEF}` PHP_ZEND_OPT=`getPhpOpt zend ${PHP_ZEND_DEF}` #backwards compatibility IONCUBE_OPT=${PHP_IONCUBE_OPT} OPCACHE_OPT=${PHP_OPCACHE_OPT} HTSCANNER_OPT=${PHP_HTSCANNER_OPT} ZEND_OPT=${PHP_ZEND_OPT} IMAGICK_OPT=${PHP_IMAGICK_OPT} SUHOSIN_OPT=${PHP_SUHOSIN_OPT} SUHOSIN_PHP_UPLOADSCAN_OPT=`getOpt suhosin_php_uploadscan ${SUHOSIN_PHP_UPLOADSCAN_DEF}` X_MAIL_HEADER_OPT=`getOpt x_mail_header ${X_MAIL_HEADER_DEF}` APCONF=ap2 HAVE_FPM_CGI=no HAVE_FCGID=no HAVE_SUPHP_CGI=no HAVE_CLI=no HAVE_LSPHP=no for php_shortrelease in `echo ${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE_SET}`; do eval `echo "HAVE_FPM${php_shortrelease}_CGI=no"` eval `echo "HAVE_FCGID${php_shortrelease}=no"` eval `echo "HAVE_SUPHP${php_shortrelease}_CGI=no"` eval `echo "HAVE_CLI${php_shortrelease}=no"` eval `echo "HAVE_LSPHP${php_shortrelease}=no"` eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE=configure/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` if [ -e custom/${APCONF}/configure.php${php_shortrelease} ]; then eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE=custom/${APCONF}/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` fi if [ -e custom/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease} ]; then eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE=custom/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` fi done if [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" = "php-fpm" ]; then HAVE_FPM_CGI=yes eval `echo "HAVE_FPM${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE}_CGI=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" = "php-fpm" ]; then HAVE_FPM_CGI=yes eval `echo "HAVE_FPM${PHP2_SHORTRELEASE}_CGI=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" = "php-fpm" ]; then HAVE_FPM_CGI=yes eval `echo "HAVE_FPM${PHP3_SHORTRELEASE}_CGI=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" = "php-fpm" ]; then HAVE_FPM_CGI=yes eval `echo "HAVE_FPM${PHP4_SHORTRELEASE}_CGI=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" = "fastcgi" ]; then HAVE_FCGID=yes eval `echo "HAVE_FCGID${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE}=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" = "fastcgi" ]; then HAVE_FCGID=yes eval `echo "HAVE_FCGID${PHP2_SHORTRELEASE}=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" = "fastcgi" ]; then HAVE_FCGID=yes eval `echo "HAVE_FCGID${PHP3_SHORTRELEASE}=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" = "fastcgi" ]; then HAVE_FCGID=yes eval `echo "HAVE_FCGID${PHP4_SHORTRELEASE}=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" = "suphp" ]; then HAVE_SUPHP_CGI=yes eval `echo "HAVE_SUPHP${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE}_CGI=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" = "suphp" ]; then HAVE_SUPHP_CGI=yes eval `echo "HAVE_SUPHP${PHP2_SHORTRELEASE}_CGI=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" = "suphp" ]; then HAVE_SUPHP_CGI=yes eval `echo "HAVE_SUPHP${PHP3_SHORTRELEASE}_CGI=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" = "suphp" ]; then HAVE_SUPHP_CGI=yes eval `echo "HAVE_SUPHP${PHP4_SHORTRELEASE}_CGI=yes"` fi #Check just php1 and no other modes, as mod_php is not allowed to be 2/3/4th if [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" = "mod_php" ]; then HAVE_CLI=yes eval `echo "HAVE_CLI${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE}=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" = "lsphp" ]; then HAVE_LSPHP=yes eval `echo "HAVE_LSPHP${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE}=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" = "lsphp" ]; then HAVE_LSPHP=yes eval `echo "HAVE_LSPHP${PHP2_SHORTRELEASE}=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" = "lsphp" ]; then HAVE_LSPHP=yes eval `echo "HAVE_LSPHP${PHP3_SHORTRELEASE}=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" = "lsphp" ]; then HAVE_LSPHP=yes eval `echo "HAVE_LSPHP${PHP4_SHORTRELEASE}=yes"` fi if [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" = "mod_php" ] && [ "${MOD_RUID2_OPT}" = "no" ]; then APPGROUP=apache fi #MySQL MYSQL_INST_OPT=`getOpt mysql_inst ${MYSQL_INST_DEF}` if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then HIDE_CHANGES=1 if [ "`has_mariadb`" = "0" ]; then setOpt mysql_inst mysql else setOpt mysql_inst mariadb fi MYSQL_INST_OPT=`getOpt mysql_inst ${MYSQL_INST_DEF}` fi MYSQL_BACKUP_OPT=`getOpt mysql_backup ${MYSQL_BACKUP_DEF}` MYSQL_OPT=`getOpt mysql ${MYSQL_DEF}` MARIADB_OPT=`getOpt mariadb ${MARIADB_DEF}` MYSQL_BACKUP_GZIP_OPT=`getOpt mysql_backup_gzip ${MYSQL_BACKUP_GZIP_DEF}` MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR_OPT=`getOpt mysql_backup_dir ${MYSQL_BACKUP_DIR_DEF}` MYSQLNAME="MySQL" if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mariadb" ]; then MYSQLNAME="MariaDB" fi #Email DOVECOT_OPT=`getOpt dovecot ${DOVECOT_DEF}` DOVECOT_CONF_OPT=`getOpt dovecot_conf ${DOVECOT_CONF_DEF}` PIGEONHOLE_OPT=`getOpt pigeonhole ${PIGEONHOLE_DEF}` MAIL_COMPRESS_OPT=`getOpt mail_compress ${MAIL_COMPRESS_DEF}` if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then EXIM_DEF="yes" EXIMCONF_DEF="yes" fi EXIM_OPT=`getOpt exim ${EXIM_DEF}` EXIMCONF_OPT=`getOpt eximconf ${EXIMCONF_DEF}` EXIMCONF_RELEASE_OPT=`getOpt eximconf_release ${EXIMCONF_RELEASE_DEF}` BLOCKCRACKING_OPT=`getOpt blockcracking ${BLOCKCRACKING_DEF}` EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER_OPT=`getOpt easy_spam_fighter ${EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER_DEF}` EXIM_SRS_OPT=yes #Applications PHPMYADMIN_OPT=`getOpt phpmyadmin ${PHPMYADMIN_DEF}` PHPMYADMIN_PUBLIC_OPT=`getOpt phpmyadmin_public ${PHPMYADMIN_PUBLIC_DEF}` PHPMYADMIN_VER_OPT=`getOpt phpmyadmin_ver ${PHPMYADMIN_VER_DEF}` SQUIRRELMAIL_OPT=`getOpt squirrelmail ${SQUIRRELMAIL_DEF}` ROUNDCUBE_OPT=`getOpt roundcube ${ROUNDCUBE_DEF}` WEBAPPS_INBOX_PREFIX_NEWDEF="no" if [ "${OPTIONS_CONF_EXISTS}" = "1" ]; then WEBAPPS_INBOX_PREFIX_NEWDEF="yes" fi WEBAPPS_INBOX_PREFIX_OPT=`getOpt webapps_inbox_prefix ${WEBAPPS_INBOX_PREFIX_NEWDEF}` #Statistics software AWSTATS_OPT=`getOpt awstats ${AWSTATS_DEF}` WEBALIZER_OPT=`getOpt webalizer ${WEBALIZER_DEF}` #Autoconf/automake/libtool AUTOCONF_OPT=`getOpt autoconf ${AUTOCONF_DEF}` AUTOMAKE_OPT=`getOpt automake ${AUTOMAKE_DEF}` LIBTOOL_OPT=`getOpt libtool ${LIBTOOL_DEF}` #Replace curl=no with curl=yes if clamav=yes is set if [ "${CLAMAV_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then if grep -m1 -q "^curl=no" ${OPTIONS_CONF}; then perl -pi -e 's|^curl=no|curl=yes|g' ${OPTIONS_CONF} fi fi CURL_OPT=`getOpt curl ${CURL_DEF}` SSL_CONFIGURATION_OPT=`getOpt ssl_configuration ${SSL_CONFIGURATION_DEF}` #on by default.. since exim is compiled by default on new installations NEW_PCRE_OPT=`getOpt new_pcre ${NEW_PCRE_DEF}` #CustomBuild AUTOVER_OPT=`getOpt autover ${AUTOVER_DEF}` CLEAN_OLD_TARBALLS_OPT=`getOpt clean_old_tarballs ${CLEAN_OLD_TARBALLS_DEF}` CLEAN_OLD_WEBAPPS_OPT=`getOpt clean_old_webapps ${CLEAN_OLD_WEBAPPS_DEF}` CLEANAPACHE_OPT=`getOpt cleanapache ${CLEANAPACHE_DEF}` CUSTOMBUILD_OPT=`getOpt custombuild ${CUSTOMBUILD_DEF}` CUSTOMBUILD_PLUGIN_OPT=`getOpt custombuild_plugin ${CUSTOMBUILD_PLUGIN_DEF}` #Cron CRON_OPT=`getOpt cron ${CRON_DEF}` CRON_FREQUENCY_OPT=`getOpt cron_frequency ${CRON_FREQUENCY_DEF}` EMAIL_OPT=`getOpt email ${EMAIL_DEF}` NOTIFICATIONS_OPT=`getOpt notifications ${NOTIFICATIONS_DEF}` DA_AUTOUPDATE_OPT=`getOpt da_autoupdate ${DA_AUTOUPDATE_DEF}` UPDATES_OPT=`getOpt updates ${UPDATES_DEF}` WEBAPPS_UPDATES_OPT=`getOpt webapps_updates ${WEBAPPS_UPDATES_DEF}` VERSIONS_CL="versions.txt" if [ "${CLOUDLINUX_BETA_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then VERSIONS_CL="versions_beta.txt" fi if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ]; then if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_LITESPEED} ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH_LITESPEED}/versions.txt -O ${VERSIONS_FILE_LITESPEED} 2> /dev/null fi if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_LITESPEED} ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH_LITESPEED}/versions.txt -O ${VERSIONS_FILE_LITESPEED} 2> /dev/null fi fi if [ "${CLOUDLINUX_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_CL} ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH_CL}/${VERSIONS_CL} -O ${VERSIONS_FILE_CL} 2> /dev/null fi if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_CL} ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH_CL}/${VERSIONS_CL} -O ${VERSIONS_FILE_CL} 2> /dev/null fi fi if [ "${MODSECURITY_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ "${MODSECURITY_RULESET_OPT}" = "comodo" ]; then if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_CWAF} ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WGET_HTTPS_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH_CWAF}/doc/comodo_versions.txt -O ${VERSIONS_FILE_CWAF} 2> /dev/null fi if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_CWAF} ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WGET_HTTPS_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH_CWAF}/doc/comodo_versions.txt -O ${VERSIONS_FILE_CWAF} 2> /dev/null fi fi if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mariadb" ]; then if [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.1" ] || [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.2" ] || [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.3" ] || [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.4" ] || [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.5" ]; then if [ ! -d mysql ]; then mkdir -p mysql fi if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_JEMALLOC} ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH}/all/mariadb/jemalloc/jemalloc_versions.txt -O ${VERSIONS_FILE_JEMALLOC} 2> /dev/null fi if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_GALERA} ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH}/all/mariadb/galera/galera_versions.txt -O ${VERSIONS_FILE_GALERA} 2> /dev/null fi fi fi fi allSettings() { for section in $ALL_SECTIONS; do PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION=false PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION_PREFIX="" if [ ${section} = "PHP_EXT_SETTINGS" ]; then PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION=true PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION_PREFIX="PHP_" fi DESC=${section}_DESC echo "------------------------------------------" echo "$(eval_var ${DESC})" echo "------------------------------------------" for setting in $(eval_var ${section}); do SETTING_NAME=`echo $setting | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"` POSSIBLE_VALUES_VAR=${PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION_PREFIX}${setting}_SET POSSIBLE_VALUES="`echo $(eval_var ${POSSIBLE_VALUES_VAR}) | awk -v OFS=", " '$1=$1'`" DEFAULT_VALUE=${PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION_PREFIX}${setting}_DEF CURRENT_VALUE=${PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION_PREFIX}${setting}_OPT echo -n "${SETTING_NAME}: ${POSSIBLE_VALUES}. Current value: $(eval_var ${CURRENT_VALUE}). Default value: $(eval_var ${DEFAULT_VALUE})." if [ "$1" = "full" ]; then DESCRIPTION="${PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION_PREFIX}${setting}_DESC" echo " Description: $(eval_var ${DESCRIPTION})" else echo "" fi done echo "" done } allSettingsJSON() { echo "{" NUM_OF_SECTIONS=`echo $ALL_SECTIONS | wc -w` CUR_SECTION=0 for section in $ALL_SECTIONS; do PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION=false PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION_PREFIX="" if [ ${section} = "PHP_EXT_SETTINGS" ]; then PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION=true PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION_PREFIX="PHP_" fi CUR_SECTION=`expr ${CUR_SECTION} + 1` NUM_OF_SETTINGS=`echo "$(eval_var ${section})" | wc -w` CUR_SETTING=0 LOWERCASE_SECTION=`echo $section | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"` SECTION_DESC=${section}_DESC printf "\t\"${LOWERCASE_SECTION}\": {\n" printf "\t\t\"description\": \"$(eval_var ${SECTION_DESC})\",\n" for setting in $(eval_var ${section}); do CUR_SETTING=`expr ${CUR_SETTING} + 1` SETTING_NAME=`echo $setting | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"` POSSIBLE_VALUES_VAR=${PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION_PREFIX}${setting}_SET POSSIBLE_VALUES="" NUM_OF_VALUES=`echo $(eval_var ${POSSIBLE_VALUES_VAR}) | wc -w` CUR_VALUE=0 for value in $(eval_var ${POSSIBLE_VALUES_VAR}); do CUR_VALUE=`expr ${CUR_VALUE} + 1` if [ ${CUR_VALUE} -ne ${NUM_OF_VALUES} ]; then POSSIBLE_VALUES="${POSSIBLE_VALUES}\"$value\"," else POSSIBLE_VALUES="${POSSIBLE_VALUES}\"${value}\"" fi done DEFAULT_VALUE=${PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION_PREFIX}${setting}_DEF CURRENT_VALUE=${PHP_EXT_SETTINGS_SECTION_PREFIX}${setting}_OPT DESCRIPTION="${setting}_DESC" printf "\t\t\"${SETTING_NAME}\": {\n" printf "\t\t\t\"values\": [${POSSIBLE_VALUES}],\n" printf "\t\t\t\"default\": \"$(eval_var ${DEFAULT_VALUE})\",\n" printf "\t\t\t\"current\": \"$(eval_var ${CURRENT_VALUE})\",\n" printf "\t\t\t\"description\": \"$(eval_var ${DESCRIPTION})\"\n" if [ ${CUR_SETTING} -ne ${NUM_OF_SETTINGS} ]; then printf "\t\t},\n" else printf "\t\t}\n" fi done if [ ${CUR_SECTION} -ne ${NUM_OF_SECTIONS} ]; then printf "\t},\n" else printf "\t}\n" fi done echo "}" } OPENSSL_VERSION_CACHE=0 openssl_version() { if [ "${OPENSSL_VERSION_CACHE}" = "0" ] && [ -x /usr/bin/openssl ]; then #doesn't include letters! OPENSSL_VERSION_CACHE=`/usr/bin/openssl version | head -n1 | cut -d\ -f2 | cut -d- -f1 | tr -d '[a-z]'` fi echo $OPENSSL_VERSION_CACHE } MYSQL_VERSION_CACHE=0 mysql_version() { if [ "${MYSQL_VERSION_CACHE}" = "0" ] && [ -x ${MYSQL_BIN} ]; then MYSQL_VERSION_CACHE=`${MYSQL_BIN} --version | grep -m1 -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*'` fi echo $MYSQL_VERSION_CACHE } MYSQL_MAIN_CACHE=0 mysql_main() { if [ "${MYSQL_MAIN_CACHE}" = "0" ] && [ -x ${MYSQL_BIN} ]; then MYSQL_MAIN_CACHE=`${MYSQL_BIN} --version | grep -m1 -o '[0-9]*\.[0-9]*\.[0-9]*' | cut -d. -f1,2` fi echo $MYSQL_MAIN_CACHE } HAS_MARIADB_CACHE=-1 has_mariadb() { if [ "${HAS_MARIADB_CACHE}" = "-1" ] && [ -x ${MYSQL_BIN} ]; then HAS_MARIADB_CACHE=`${MYSQL_BIN} --version | grep -c -m1 MariaDB` fi echo $HAS_MARIADB_CACHE } #################################################### doRestartDA() { echo "action=directadmin&value=reload" >> ${TASK_QUEUE} run_dataskq } doChecks() { os_license_mismatch doCSFpignore if [ -s ${WORKDIR}/config.json ]; then if grep -m1 -q 8372 ${WORKDIR}/config.json; then rm -f ${WORKDIR}/config.json fi fi DA_VERSION_IS_INSECURE=false if [ ! -s /etc/mime.types ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH}/mime.types -O /etc/mime.types fi # Do some pre-definitions, so that we wouldn't output security in json if there are no security items if [ -x ${DA_BIN} ] && [ -s ${DACONF_FILE} ]; then DIRECTADMINV="`${DA_BIN} v | grep -m1 '^Version:' | grep -oE '[^ ]+$' | cut -d. -f2,3,4`" if [ "`version_cmp $DIRECTADMINV 1.52.0`" -lt 0 ]; then DA_VERSION_IS_INSECURE=true if /usr/local/directadmin/directadmin c | grep -m1 -q 'email_ftp_password_change=1'; then echo "Found DA version < 1.52.0. Setting email_ftp_password_change=0 in directadmin.conf for security purposes." writeLog "email_ftp_password_change=0 in directadmin.conf was set for security purposes"; setVal email_ftp_password_change 0 ${DACONF_TEMPLATE_FILE} setVal email_ftp_password_change 0 ${DACONF_FILE} doRestartDA fi fi fi if [ "${APACHE_VER_OPT}" != "2.4" ] && [ "${APACHE_VER_OPT}" != "" ]; then do_exit 1 "CustomBuild 2.0 does support Apache 2.4 only. Please check your apache_ver value in the options.conf file: ${APACHE_VER_OPT}." fi if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mariadb" ]; then CORRECT_MARIADB_VER="`echo ${MARIADB_SET} | grep -c ${MARIADB_OPT}`" if [ "${CORRECT_MARIADB_VER}" = "0" ]; then do_exit 1 "Incorrect mysql value (used to specify MariaDB release) set in the options.conf file. Set: ${MARIADB_OPT}. Available values: ${MARIADB_SET}." fi if [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" != "5.5" ] && [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" != "10.0" ] && [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" != "10.1" ] && [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" != "10.2" ] && [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" != "10.3" ] && [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" != "10.4" ] && [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" != "10.5" ]; then do_exit 1 "Wrong mariadb value set in ${OPTIONS_CONF}." fi elif [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mysql" ]; then CORRECT_MYSQL_VER="`echo ${MYSQL_SET} | grep -c ${MYSQL_OPT}`" if [ "${CORRECT_MYSQL_VER}" = "0" ]; then do_exit 1 "Incorrect mysql value (used to specify MySQL release) set in the options.conf file. Set: ${MYSQL_OPT}. Available values: ${MYSQL_SET}." fi if [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" != "5.1" ] && [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" != "5.5" ] && [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" != "5.6" ] && [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" != "5.7" ] && [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" != "8.0" ]; then do_exit 1 "Wrong mysql value set in ${OPTIONS_CONF}." fi fi if [ "${PHP_INI_TYPE_OPT}" != "development" ] && [ "${PHP_INI_TYPE_OPT}" != "production" ]; then do_exit 1 "Wrong php_ini_type set in options.conf." fi if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx" ]; then if [ "${HAVE_CLI}" = "yes" ] || [ "${HAVE_SUPHP_CGI}" = "yes" ] || [ "${HAVE_FCGID}" = "yes" ] || [ "${HAVE_LSPHP}" = "yes" ]; then do_exit 1 "nginx webserver is only compatible with php-fpm PHP mode." fi fi if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" != "openlitespeed" ] && [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" != "litespeed" ] && [ "${SSL_CONFIGURATION_OPT}" = "modern" ]; then OFFER_MODERN_SSL_SET=true if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then if [ "${OS_FREEBSD_VER}" = "11" ]; then OFFER_MODERN_SSL_SET=false OS_NAME="FreeBSD ${OS_FREEBSD_VER}" fi elif [ -e ${DEBIAN_VERSION} ]; then if [ "${OS_DEBIAN_VER}" = "7" ] || [ "${OS_DEBIAN_VER}" = "8" ] || [ "${OS_DEBIAN_VER}" = "9" ]; then OFFER_MODERN_SSL_SET=false OS_NAME="Debian ${OS_DEBIAN_VER}" fi else if [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "6" ] || [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "7" ]; then OFFER_MODERN_SSL_SET=false OS_NAME="CentOS/RHEL/CloudLinux ${OS_CENTOS_VER}" fi fi if ! ${OFFER_MODERN_SSL_SET}; then do_exit 1 "${WEBSERVER_OPT} webserver does not support 'modern' ssl_configuration option due to lack of support of TLSv1.3 in OpenSSL package on ${OS_NAME}." fi fi if [ "${MOD_RUID2_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "apache" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "openlitespeed" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx_apache" ]; then if [ "${HAVE_FCGID}" = "yes" ] || [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" = "lsphp" ] ; then do_exit 1 "${WEBSERVER_OPT} webserver configuration option is not compatible with lsphp or php-fastcgi PHP mode with mod_ruid2 enabled." fi fi fi if [ "${MOD_RUID2_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ "${HAVE_SUPHP_CGI}" = "yes" ]; then echo "WARNING: It's not recommended to use ${WEBSERVER_OPT} with mod_ruid2 & suPHP enabled. It's a redundant and slow combination." sleep 1 fi if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "openlitespeed" ]; then if [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" != "lsphp" ]; then do_exit 1 "php1_mode must be set to lsphp when using ${WEBSERVER_OPT} WEB server." fi if [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" != "lsphp" ] && [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then do_exit 1 "php2_mode must be set to lsphp when using ${WEBSERVER_OPT} WEB server." fi if [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" != "lsphp" ] && [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then do_exit 1 "php3_mode must be set to lsphp when using ${WEBSERVER_OPT} WEB server." fi if [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" != "lsphp" ] && [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then do_exit 1 "php4_mode must be set to lsphp when using ${WEBSERVER_OPT} WEB server." fi elif [ "${CLOUDLINUX_OPT}" != "yes" ]; then if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "apache" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx_apache" ]; then if [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" = "lsphp" ]; then do_exit 1 "php1_mode cannot be set to lsphp when using ${WEBSERVER_OPT} WEB server and CloudLinux disabled." fi if [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" = "lsphp" ] && [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then do_exit 1 "php2_mode cannot be set to lsphp when using ${WEBSERVER_OPT} WEB server and CloudLinux disabled." fi if [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" = "lsphp" ] && [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then do_exit 1 "php3_mode cannot be set to lsphp when using ${WEBSERVER_OPT} WEB server and CloudLinux disabled." fi if [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" = "lsphp" ] && [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then do_exit 1 "php4_mode cannot be set to lsphp when using ${WEBSERVER_OPT} WEB server and CloudLinux disabled." fi fi fi if [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" != "php-fpm" ] && [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" != "fastcgi" ] && [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" != "mod_php" ] && [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" != "suphp" ] && [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" != "lsphp" ]; then do_exit 1 "Please set a correct PHP mode (mode set for php1_release should be php-fpm, fastcgi, mod_php, suphp or lsphp)." fi if [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" != "php-fpm" ] && [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" != "fastcgi" ] && [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" != "suphp" ] && [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" != "lsphp" ]; then do_exit 1 "Please set a correct PHP mode (mode set for php2_release should be php-fpm, fastcgi, suphp or lsphp)." fi if [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" != "php-fpm" ] && [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" != "fastcgi" ] && [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" != "suphp" ] && [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" != "lsphp" ]; then do_exit 1 "Please set a correct PHP mode (mode set for php3_release should be php-fpm, fastcgi, suphp or lsphp)." fi if [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" != "php-fpm" ] && [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" != "fastcgi" ] && [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" != "suphp" ] && [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" != "lsphp" ]; then do_exit 1 "Please set a correct PHP mode (mode set for php4_release should be php-fpm, fastcgi, suphp or lsphp)." fi PHP1_RELEASE_CHECK=0 for i in `echo "${PHP1_RELEASE_SET}"`; do if [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" = "$i" ]; then PHP1_RELEASE_CHECK=1 fi done PHP2_RELEASE_CHECK=0 for i in `echo "${PHP2_RELEASE_SET} no"`; do if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" = "$i" ]; then PHP2_RELEASE_CHECK=1 fi done PHP3_RELEASE_CHECK=0 for i in `echo "${PHP3_RELEASE_SET} no"`; do if [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" = "$i" ]; then PHP3_RELEASE_CHECK=1 fi done PHP3_RELEASE_CHECK=0 for i in `echo "${PHP3_RELEASE_SET} no"`; do if [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" = "$i" ]; then PHP3_RELEASE_CHECK=1 fi done if [ "${PHP1_MODE_OPT}" = "mod_php" ] && [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" = "mod_php" ] && [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then do_exit 1 "Cannot install both versions of PHP in mod_php mode." elif [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_CHECK}" = "0" ]; then do_exit 1 "Wrong php1_release set in the options.conf: ${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}." elif [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_CHECK}" = "0" ]; then do_exit 1 "Wrong php2_release set in the options.conf: ${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}." elif [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_CHECK}" = "0" ]; then do_exit 1 "Wrong php3_release set in the options.conf: ${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}." elif [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_CHECK}" = "0" ]; then do_exit 1 "Wrong php4_release set in the options.conf: ${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}." fi # Check for the same versions set SAME_PHP_VERSION=false if [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" = "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" ] || [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" = "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" ] || [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" = "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" ]; then SAME_PHP_VERSION=true fi if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" = "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" ] || [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" = "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" ]; then SAME_PHP_VERSION=true fi fi if [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" = "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" ]; then SAME_PHP_VERSION=true fi if ${SAME_PHP_VERSION}; then do_exit 1 "Cannot install the same version of PHP for both releases." fi #ensure php2/3/4_release is not set twice for php_number in {2..4}; do { C=`grep -c -e "^php${php_number}_release=" ${OPTIONS_CONF}` if [ "${C}" -gt 1 ]; then grep -e "^php${php_number}_release=" ${OPTIONS_CONF} do_exit 1 "php${php_number}_release has been set twice in the options.conf. This will cause problems. Edit it to remove one of them." fi C=`grep -c -e "^php${php_number}_mode=" ${OPTIONS_CONF}` if [ "${C}" -gt 1 ]; then grep -e "^php${php_number}_mode=" ${OPTIONS_CONF} do_exit 1 "php${php_number}_mode has been set twice in the options.conf. This will cause problems. Edit it to remove one of them." fi }; done #php 5.5 and older will never compile with openssl 1.1.0 if [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.3" ] || [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.4" ] || [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.5" ] || [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.3" ] || [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.4" ] || [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.5" ] || [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.3" ] || [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.4" ] || [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.5" ] || [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.3" ] || [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.4" ] || [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.5" ]; then OV=`openssl_version | cut -d. -f1,2` if [ "${OV}" != "" ] && [ "`version_cmp ${OV} 1.1 'php 5.x vs openssl 1.1.0 ver check'`" -ge 0 ] && [ ! -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/fpm/.custom_openssl ]; then do_exit 1 "php 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 cannot compile against openssl 1.1.0 or higher. Try php 5.6 or higher." fi fi if [ "${APACHE_VER_OPT}" != "2.4" ] && [ "${APACHE_VER_OPT}" != "" ]; then do_exit 1 "Wrong apache_ver value set in ${OPTIONS_CONF}." fi if [ "${MOD_RUID2_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then do_exit 1 "mod_ruid2 does not support FreeBSD." elif [ -e ${DEBIAN_VERSION} ]; then if [ "${OS_DEBIAN_VER}" = "9" ] || [ "${OS_DEBIAN_VER}" = "10" ]; then do_exit 1 "mod_ruid2 does not support Debian: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=866395." fi elif [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "8" ]; then do_exit 1 "mod_ruid2 does not support CentOS8." fi fi if [ "${FTPD_OPT}" = "pureftpd" ]; then if [ -s "$DACONF_FILE" ]; then UNIFIED_FTP=`/usr/local/directadmin/directadmin c | grep -m1 unified_ftp_password_file | cut -d= -f2` if [ "$UNIFIED_FTP" != "1" ]; then echo "unified_ftp_password_file is not set to 1. You must convert before you can use pureftpd" echo "Please read this guide: https://www.directadmin.com/features.php?id=1134" echo "" echo "Simulation:" echo " cd /usr/local/directadmin" echo " echo 'action=convert&value=unifiedftp&simulate=yes' >> data/task.queue" echo " ./dataskq d1" echo "" echo "Conversion:" echo " cd /usr/local/directadmin" echo " echo 'unified_ftp_password_file=1' >> conf/directadmin.conf" echo " echo 'action=convert&value=unifiedftp' >> data/task.queue" echo " ./dataskq d1" do_exit 1 "" fi fi fi if [ "${CRON_FREQUENCY_OPT}" != "daily" ] && [ "${CRON_FREQUENCY_OPT}" != "weekly" ] && [ "${CRON_FREQUENCY_OPT}" != "monthly" ]; then echo "Wrong cron_frequency value set in ${OPTIONS_CONF}" echo "Current value: ${CRON_FREQUENCY_OPT}" do_exit 1 "Valid values: daily, weekly, or monthly" fi if [ "${SA_UPDATE_OPT}" != "no" ] && [ "${SA_UPDATE_OPT}" != "daily" ] && [ "${SA_UPDATE_OPT}" != "weekly" ] && [ "${SA_UPDATE_OPT}" != "monthly" ]; then echo "Wrong sa_update value set in ${OPTIONS_CONF}" echo "Current value: ${SA_UPDATE_OPT}" do_exit 1 "Valid values: no, daily, weekly, or monthly" fi if [ "${EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ "${SPAMD_OPT}" != "spamassassin" ] && [ "${SPAMD_OPT}" != "rspamd" ]; then echo "easy_spam_fighter requires spamassassin to be enabled." do_exit 1 "Install SpamAssassin: https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=36" fi if [ "${DOWNLOADSERVER_OPT}" = "" ]; then setOpt downloadserver damirror.unix-solutions.be echo "files26 has been replaced with new name damirror.unix-solutions.be, used on the next run" fi } checkMD5() { #$1 is the local file #$2 is the versions.txt variable #return values: #1 for error, try agian #0 for nothing to report. if [ ! -e $MD5SUM ]; then echo 0 return fi if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then echo 1 fi VMD5=`getMD5 $2` if [ "$VMD5" = "" ]; then echo 0 return fi if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then FMD5=`$MD5SUM -q $1` else FMD5=`$MD5SUM $1 | cut -d\ -f1` fi if [ "$FMD5" = "$VMD5" ]; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } json_toggle() { JSON_CASE=1 } JSON_CASE=0 case "$1" in versions_json) json_toggle ;; list_removals_json) json_toggle ;; gen_help_json) json_toggle ;; list_configs_json) json_toggle ;; settings_json) json_toggle ;; esac GET_FILE_FAILED_COUNT=0 #getFile file.tar.gz name (localfile.tar.gz) #getFile all/awstats/file.tar.gz awstats awstats.tar.gz getFile() { cd ${CWD} TRY_DIFFERENT_THRESH=2 GIVE_UP_THRESH=5 LOCAL_NAME=$1 if [ "$3" != "" ]; then LOCAL_NAME=$3 fi if [ ! -s ${LOCAL_NAME} ]; then DOWNLOAD_DIR_NAME="`dirname ${CWD}/${LOCAL_NAME}`" if [ ! -d "${DOWNLOAD_DIR_NAME}" ]; then mkdir -p "${DOWNLOAD_DIR_NAME}" fi printf "Downloading\t\t${LOCAL_NAME}...\n" if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then fetch -o ${CWD}/${LOCAL_NAME} ${WEBPATH}/${1} else wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} -O ${CWD}/${LOCAL_NAME} ${WEBPATH}/${1} fi if [ ! -s ${LOCAL_NAME} ]; then echo "Downloaded file ${CWD}/${LOCAL_NAME} does not exist or is empty after download" echo "cwd is: `pwd`" echo "${boldon}Fileserver might be down, using the backup file server..${boldoff}" if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then fetch -o ${CWD}/${LOCAL_NAME} ${WEBPATH_BACKUP}/${1} else wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} -O ${CWD}/${LOCAL_NAME} ${WEBPATH_BACKUP}/${1} fi if [ "${GET_FILE_FAILED_COUNT}" -eq ${GIVE_UP_THRESH} ]; then echo "" echo "" echo "${boldon}There seem to be many connection issues. Check your network and /etc/resolv.conf file${boldoff}" echo "Also try finding a faster server: https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=305" echo "" echo "" sleep 5 #messages/changes will now stop because it's above. GET_FILE_FAILED_COUNT=$((GET_FILE_FAILED_COUNT+1)) elif [ "${GET_FILE_FAILED_COUNT}" -lt ${GIVE_UP_THRESH} ]; then GET_FILE_FAILED_COUNT=$((GET_FILE_FAILED_COUNT+1)) if [ "${GET_FILE_FAILED_COUNT}" -gt ${TRY_DIFFERENT_THRESH} ]; then echo "" echo "${boldon}Too many failed attempts with ${DOWNLOADSERVER_OPT}. Will try a different server.${boldoff}" SET_DL= case "${DOWNLOADSERVER_OPT}" in SET_DL=${WEBPATH_BACKUP_IP} ;; SET_DL=${WEBPATH_BACKUP_IP} ;; SET_DL= ;; SET_DL= ;; SET_DL= ;; SET_DL= ;; SET_DL= ;; esac echo "${boldon}We'll temporarily try using $SET_DL instead${boldoff}" echo "" DOWNLOADSERVER_OPT=${SET_DL} if echo "${DOWNLOADSERVERS_HTTPS_LIST}" | grep -m1 -q " ${DOWNLOADSERVER_OPT} "; then DOWNLOADSERVER_SCHEME=https else DOWNLOADSERVER_SCHEME=http fi WEBPATH=${DOWNLOADSERVER_SCHEME}://${DOWNLOADSERVER_OPT}/services/custombuild WEBPATH_SERVICES=${DOWNLOADSERVER_SCHEME}://${DOWNLOADSERVER_OPT}/services sleep 2 fi fi fi elif [ "${2}" = "" ]; then if [ "${JSON_CASE}" -eq 0 ]; then printf "Downloading\t\t$1...\n" fi if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then fetch -o ${CWD}/${LOCAL_NAME} ${WEBPATH}/${1} else wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} -O ${CWD}/${LOCAL_NAME} ${WEBPATH}/${1} fi fi if [ "$2" != "" ]; then M=`checkMD5 ${LOCAL_NAME} ${2}` if [ "$M" != "0" ]; then if [ "${JSON_CASE}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "" echo "${boldon}*** MD5 Checksum for ${LOCAL_NAME} Failed. Redownloading...***${boldoff}" echo "" fi #we will call it recursively but will *not* pass $2 for the md5 cus it would get stuck in a loop. rm -f ${LOCAL_NAME} getFile ${1} "" ${3} M=`checkMD5 ${LOCAL_NAME} ${2}` if [ "$M" != "0" ]; then echo "" echo "" echo "${boldon}*** MD5 Checksum for $1 failed *again*.***${boldoff}" echo "The md5 checksum value may be incorrect, or a wrong file is being downloaded." echo "Install continuing with this possibly corrupted file. (it may also be fine)" echo "" echo "" elif [ "${JSON_CASE}" -eq 0 ]; then echo "MD5 Checksum on ${LOCAL_NAME} passed." fi fi fi } downloadVersionsTxt() { if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then fetch -o ./versions.txt ${WEBPATH}/versions.txt 2> /dev/null else wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} -O ./versions.txt ${WEBPATH}/versions.txt 2> /dev/null fi if [ ! -s ./versions.txt ]; then echo "Could not get versions.txt from ${WEBPATH}. Trying backup." if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then fetch -o ./versions.txt ${WEBPATH_BACKUP}/versions.txt 2> /dev/null else wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} -O ./versions.txt ${WEBPATH_BACKUP}/versions.txt 2> /dev/null fi if [ -s ./versions.txt ]; then echo "Ok, that worked. Please try using a different mirror." echo "./build set_fastest" echo "https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=305" echo "" echo "Using ${WEBPATH_BACKUP} for the remainder of this run." sleep 10 WEBPATH=${WEBPATH_BACKUP} else do_exit 1 "Unable to download versions.txt from any mirror" fi fi #because the versions.txt has the md5 for is, saves us re-downloading it if we already have the latest. getFile patches_versions.txt patches_versions if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH_LITESPEED}/versions.txt -O ${VERSIONS_FILE_LITESPEED} 2> /dev/null if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_LITESPEED} ]; then getFile versions_litespeed.txt versions_litespeed fi fi if [ "${CLOUDLINUX_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH_CL}/${VERSIONS_CL} -O ${VERSIONS_FILE_CL} 2> /dev/null if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_CL} ]; then getFile versions_cl.txt versions_cl fi fi if [ "${MODSECURITY_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ "${MODSECURITY_RULESET_OPT}" = "comodo" ]; then wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WGET_HTTPS_OPTIONS} ${WEBPATH_CWAF}/doc/comodo_versions.txt -O ${VERSIONS_FILE_CWAF} 2> /dev/null if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE_CWAF} ]; then getFile versions_cwaf.txt versions_cwaf fi fi if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mariadb" ]; then if [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.1" ] || [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.2" ] || [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.3" ] || [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.4" ] || [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.5" ]; then if [ ! -d mysql ]; then mkdir -p mysql fi getFile all/mariadb/jemalloc/jemalloc_versions.txt jemalloc_versions mysql/versions_jemalloc.txt getFile all/mariadb/galera/galera_versions.txt galera_versions mysql/versions_galera.txt fi fi } SKIP_LDCONFIG_SECTION=0 skip_ldconfig_toggle() { SKIP_LDCONFIG_SECTION=1 } case "$1" in "") skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; opt_help) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; set) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; set_php) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; get_versions_txt) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; update_script) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; version) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; set_fastest) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; set_fastest_quiet) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; kill) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; update_da) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; list_configs_json) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; settings_json) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; get_timezone) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; custom_config) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; set_versions_txt) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; show_component_config) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; remove_customized_config) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; show_file) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; check_options) skip_ldconfig_toggle ;; esac if [ "${SKIP_LDCONFIG_SECTION}" = "0" ]; then #Is the default PHP running as CGI? This variable is not used anymore, but left for the future GREP_PHP_MODE="`grep -m1 '^php1_mode=' ${WORKDIR}/options.conf | cut -d= -f2`" # Get apache version from directadmin.conf DACONF_APACHE_VER=1.3 if [ -e ${DACONF_FILE} ]; then DACONF_APACHE_VER=`grep -m1 "^apache_ver=" ${DACONF_FILE} | cut -d= -f2` fi # Download versions.txt if AUTOVER_OPT is set to "yes" if [ "${AUTOVER_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then downloadVersionsTxt fi # Check if ld.so.conf has /usr/local/lib if [ ! -e /etc/ld.so.conf ] || [ "`grep -m1 -c -E '/usr/local/lib$' /etc/ld.so.conf`" = "0" ]; then echo "/usr/local/lib" >> /etc/ld.so.conf /sbin/ldconfig fi if [ "$1" = "apache" ] || [ "$1" = "nginx_apache" ]; then if [ "`grep -m1 -c -E '^/usr/lib/apache$' /etc/ld.so.conf`" = "1" ]; then perl -pi -e 's|^/usr/lib/apache|#/usr/lib/apache|' /etc/ld.so.conf /sbin/ldconfig fi fi fi getMD5CL() { if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 3` else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CL} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CL} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi echo "${RESULT}" } getMD5CWAF() { if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 3` else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CWAF} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CWAF} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi echo "${RESULT}" } getMD5LSWS() { if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 3` else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_LITESPEED} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_LITESPEED} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi echo "${RESULT}" } getMD5Jemalloc() { if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 3` else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_JEMALLOC} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_JEMALLOC} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi echo "${RESULT}" } getMD5Galera() { if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 3` else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_GALERA} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi else RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_GALERA} | cut -d ':' -f 3` fi echo "${RESULT}" } checkMD5CL() { #$1 is the local file #$2 is the versions_cl.txt or versions_litespeed.txt variable #return values: #1 for error, try agian #0 for nothing to report. if [ ! -e $MD5SUM ]; then echo 0 return fi if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then echo 1 fi VMD5=`getMD5CL $2` if [ "$VMD5" = "" ]; then echo 0 return fi FMD5=`$MD5SUM $1 | cut -d\ -f1` if [ "$FMD5" = "$VMD5" ]; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } checkMD5CWAF() { #$1 is the local file #$2 is the versions_cwaf.txt #return values: #1 for error, try agian #0 for nothing to report. if [ ! -e $MD5SUM ]; then echo 0 return fi if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then echo 1 fi VMD5=`getMD5CWAF $2` if [ "$VMD5" = "" ]; then echo 0 return fi FMD5=`$MD5SUM $1 | cut -d\ -f1` if [ "$FMD5" = "$VMD5" ]; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } checkMD5LSWS() { #$1 is the local file #$2 is the versions_cl.txt or versions_litespeed.txt variable #return values: #1 for error, try agian #0 for nothing to report. if [ ! -e $MD5SUM ]; then echo 0 return fi if [ ! -e "$1" ]; then echo 1 fi VMD5=`getMD5LSWS $2` if [ "$VMD5" = "" ]; then echo 0 return fi FMD5=`$MD5SUM $1 | cut -d\ -f1` if [ "$FMD5" = "$VMD5" ]; then echo 0 else echo 1 fi } getFileCL() { cd ${CWD} if [ ! -s ${1} ]; then printf "Downloading\t\t$1...\n" wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} -O ${CWD}/${1} ${WEBPATH_CL}/${1} tar xzf ${1} --no-same-owner fi if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then M=`checkMD5CL ${1} ${2}` if [ "$M" != "0" ]; then echo "" echo "${boldon}*** MD5 Checksum for $1 Failed. Redownloading...***${boldoff}" echo "" #we will call it recursively but will *not* pass $2 for the md5 cus it would get stuck in a loop. rm -f $1 getFileCL $1 tar xzf ${1} --no-same-owner M=`checkMD5CL ${1} ${2}` if [ "$M" != "0" ]; then echo "" echo "" echo "${boldon}*** MD5 Checksum for $1 failed *again*.***${boldoff}" echo "The md5 checksum value may be incorrect, or a wrong file is being downloaded." echo "Install continuing with this possibly corrupted file. (it may also be fine)" echo "" echo "" fi fi fi } getFileCWAF() { cd ${CWD} if [ ! -s ${1} ]; then printf "Downloading\t\t$1...\n" wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} ${WGET_HTTPS_OPTIONS} -O ${CWD}/${1} "${WEBPATH_CWAF}/api/da_vendor?file=${1}" fi if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then M=`checkMD5CWAF ${1} ${2}` if [ "$M" != "0" ]; then echo "" echo "${boldon}*** MD5 Checksum for $1 Failed. Redownloading...***${boldoff}" echo "" #we will call it recursively but will *not* pass $2 for the md5 cus it would get stuck in a loop. rm -f $1 getFileCWAF $1 M=`checkMD5CWAF ${1} ${2}` if [ "$M" != "0" ]; then echo "" echo "" echo "${boldon}*** MD5 Checksum for $1 failed *again*.***${boldoff}" echo "The md5 checksum value may be incorrect, or a wrong file is being downloaded." echo "Install continuing with this possibly corrupted file. (it may also be fine)" echo "" echo "" fi fi fi } getFileLSWS() { cd ${CWD} if [ ! -s ${1} ]; then printf "Downloading\t\t$1...\n" wget ${WGET_CONNECT_OPTIONS} -O ${CWD}/${1} ${WEBPATH_LITESPEED}/${LITESPEED_REPO}/${1} fi if [ "$#" -eq 2 ]; then M=`checkMD5LSWS ${1} ${2}` if [ "$M" != "0" ]; then echo "" echo "${boldon}*** MD5 Checksum for $1 Failed. Redownloading...***${boldoff}" echo "" #we will call it recursively but will *not* pass $2 for the md5 cus it would get stuck in a loop. rm -f $1 getFileLSWS $1 tar xzf ${1} --no-same-owner M=`checkMD5LSWS ${1} ${2}` if [ "$M" != "0" ]; then echo "" echo "" echo "${boldon}*** MD5 Checksum for $1 failed *again*.***${boldoff}" echo "The md5 checksum value may be incorrect, or a wrong file is being downloaded." echo "Install continuing with this possibly corrupted file. (it may also be fine)" echo "" echo "" fi fi fi } #################################################### add_to_system_backup() { SB_TYPE=$1 SB_WHERE=$2 F=/usr/local/sysbk/mod/custom.$SB_TYPE if [ ! -e ${F} ]; then return; fi if [ ! -e ${SB_WHERE} ]; then echo "add_to_system_backups: cannot find $SB_WHERE to add to $F"; return; fi C=`grep -c -e "^${SB_WHERE}\$" $F` if [ "$C" -gt 0 ]; then return; fi echo "${SB_WHERE}" >> $F echo "$SB_WHERE added to $F"; } #################################################### # Rewrite directadmin-vhosts.conf doVhosts() { PATHNAME=${HTTPDCONF}/extra if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx" ]; then PATHNAME=${NGINXCONF} elif [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "openlitespeed" ]; then PATHNAME=${LSWS_HOME}/conf fi if [ ! -d ${PATHNAME} ]; then mkdir -p ${PATHNAME} fi echo -n '' > ${PATHNAME}/directadmin-vhosts.conf if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx" ]; then for i in `ls /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/*/nginx.conf`; do echo "include $i;" >> ${PATHNAME}/directadmin-vhosts.conf done elif [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "apache" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ]; then for i in `ls /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/*/httpd.conf`; do echo "Include $i" >> ${PATHNAME}/directadmin-vhosts.conf done elif [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "openlitespeed" ]; then for i in `ls /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/*/openlitespeed.conf`; do echo "include $i" >> ${PATHNAME}/directadmin-vhosts.conf done elif [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx_apache" ]; then echo -n '' > ${NGINXCONF}/directadmin-vhosts.conf for i in `ls /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/*/nginx.conf`; do echo "include $i;" >> ${NGINXCONF}/directadmin-vhosts.conf done for i in `ls /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/*/httpd.conf`; do echo "Include $i" >> ${PATHNAME}/directadmin-vhosts.conf done fi } #################################################### # We need this up for compatibility purposes PHP_INI_OPT=`getOpt php_ini no` roundcube_version() { RCVERFILE=/var/www/html/roundcube/program/include/iniset.php if [ ! -e $RCVERFILE ]; then echo 0 return fi grep -m1 "RCMAIL_VERSION" $RCVERFILE | cut -d\' -f4 | cut -d\ -f1 } exim_version() { /usr/sbin/exim -bV 2>/dev/null | grep -m1 'built' | head -n1 | awk '{ print $3 }' | tr '_' '.' } exim_conf_version() { COUNT=0 T_EXIMCONFV=0 if [ -e /etc/exim.conf ]; then COUNT=`head -n1 /etc/exim.conf | grep -c 'Version'` if [ "${COUNT}" -gt 0 ]; then T_EXIMCONFV="`head -n1 /etc/exim.conf | awk '{ print $6 }'`" fi if [ "${T_EXIMCONFV}" = "0" ]; then COUNT=`head -n2 /etc/exim.conf | grep -c release` if [ "${COUNT}" -gt 0 ]; then T_EXIMCONFV="`head -n2 /etc/exim.conf | grep release | awk '{ print $2 }' | cut -d. -f4,5,6 | cut -d- -f1`" fi fi fi if [ "${T_EXIMCONFV}" = "0" ]; then writeLog "exim_conf_version: Cannot determine version of /etc/exim.conf"; fi echo $T_EXIMCONFV } exim_dkim_conf_version() { T_EXIMDKIMV=0 if [ -e /etc/exim.dkim.conf ]; then T_EXIMDKIMV=`head -n1 /etc/exim.dkim.conf | cut -d\# -f2` fi if [ "${T_EXIMDKIMV}" = "" ]; then T_EXIMDKIMV=0 fi echo ${T_EXIMDKIMV} } exim_pl_version() { EPL=/etc/exim.pl if [ ! -s ${EPL} ]; then echo 0 return; fi grep '#VERSION=' /etc/exim.pl | head -n1 | cut -d= -f2 } rspamd_conf_version() { COUNT=0 T_RSDV=0 RSDTXT=/etc/exim/rspamd/README.txt if [ -e ${RSDTXT} ]; then COUNT=`head -n1 ${RSDTXT} | grep -c '^#'` if [ "${COUNT}" -gt 0 ]; then T_RSDV="`head -n1 ${RSDTXT} | cut -d'#' -f2`" fi fi echo ${T_RSDV} } getVerLSWS() { RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_LITESPEED} | cut -d ':' -f 2` if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 2` fi fi if [ "${RESULT}" = "" ]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: version of $1 not found in versions_litespeed.txt!" RESULT="0" fi echo "${RESULT}" } getVerJemalloc() { RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_JEMALLOC} | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d '-' -f1` if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 2` fi fi if [ "${RESULT}" = "" ]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: version of $1 not found in versions_jemalloc.txt!" RESULT="0" fi echo "${RESULT}" } getFilenameJemalloc() { RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_JEMALLOC} | cut -d ':' -f 4` if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 4` fi fi if [ "${RESULT}" = "" ]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: version of $1 not found in versions_jemalloc.txt!" RESULT="0" fi echo "${RESULT}" } getVerGalera() { RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_GALERA} | cut -d ':' -f 2 | cut -d '-' -f1` if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 2` fi fi if [ "${RESULT}" = "" ]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: version of $1 not found in versions_galera.txt!" RESULT="0" fi echo "${RESULT}" } getFilenameGalera() { RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_GALERA} | cut -d ':' -f 4` if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 4` fi fi if [ "${RESULT}" = "" ]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: version of $1 not found in versions_galera.txt!" RESULT="0" fi echo "${RESULT}" } getVerCL() { RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CL} | cut -d ':' -f 2` if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 2` fi fi if [ "${RESULT}" = "" ]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: version of $1 not found in versions_cl.txt!" RESULT="0" fi echo "${RESULT}" } getVerCWAF() { RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CWAF} | cut -d ':' -f 2` if ${EXISTS_VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then if grep -m1 -q ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM}; then RESULT=`grep -m1 ^$1: ${VERSIONS_FILE_CUSTOM} | cut -d ':' -f 2` fi fi if [ "${RESULT}" = "" ]; then >&2 echo "ERROR: version of $1 not found in versions_cwaf.txt!" RESULT="0" fi echo "${RESULT}" } GET_SERVICE_VERSIONS=1 dont_skip_toggle() { GET_SERVICE_VERSIONS=0 } case "$1" in "") dont_skip_toggle ;; version) dont_skip_toggle ;; kill) dont_skip_toggle ;; update_da) dont_skip_toggle ;; get_timezone) dont_skip_toggle ;; set_versions_txt) dont_skip_toggle ;; show_file) dont_skip_toggle ;; settings_json) dont_skip_toggle ;; check_options) dont_skip_toggle ;; opt_help) dont_skip_toggle ;; get_versions_txt) dont_skip_toggle ;; update_script) dont_skip_toggle ;; set_fastest) dont_skip_toggle ;; set_fastest_quiet) dont_skip_toggle ;; esac if [ "$1" = "gen_help_json" ] && [ "$2" != "" ]; then GET_SERVICE_VERSIONS=0 fi # check if we have versions.txt if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE} ]; then cd ${WORKDIR} getFile versions.txt fi if [ ! -s ${VERSIONS_FILE} ]; then do_exit 1 "There is no versions.txt file. Unable to download." else SOURCE_VERSIONS_TXT=`awk -F ":" '{gsub(/\./,"_",$1);gsub(/-/,"_",$1);print "VERSIONS_TXT_"$1"="$2}' ./versions.txt` eval ${SOURCE_VERSIONS_TXT} if [ -s ./custom_versions.txt ]; then SOURCE_VERSIONS_TXT=`awk -F ":" '{gsub(/\./,"_",$1);gsub(/-/,"_",$1);print "VERSIONS_TXT_"$1"="$2}' ./custom_versions.txt` eval ${SOURCE_VERSIONS_TXT} fi fi # check if we have patches_versions.txt if [ ! -s ${PATCHES_VERSIONS_FILE} ]; then cd ${WORKDIR} getFile patches_versions.txt patches_versions fi if [ ! -s ${PATCHES_VERSIONS_FILE} ]; then do_exit 1 "There is no versions.txt file. Unable to download." fi #The following one needs an exception: ROUNDCUBE_VER=`getVer roundcubemail` ROUNDCUBE_MAJOR_VER=`echo ${ROUNDCUBE_VER} | cut -d. -f1` if [ "${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT}" = "5.3" ]; then SQUIRRELMAIL_VER=`getVer squirrelmail` SQUIRRELMAIL_VER_NAME=squirrelmail else SQUIRRELMAIL_VER=`getVer squirrelmail_svn` SQUIRRELMAIL_VER_NAME=squirrelmail_svn fi if [ "${GET_SERVICE_VERSIONS}" = "1" ]; then if [ "$1" != "list_configs_json" ] && [ "$1" != "custom_config" ] && [ "$1" != "show_component_config" ] && [ "$1" != "remove_customized_config" ]; then if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ] && [ ! -e versions_litespeed.txt ] ; then getFile versions_litespeed.txt versions_litespeed fi if [ "${CLOUDLINUX_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ ! -e versions_cl.txt ]; then getFile versions_cl.txt versions_cl fi if [ "${MODSECURITY_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ "${MODSECURITY_RULESET_OPT}" = "comodo" ] && [ ! -e versions_cwaf.txt ]; then getFile versions_cwaf.txt versions_cwaf fi ##################################################### # User Variables MOD_LSAPI_VER=no MOD_HOSTINGLIMITS_VER=no MOD_PROCTITLE_VER=no CL_PHP_LSAPI_VER=no if [ "${CLOUDLINUX_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then MOD_LSAPI_VER=`getVerCL mod_lsapi` MOD_HOSTINGLIMITS_VER=`getVerCL mod_hostinglimits` MOD_PROCTITLE_VER=`getVerCL mod_proctitle` CL_PHP_LSAPI_VER=`getVerCL php-litespeed` fi NGINX_VER=`getVer nginx` DIRECTADMIN_VER=`getVer directadmin` NGHTTP2_VER=`getVer nghttp2` APACHE2_VER=`getVer apache2.4` AP2_MINOR_VER=`echo ${APACHE2_VER} | cut -d. -f3` # Minimal required version of Apache 2.4 if [ "${AP2_MINOR_VER}" -lt 9 ]; then do_exit 1 "Minimal required version of Apache is 2.4.9. Please uncustomize your versions.txt file." fi APR_VER=`getVer apr` APR_UTIL_VER=`getVer apr-util` for php_shortrelease in `echo ${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE_SET}`; do PHP_VERSION_NUMBER=`getVer php${php_shortrelease}` eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_VER=${PHP_VERSION_NUMBER}"` done PHP1_VERSION_EVAL_VAR=PHP${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE}_VER PHP1_RELEASE_VER=$(eval_var ${PHP1_VERSION_EVAL_VAR}) PHP2_RELEASE_VER=no if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then PHP2_VERSION_EVAL_VAR=PHP${PHP2_SHORTRELEASE}_VER PHP2_RELEASE_VER=$(eval_var ${PHP2_VERSION_EVAL_VAR}) fi PHP3_RELEASE_VER=no if [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then PHP3_VERSION_EVAL_VAR=PHP${PHP3_SHORTRELEASE}_VER PHP3_RELEASE_VER=$(eval_var ${PHP3_VERSION_EVAL_VAR}) fi PHP4_RELEASE_VER=no if [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then PHP4_VERSION_EVAL_VAR=PHP${PHP4_SHORTRELEASE}_VER PHP4_RELEASE_VER=$(eval_var ${PHP4_VERSION_EVAL_VAR}) fi MODSECURITY_VER=`getVer modsecurity` MODSECURITY_FILENAME=modsecurity LIBMODSECURITY_VER=`getVer modsecurity3` LIBMODSECURITY_FILENAME=modsecurity MODSECURITY_NGINX_CONNECTOR_VER=`getVer modsecurity3_nginx` MODSECURITY_NGINX_CONNECTOR_FILENAME=modsecurity-nginx MODSECURITY_APACHE_CONNECTOR_VER=`getVer modsecurity3_apache` MODSECURITY_APACHE_CONNECTOR_FILENAME=modsecurity-apache if [ "${MODSECURITY_RULESET_OPT}" = "comodo" ] && [ "${MODSECURITY_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ]; then CWAF_RULES_LS_VER=`getVerCWAF cwaf_rules_ls` elif [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "apache" ]; then CWAF_RULES_VER=`getVerCWAF cwaf_rules` else CWAF_RULES_NGINX_VER=`getVerCWAF cwaf_rules_nginx_3` fi fi OWASP_RULES_VER=`getVer owasp3_rules` HTSCANNER_VER=`getVer htscanner` MOD_RUID2_VER=`getVer mod_ruid2` MOD_ACLR2_VER=`getVer mod_aclr2` MOD_FCGID_VER=`getVer mod_fcgid` FCGID_SH_VER=`getVer fcgid_sh` PIGZ_VER=`getVer pigz` if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mysql" ]; then if [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" = "5.0" ]; then MYSQL_VER=`getVer mysql5.0` MYSQL_REL=`getVer mysql5.0_release` elif [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" = "5.1" ]; then MYSQL_VER=`getVer mysql5.1` MYSQL_REL=`getVer mysql5.1_release` elif [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" = "5.5" ]; then MYSQL_VER=`getVer mysql5.5` MYSQL_REL=`getVer mysql5.5_release` elif [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" = "5.6" ]; then MYSQL_VER=`getVer mysql5.6` MYSQL_REL=`getVer mysql5.6_release` if [ "${OS}" != "FreeBSD" ] && [ ! -s ${DEBIAN_VERSION} ]; then if [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "5" ]; then MYSQL_VER=5.6.36 fi fi elif [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" = "5.7" ]; then MYSQL_VER=`getVer mysql5.7` if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ] && [ "`version_cmp ${MYSQL_VER} 5.7.27 'freebsd mysql ver check'`" -ge 0 ]; then #there is no 5.7.30 pack for FreeBSD, 5.7.27 is latest MYSQL_VER=5.7.27 fi MYSQL_REL=`getVer mysql5.7_release` elif [ "${MYSQL_OPT}" = "8.0" ]; then MYSQL_VER=`getVer mysql8.0` MYSQL_REL=`getVer mysql8.0_release` else MYSQL_VER=0 MYSQL_REL=0 fi if [ "$MYSQL_REL" = "" ]; then MYSQL_REL=0 fi else if [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "5.5" ]; then MARIADB_VER=`getVer mariadb5.5` elif [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.0" ]; then MARIADB_VER=`getVer mariadb10.0` elif [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.1" ]; then MARIADB_VER=`getVer mariadb10.1` elif [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.2" ]; then MARIADB_VER=`getVer mariadb10.2` elif [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.3" ]; then MARIADB_VER=`getVer mariadb10.3` elif [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.4" ]; then MARIADB_VER=`getVer mariadb10.4` elif [ "${MARIADB_OPT}" = "10.5" ]; then MARIADB_VER=`getVer mariadb10.5` else MARIADB_VER=0 fi fi PCRE_VER=`getVer pcre` if [ "$NEW_PCRE_OPT" = "yes" ]; then PCRE_VER=`getVer pcre_current` fi PCRE2_VER=`getVer pcre2` CURL_VER=`getVer curl` ZLIB_VER=`getVer zlib-current` MCRYPT_VER=`getVer mcrypt` MHASH_VER=`getVer mhash` SUPHP_VER=`getVer suphp_current` DOVECOT_VER=`getVer dovecot` DOVECOT_REL=`echo ${DOVECOT_VER} | cut -d. -f1,2` PIGEONHOLE_VER=no if [ "${DOVECOT_REL}" = "2.1" ]; then DOVECOT_SHORTREL=21 PIGEONHOLE_VER=`getVer pigeonhole21` elif [ "${DOVECOT_REL}" = "2.2" ]; then DOVECOT_SHORTREL=22 PIGEONHOLE_VER=`getVer pigeonhole22` elif [ "${DOVECOT_REL}" = "2.3" ]; then DOVECOT_SHORTREL=23 PIGEONHOLE_VER=`getVer pigeonhole23` fi FTS_XAPIAN_VER=`getVer fts-xapian` XAPIAN_CORE_VER=`getVer xapian-core` BUBBLEWRAP_VER=`getVer bubblewrap` JAILSHELL_SH_VER=`getVer jailshell_sh` EXIM_VER=`getVer exim` S_NAIL_VER=`getVer s-nail` MSMTP_VER=`getVer msmtp` LUA_VER=`getVer lua` BLOCKCRACKING_VER=`getVer blockcracking` EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER_VER=`getVer easy_spam_figther` RSPAMD_CONF_VER=`getVer rspamd_conf` LIBSRS_ALT_VER=`getVer libsrs_alt` LIBSPF2_VER=`getVer libspf2` if [ "${EXIMCONF_RELEASE_OPT}" = "2.1" ]; then EXIM_CONF_VER=`getVer exim_conf_2` EXIM_PL_VER=`getVer exim_pl_2` elif [ "${EXIMCONF_RELEASE_OPT}" = "4.2" ]; then EXIM_CONF_VER=`getVer exim_conf_4` EXIM_PL_VER=`getVer exim_pl_4` elif [ "${EXIMCONF_RELEASE_OPT}" = "4.3" ]; then EXIM_CONF_VER=`getVer exim_conf_43` EXIM_PL_VER=`getVer exim_pl_43` elif [ "${EXIMCONF_RELEASE_OPT}" = "4.4" ]; then EXIM_CONF_VER=`getVer exim_conf_44` EXIM_PL_VER=`getVer exim_pl_44` elif [ "${EXIMCONF_RELEASE_OPT}" = "4.5" ]; then EXIM_CONF_VER=`getVer exim_conf_45` EXIM_PL_VER=`getVer exim_pl_45` else EXIM_CONF_VER=`getVer exim_conf_45` EXIM_PL_VER=`getVer exim_pl_45` fi PROFTPD_VER=`getVer proftpd` PUREFTPD_VER=`getVer pureftpd` AUTOCONF_VER=`getVer autoconf` AUTOMAKE_VER=`getVer automake` M4_VER=`getVer m4` HELP2MAN_VER=`getVer help2man` LIBTOOL_VER=`getVer libtool` LIBXML2_VER=`getVer libxml2-current` LIBXSLT_VER=`getVer libxslt` LIBMAGIC_VER=`getVer libmagic` LIBSODIUM_VER=`getVer libsodium` LIBWEBP_VER=`getVer libwebp` LIBZIP_VER=`getVer libzip` COMPOSER_VER=`getVer composer` if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then LEGO_VER=`getVer lego_freebsd` elif [ "${OS_CENTOS_VER}" = "6" ] && [ "${B64}" = "0" ]; then LEGO_VER=`getVer lego_386` else LEGO_VER=`getVer lego` fi FREETYPE_VER=`getVer freetype` ICONV_VER=`getVer iconv` ICU_VER=`getVer icu4c` IMAGICK_VER=`getVer imagick` IMAGEMAGICK_VER=`getVer imagemagick` CLAMAV_VER=`getVer clamav` ZSTD_VER=`getVer zstd` # Mailman is not yet supported #MAILMAN_VER=`getVer mailman` AWSTATS_VER=`getVer awstats` AWSTATS_PROCESS_VER=`getVer awstats_process` UNIT_VER=`getVer unit` SUHOSIN_VER=`getVer suhosin` OPCACHE_VER=`getVer zendopcache` PSR_VER=`getVer psr` PHALCON_VER=`getVer phalcon` SNUFFLEUPAGUS_VER=`getVer snuffleupagus` IMAP_VER=`getVer imap` if [ "${B64}" = "1" ]; then IONCUBE_VER=`getVer ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64` else IONCUBE_VER=`getVer ioncube_loaders_lin_x86` fi FBSD4_IONCUBE_VER=`getVer ioncube_loaders_fre_4_x86` PNG_VER=`getVer libpng_current` LIBMAXMINDDB_VER=`getVer libmaxminddb` GEOIPUPDATE_VER=`getVer geoipupdate` RAGEL_VER=`getVer ragel` LUAJIT_VER=`getVer luajit` GLIB_VER=`getVer glib` # Applications versions PHPMYADMIN_REMOTE_PATCH=pma_auth_logging.patch if [ "${PHPMYADMIN_VER_OPT}" = "5" ]; then PHPMYADMIN_VER=`getVer phpmyadmin5` elif [ "${PHPMYADMIN_VER_OPT}" = "4" ]; then PHPMYADMIN_VER=`getVer phpmyadmin4` else PHPMYADMIN_VER=`getVer phpmyadmin3` fi SQUIRRELMAIL_LOCALE_VER=`getVer squirrelmail_locale` SQUIRRELMAIL_LOGGER_VER=`getVer squirrel_logger` if [ "$OS" = "FreeBSD" ]; then OPENLITESPEED_VER=`getVer openlitespeed_src` else OPENLITESPEED_VER=`getVer openlitespeed` fi LITESPEED_VER=no LETSENCRYPT_VER=`getVer letsencrypt_sh` CPANEL_TO_DA_VER=`getVer cpanel_to_da` if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ]; then LITESPEED_MAIN_VER=`getVerLSWS release` LITESPEED_REPO_START=`echo ${LITESPEED_MAIN_VER} | cut -d. -f1` LITESPEED_REPO="${LITESPEED_REPO_START}.0" if [ "${B64}" = "1" ]; then LITESPEED_VER_NAME="lsws-${LITESPEED_MAIN_VER}-ent-x86_64-linux" else LITESPEED_VER_NAME="lsws-${LITESPEED_MAIN_VER}-ent-i386-linux" fi LITESPEED_VER=`getVerLSWS ${LITESPEED_VER_NAME}` if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then LSWS_OS="freebsd" else LSWS_OS="linux" fi if [ "${B64}" = "1" ]; then LITESPEED_NAME="lsws-${LITESPEED_VER}-ent-x86_64-${LSWS_OS}" else LITESPEED_NAME="lsws-${LITESPEED_VER}-ent-i386-${LSWS_OS}" fi fi # SpamAssassin versions SPAMASSASSIN_VER=`getVer spamassassin` RSPAMD_VER=`getVer rspamd` LITESPEED_TRIAL_KEY=${WORKDIR}/configure/litespeed/trial.key if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/litespeed/trial.key ]; then LITESPEED_TRIAL_KEY=${WORKDIR}/custom/litespeed/trial.key fi fi # Variable for proftpd PROFTPD_CONFIGURE=configure/proftpd/configure.proftpd if [ -e custom/proftpd/configure.proftpd ]; then PROFTPD_CONFIGURE=custom/proftpd/configure.proftpd fi PROFTPD_CONF=configure/proftpd/conf/proftpd.conf if [ -e custom/proftpd/conf/proftpd.conf ]; then PROFTPD_CONF=custom/proftpd/conf/proftpd.conf fi # Variable for pureftpd PUREFTPD_CONFIGURE=configure/pureftpd/configure.pureftpd if [ -e custom/pureftpd/configure.pureftpd ]; then PUREFTPD_CONFIGURE=custom/pureftpd/configure.pureftpd fi PUREFTPD_CONF=configure/pureftpd/pure-ftpd.conf if [ -e custom/pureftpd/pure-ftpd.conf ]; then PUREFTPD_CONF=custom/pureftpd/pure-ftpd.conf fi # Variable for ClamAV CLAMAV_CONFIGURE=configure/clamav/configure.clamav if [ -e custom/clamav/configure.clamav ]; then CLAMAV_CONFIGURE=custom/clamav/configure.clamav fi #Variable for ModSecurity if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx_apache" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx" ]; then MODSECURITY_CONFIGURE=configure/modsecurity/configure.modsecurity if [ -e custom/modsecurity/configure.modsecurity ]; then MODSECURITY_CONFIGURE=custom/modsecurity/configure.modsecurity fi else MODSECURITY_CONFIGURE=configure/ap2/configure.modsecurity if [ -e custom/ap2/configure.modsecurity ]; then MODSECURITY_CONFIGURE=custom/ap2/configure.modsecurity fi fi # Variable for cURL CURL_CONFIGURE=configure/curl/configure.curl if [ -e custom/curl/configure.curl ]; then CURL_CONFIGURE=custom/curl/configure.curl fi # Variables for ModSecurity uploadscan RUNAV_PL=configure/clamav/runav.pl if [ -e custom/clamav/runav.pl ]; then RUNAV_PL=custom/clamav/runav.pl fi RUNAV_CONF=configure/clamav/runav.conf if [ -e custom/clamav/runav.conf ]; then RUNAV_CONF=custom/clamav/runav.conf fi # Variable for LibXML2 LIBXML2_CONFIGURE=configure/libxml2/configure.libxml2 if [ -e custom/libxml2/configure.libxml2 ]; then LIBXML2_CONFIGURE=custom/libxml2/configure.libxml2 fi # Variable for LibXSLT LIBXSLT_CONFIGURE=configure/libxslt/configure.libxslt if [ -e custom/libxslt/configure.libxslt ]; then LIBXSLT_CONFIGURE=custom/libxslt/configure.libxslt fi # Variable for OPCACHE OPCACHE_INI=configure/opcache/opcache.ini if [ -e custom/opcache/opcache.ini ]; then OPCACHE_INI=custom/opcache/opcache.ini fi # Variable for SUHOSIN SUHOSIN_INI=configure/suhosin/suhosin.ini if [ -e custom/suhosin/suhosin.ini ]; then SUHOSIN_INI=custom/suhosin/suhosin.ini fi EXIM_MAKEFILE="" if [ -e custom/exim/Makefile ]; then EXIM_MAKEFILE=${CWD}/custom/exim/Makefile fi # Dovecot variables DOVECOT_CONFIGURE=configure/dovecot/configure.dovecot if [ -e custom/dovecot/configure.dovecot ]; then DOVECOT_CONFIGURE=custom/dovecot/configure.dovecot #to solve bogus ICU linking in FTS plugin of dovecot if ! grep -m1 -q without-icu ${DOVECOT_CONFIGURE}; then perl -pi -e 's|^\./configure |./configure --without-icu |g' ${DOVECOT_CONFIGURE} fi fi DOVECOTCONFDIR=${WORKDIR}/configure/dovecot/conf DOVECOTCUSTOMCONFDIR=0 if [ -d ${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/conf ]; then DOVECOTCUSTOMCONFDIR=${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/conf fi DOVECTCONFFILE=${WORKDIR}/configure/dovecot/dovecot.conf if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/dovecot.conf ]; then DOVECTCONFFILE=${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/dovecot.conf fi DOVECTCONFSIEVE=${WORKDIR}/configure/dovecot/conf.d/90-sieve.conf if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/conf.d/90-sieve.conf ]; then DOVECTCONFSIEVE=${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/conf.d/90-sieve.conf fi DOVECTCONFFTS=${WORKDIR}/configure/dovecot/conf.d/90-fts-xapian.conf if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/conf.d/90-fts-xapian.conf ]; then DOVECTCONFFTS=${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/conf.d/90-fts-xapian.conf fi DOVECTCONFQUOTA=${WORKDIR}/configure/dovecot/conf.d/90-quota.conf if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/conf.d/90-quota.conf ]; then DOVECTCONFQUOTA=${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/conf.d/90-quota.conf fi DOVECOTCONFZLIB=${WORKDIR}/configure/dovecot/conf.d/90-zlib.conf if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/conf.d/90-zlib.conf ]; then DOVECOTCONFZLIB=${WORKDIR}/custom/dovecot/conf.d/90-zlib.conf fi # Variables for spamd SPAMD_CONF=configure/${SPAMD_OPT}/exim.spamd.conf if [ -e custom/${SPAMD_OPT}/exim.spamd.conf ]; then SPAMD_CONF=custom/${SPAMD_OPT}/exim.spamd.conf fi # Variables for apache APACHE2_CONFIGURE=configure/ap2/configure.apache if [ -e custom/ap2/configure.apache ]; then APACHE2_CONFIGURE=custom/ap2/configure.apache fi PHP_HANDLERS_HTTPD=/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-php-handlers.conf SUPHP_HTTPD=/etc/httpd/conf/extra/httpd-suphp.conf APCONFDIR=${WORKDIR}/configure/${APCONF}/conf APCUSTOMCONFDIR=0 #custom/configure isn't supposed to be there if [ -d ${WORKDIR}/custom/configure/${APCONF}/conf ]; then APCUSTOMCONFDIR=${WORKDIR}/custom/configure/${APCONF}/conf fi if [ -d ${WORKDIR}/custom/${APCONF}/conf ]; then APCUSTOMCONFDIR=${WORKDIR}/custom/${APCONF}/conf fi APCERTCONF=configure/${APCONF}/cert_config.txt if [ -e custom/configure/${APCONF}/cert_config.txt ]; then APCERTCONF=custom/configure/${APCONF}/cert_config.txt fi if [ -e custom/${APCONF}/cert_config.txt ]; then APCERTCONF=custom/${APCONF}/cert_config.txt fi # Variables for unit UNIT_CONFIGURE=configure/unit/configure.unit if [ -e custom/unit/configure.unit ]; then UNIT_CONFIGURE=custom/unit/configure.unit fi # Variables for openlitespeed OPENLITESPEED_CONFIGURE=configure/openlitespeed/configure.openlitespeed if [ -e custom/openlitespeed/configure.openlitespeed ]; then OPENLITESPEED_CONFIGURE=custom/openlitespeed/configure.openlitespeed fi OPENLITESPEEDCONFDIR=${WORKDIR}/configure/openlitespeed/conf OPENLITESPEEDCUSTOMCONFDIR=0 if [ -d ${WORKDIR}/custom/openlitespeed/conf ]; then OPENLITESPEEDCUSTOMCONFDIR=${WORKDIR}/custom/openlitespeed/conf fi OPENLITESPEED_EXTPROCESSORS_TEMPLATE=configure/openlitespeed/httpd-extprocessors.template if [ -e custom/openlitespeed/httpd-extprocessors.template ]; then OPENLITESPEED_EXTPROCESSORS_TEMPLATE=custom/openlitespeed/httpd-extprocessors.template fi OPENLITESPEED_WEBAPPS_EXTPROCESSOR_TEMPLATE=configure/openlitespeed/httpd-webapps-extprocessor.template if [ -e custom/openlitespeed/httpd-webapps-extprocessor.template ]; then OPENLITESPEED_WEBAPPS_EXTPROCESSOR_TEMPLATE=custom/openlitespeed/httpd-webapps-extprocessor.template fi # Variables for nginx if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx_apache" ]; then NGINX_CONFIGURE=configure/nginx_reverse/configure.nginx if [ -e custom/nginx_reverse/configure.nginx ]; then NGINX_CONFIGURE=custom/nginx_reverse/configure.nginx fi NGINXCONFDIR=${WORKDIR}/configure/nginx_reverse/conf NGINXCUSTOMCONFDIR=0 if [ -d ${WORKDIR}/custom/nginx_reverse/conf ]; then NGINXCUSTOMCONFDIR=${WORKDIR}/custom/nginx_reverse/conf fi else NGINX_CONFIGURE=configure/nginx/configure.nginx if [ -e custom/nginx/configure.nginx ]; then NGINX_CONFIGURE=custom/nginx/configure.nginx fi NGINXCONFDIR=${WORKDIR}/configure/nginx/conf NGINXCUSTOMCONFDIR=0 if [ -d ${WORKDIR}/custom/nginx/conf ]; then NGINXCUSTOMCONFDIR=${WORKDIR}/custom/nginx/conf fi fi MODSECURITY_APACHE_INCLUDE=${WORKDIR}/configure/ap2/conf/extra/httpd-modsecurity.conf if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/ap2/conf/extra/httpd-modsecurity.conf ]; then MODSECURITY_APACHE_INCLUDE=${WORKDIR}/custom/ap2/conf/extra/httpd-modsecurity.conf fi MODSECURITY_NGINX_INCLUDE=${WORKDIR}/configure/nginx/conf/nginx-modsecurity.conf if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/nginx/conf/nginx-modsecurity.conf ]; then MODSECURITY_NGINX_INCLUDE=${WORKDIR}/custom/nginx/conf/nginx-modsecurity.conf fi if [ -s ${WORKDIR}/configure/openlitespeed/conf/httpd-listeners.conf ]; then rm -f ${WORKDIR}/configure/openlitespeed/conf/httpd-listeners.conf fi MODSECURITY_OPENLITESPEED_INCLUDE=${WORKDIR}/configure/openlitespeed/conf/httpd-modsecurity.conf if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/openlitespeed/conf/httpd-modsecurity.conf ]; then MODSECURITY_OPENLITESPEED_INCLUDE=${WORKDIR}/custom/openlitespeed/conf/httpd-modsecurity.conf fi MODSECURITY_NGINX_REVERSE_INCLUDE=${WORKDIR}/configure/nginx_reverse/conf/nginx-modsecurity.conf if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/nginx_reverse/conf/nginx-modsecurity.conf ]; then MODSECURITY_NGINX_REVERSE_INCLUDE=${WORKDIR}/custom/nginx_reverse/conf/nginx-modsecurity.conf fi MODSECURITY_CUSTOM_RULES=${WORKDIR}/custom/modsecurity/conf for php_shortrelease in `echo ${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE_SET}`; do # Variables for php-fpm eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_FPM=configure/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` if [ -e custom/fpm/configure.php${php_shortrelease} ]; then eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_FPM=custom/fpm/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` fi if [ -e custom/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease} ]; then eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_FPM=custom/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` fi eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_FPM_CONF=${WORKDIR}/configure/fpm/conf/php-fpm.conf.${php_shortrelease}"` if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/fpm/conf/php-fpm.conf.${php_shortrelease} ]; then eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_FPM_CONF=${WORKDIR}/custom/fpm/conf/php-fpm.conf.${php_shortrelease}"` fi eval `echo "PHP_INI_FPM${php_shortrelease}=/usr/local/php${php_shortrelease}/lib/php.ini"` eval `echo "PHP_SBIN_FPM${php_shortrelease}=/usr/local/php${php_shortrelease}/sbin/php-fpm${php_shortrelease}"` # Variables for PHP as suPHP EVAL_PHP_INI_SUPHP_VAR=PHP_SBIN_FPM${php_shortrelease} eval `echo "PHP_INI_SUPHP${php_shortrelease}=$(eval_var ${EVAL_PHP_INI_SUPHP_VAR})"` eval `echo "PHP_BIN_SUPHP${php_shortrelease}=/usr/local/php${php_shortrelease}/bin/php-cgi${php_shortrelease}"` eval `echo "PHP_BIN_PHP${php_shortrelease}=/usr/local/php${php_shortrelease}/bin/php${php_shortrelease}"` eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_SUPHP=configure/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` if [ -e custom/suphp/configure.php${php_shortrelease} ]; then eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_SUPHP=custom/suphp/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` fi if [ -e custom/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease} ]; then eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_SUPHP=custom/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` fi # Variables for php-fastcgi eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_FCGI=configure/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` if [ -e custom/fastcgi/configure.php${php_shortrelease} ]; then eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_FCGI=custom/fastcgi/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` fi if [ -e custom/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease} ]; then eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_FCGI=custom/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` fi # Variables for lsphp eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_LSPHP=configure/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` if [ -e custom/litespeed/configure.php${php_shortrelease} ]; then eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_LSPHP=custom/litespeed/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` fi if [ -e custom/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease} ]; then eval `echo "PHP${php_shortrelease}_CONFIGURE_LSPHP=custom/php/configure.php${php_shortrelease}"` fi eval `echo "PHP_EXT_FPM${php_shortrelease}=/usr/local/php${php_shortrelease}/lib/php.conf.d/10-directadmin.ini"` EVAL_PHP_EXT_SUPHP_VAR=PHP_EXT_FPM${php_shortrelease} eval `echo "PHP_EXT_SUPHP${php_shortrelease}=$(eval_var ${EVAL_PHP_EXT_SUPHP_VAR})"` done PHP_CUSTOM_PHP_CONF_D_INI_PATH=${WORKDIR}/custom/php.conf.d #php extensions file rewritten by DirectAdmin PHP_EXT=/usr/local/lib/php.conf.d/10-directadmin.ini PHP_INI=/usr/local/lib/php.ini PHP_BIN=/usr/local/bin/php PHP1_RELEASE_INI_EVAL="PHP_INI_FPM${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE}" PHP1_INI_FILE="$(eval_var ${PHP1_RELEASE_INI_EVAL})" PHP1_RELEASE_INI_EXT_EVAL="PHP_EXT_FPM${PHP1_SHORTRELEASE}" PHP1_INI_EXT_FILE="$(eval_var ${PHP1_RELEASE_INI_EXT_EVAL})" PHP1_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD="`echo ${PHP1_INI_EXT_FILE} | perl -p0 -e 's|10-directadmin.ini|directadmin.ini|'`" if [ -e ${PHP1_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD} ] && [ ! -e ${PHP1_INI_EXT_FILE} ]; then mv -f ${PHP1_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD} ${PHP1_INI_EXT_FILE} fi PHP2_INI_FILE="no" PHP2_INI_EXT_FILE="no" if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then PHP2_INI_FILE=${PHP_INI} PHP2_INI_EXT_FILE=${PHP_EXT} if [ "${PHP2_MODE_OPT}" != "mod_php" ]; then PHP2_RELEASE_INI_EVAL="PHP_INI_FPM${PHP2_SHORTRELEASE}" PHP2_INI_FILE="$(eval_var ${PHP2_RELEASE_INI_EVAL})" PHP2_RELEASE_INI_EXT_EVAL="PHP_EXT_FPM${PHP2_SHORTRELEASE}" PHP2_INI_EXT_FILE="$(eval_var ${PHP2_RELEASE_INI_EXT_EVAL})" fi PHP2_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD="`echo ${PHP2_INI_EXT_FILE} | perl -p0 -e 's|10-directadmin.ini|directadmin.ini|'`" if [ -e ${PHP2_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD} ] && [ ! -e ${PHP2_INI_EXT_FILE} ]; then mv -f ${PHP2_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD} ${PHP2_INI_EXT_FILE} fi fi PHP3_INI_FILE="no" PHP3_INI_EXT_FILE="no" if [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then PHP3_INI_FILE=${PHP_INI} PHP3_INI_EXT_FILE=${PHP_EXT} if [ "${PHP3_MODE_OPT}" != "mod_php" ]; then PHP3_RELEASE_INI_EVAL="PHP_INI_FPM${PHP3_SHORTRELEASE}" PHP3_INI_FILE="$(eval_var ${PHP3_RELEASE_INI_EVAL})" PHP3_RELEASE_INI_EXT_EVAL="PHP_EXT_FPM${PHP3_SHORTRELEASE}" PHP3_INI_EXT_FILE="$(eval_var ${PHP3_RELEASE_INI_EXT_EVAL})" fi PHP3_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD="`echo ${PHP3_INI_EXT_FILE} | perl -p0 -e 's|10-directadmin.ini|directadmin.ini|'`" if [ -e ${PHP3_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD} ] && [ ! -e ${PHP3_INI_EXT_FILE} ]; then mv -f ${PHP3_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD} ${PHP3_INI_EXT_FILE} fi fi PHP4_INI_FILE="no" PHP4_INI_EXT_FILE="no" if [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" != "no" ]; then PHP4_INI_FILE=${PHP_INI} PHP4_INI_EXT_FILE=${PHP_EXT} if [ "${PHP4_MODE_OPT}" != "mod_php" ]; then PHP4_RELEASE_INI_EVAL="PHP_INI_FPM${PHP4_SHORTRELEASE}" PHP4_INI_FILE="$(eval_var ${PHP4_RELEASE_INI_EVAL})" PHP4_RELEASE_INI_EXT_EVAL="PHP_EXT_FPM${PHP4_SHORTRELEASE}" PHP4_INI_EXT_FILE="$(eval_var ${PHP4_RELEASE_INI_EXT_EVAL})" fi PHP4_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD="`echo ${PHP4_INI_EXT_FILE} | perl -p0 -e 's|10-directadmin.ini|directadmin.ini|'`" if [ -e ${PHP4_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD} ] && [ ! -e ${PHP4_INI_EXT_FILE} ]; then mv -f ${PHP4_INI_EXT_FILE_OLD} ${PHP4_INI_EXT_FILE} fi fi #suhosin uploadscan script SUHOSIN_PHP_UPLOADSCAN_SCRIPT=${WORKDIR}/configure/suhosin/php_uploadscan.sh if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/suhosin/php_uploadscan.sh ]; then SUHOSIN_PHP_UPLOADSCAN_SCRIPT=${WORKDIR}/custom/suhosin/php_uploadscan.sh fi #pureftpd uploadscan script PUREFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_SCRIPT=${WORKDIR}/configure/pureftpd/pureftpd_uploadscan.sh if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/pureftpd/pureftpd_uploadscan.sh ]; then PUREFTPD_UPLOADSCAN_SCRIPT=${WORKDIR}/custom/pureftpd/pureftpd_uploadscan.sh fi #pureftpd SNI script PUREFTPD_PURE_CERTD_SCRIPT=${WORKDIR}/configure/pureftpd/pureftpd_sni.sh if [ -e ${WORKDIR}/custom/pureftpd/pureftpd_sni.sh ]; then PUREFTPD_PURE_CERTD_SCRIPT=${WORKDIR}/custom/pureftpd/pureftpd_sni.sh fi SUPHP_CONFIGURE=configure/suphp/configure.suphp if [ -e custom/suphp/configure.suphp ]; then SUPHP_CONFIGURE=custom/suphp/configure.suphp fi SUPHP_PATH=/usr/local/suphp SUPHP_CONF_FILE=${SUPHP_PATH}/etc/suphp.conf SUPHP_SO=/usr/lib/apache/mod_suphp.so PMA_MAIN_CONFIG=${CWD}/configure/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php PMA_CUSTOM_CONFIG= if [ -s ${CWD}/custom/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php ]; then PMA_CUSTOM_CONFIG=${CWD}/custom/phpmyadmin/config.inc.php fi #custom script configs WEBAPPS_LIST=${CWD}/custom/webapps.list PMA_HTACCESS=${CWD}/custom/phpmyadmin/.htaccess PMA_USER_INI=${CWD}/custom/phpmyadmin/.user.ini PMA_THEMES=${CWD}/custom/phpmyadmin/themes SQUIRREL_CONFIG=${CWD}/custom/squirrelmail/config.php ROUNDCUBE_CONFIG=${CWD}/custom/roundcube/config.inc.php ROUNDCUBE_CONFIG_DB=${ROUNDCUBE_CONFIG} ROUNDCUBE_CONFIG_OLD=${CWD}/custom/roundcube/main.inc.php ROUNDCUBE_CONFIG_DB_OLD=${CWD}/custom/roundcube/db.inc.php if [ "${ROUNDCUBE_MAJOR_VER}" = "0" ]; then ROUNDCUBE_CONFIG=${ROUNDCUBE_CONFIG_OLD} ROUNDCUBE_CONFIG_DB=${ROUNDCUBE_CONFIG_DB_OLD} fi ROUNDCUBE_PLUGINS=${CWD}/custom/roundcube/plugins ROUNDCUBE_SKINS=${CWD}/custom/roundcube/skins ROUNDCUBE_VENDOR=${CWD}/custom/roundcube/vendor ROUNDCUBE_COMPOSER=${CWD}/custom/roundcube/composer.json ROUNDCUBE_PROGRAM=${CWD}/custom/roundcube/program ROUNDCUBE_HTACCESS=${CWD}/custom/roundcube/.htaccess # Variables for frontpage ROOT_GRP=root if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then ROOT_GRP=wheel fi USER_INPUT=0 INPUT_VALUE=d if [ ${OS} = "FreeBSD" ]; then OS_VER=`uname -r | cut -d- -f1` elif [ -e /etc/fedora-release ]; then OS=fedora if [ "`cat /etc/fedora-release | awk '{ print $1, $2 }'`" = "Fedora Core" ]; then OS_VER=`cat /etc/fedora-release | awk '{ print $4 }'` elif [ "`cat /etc/fedora-release | awk '{ print $1, $2 }'`" = "Fedora release" ]; then OS_VER=`cat /etc/fedora-release | awk '{ print $3 }'` fi elif [ -e ${DEBIAN_VERSION} ]; then OS_VER=3.1 else OS_VER=`cat /etc/redhat-release | cut -d\ -f5` if [ "${OS_VER}" = "" ]; then OS_VER=`cat /etc/redhat-release | cut -d\ -f1` fi fi MAINVER="" if [ "${OS}" = "FreeBSD" ]; then MAINVER=`echo ${OS_VER} | cut -d. -f1` if [ -e /usr/sbin/pkg ]; then PKG_INSTALL="pkg install -y" else PKG_INSTALL="pkg_add -r" fi if [ ${MAINVER} -eq 10 ]; then GCCVER=48 export CC=gcc${GCCVER} export CXX=g++${GCCVER} export CPP=cpp${GCCVER} if [ ! -e /usr/local/bin/gcc${GCCVER} ]; then ${PKG_INSTALL} gcc${GCCVER} fi if [ ! -e /usr/local/bin/gcc${GCCVER} ]; then do_exit 1 "Unable to find GCC on the system: /usr/local/bin/gcc${GCCVER}" fi if [ -e /etc/libmap.conf ]; then perl -pi -e "s|gcc44|gcc${GCCVER}|g" /etc/libmap.conf fi # Fixes: /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6: version GLIBCXX_3.4.15 required by /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld not found if [ ! -h /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 ]; then if [ -e /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 ]; then mv -f /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6.backup fi ln -sf /usr/local/lib/gcc${GCCVER}/libstdc++.so.6 /usr/lib/libstdc++.so.6 fi fi if [ ${MAINVER} -gt 10 ]; then export CC=clang export CPP=clang-cpp export CXX=clang++ export WITH_LIBCPLUSPLUS=yes fi if [ ${MAINVER} -ge 10 ]; then # Fixes apache OpenSSL problem: /usr/include/openssl/bn.h:603:1: error: unknown type name 'CRYPTO_THREADID' if [ ! -d /usr/local/openssl ]; then ${PKG_INSTALL} openssl fi fi case "${MAINVER}" in 4) IONCUBE_VER=$FBSD4_IONCUBE_VER IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_4_x86 ;; 5) IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_4_x86 ;; 6) IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_6_x86 ;; 7) IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_7_x86 if [ ${B64} -eq 1 ]; then IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_7_x86-64 fi ;; 8) IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_8_x86-64 ;; 9) if [ ${B64} -eq 1 ]; then IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_9_x86-64 else IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_9_x86 fi ;; 10) if [ ${B64} -eq 1 ]; then IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_9_x86-64 else IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_9_x86 fi ;; 11) IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_11_x86-64 ;; 12) IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_fre_11_x86-64 ;; esac else if [ ${B64} -eq 1 ]; then IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_lin_x86-64 ZENDNAME_PHP53=ZendGuardLoader-php-5.3-linux-glibc23-x86_64 ZENDNAME_PHP53_MD5=ZendGuard64 ZENDNAME_PHP54=ZendGuardLoader-70429-PHP-5.4-linux-glibc23-x86_64 ZENDNAME_PHP54_MD5=ZendGuard54_64 ZENDNAME_PHP55=zend-loader-php5.5-linux-x86_64 ZENDNAME_PHP55_MD5=zend_loader_php55_64 ZENDNAME_PHP56=zend-loader-php5.6-linux-x86_64 ZENDNAME_PHP56_MD5=zend_loader_php56_64 else IONCUBENAME=ioncube_loaders_lin_x86 ZENDNAME_PHP53=ZendGuardLoader-php-5.3-linux-glibc23-i386 ZENDNAME_PHP53_MD5=ZendGuard32 ZENDNAME_PHP54=ZendGuardLoader-70429-PHP-5.4-linux-glibc23-i386 ZENDNAME_PHP54_MD5=ZendGuard54_32 ZENDNAME_PHP55=zend-loader-php5.5-linux-i386 ZENDNAME_PHP55_MD5=zend_loader_php55_32 ZENDNAME_PHP56=zend-loader-php5.6-linux-i386 ZENDNAME_PHP56_MD5=zend_loader_php56_32 fi fi ZENDFILE_GUARD53=${ZENDNAME_PHP53}.tar.gz ZENDFILE_GUARD54=${ZENDNAME_PHP54}.tar.gz ZENDFILE_GUARD55=${ZENDNAME_PHP55}.tar.gz ZENDFILE_GUARD56=${ZENDNAME_PHP56}.tar.gz IONCUBEFILE=${IONCUBENAME}.tar.gz JPEG_VER=`getVer jpgsrc` JPEGFILE=jpegsrc.v${JPEG_VER}.tar.gz JPEGDIR=jpeg-${JPEG_VER} WEBALIZER_VER=`getVer webalizer` WEBALIZER=webalizer-${WEBALIZER_VER} WEBALIZER_FILE=webalizer-${WEBALIZER_VER}-src.tgz fi #################################################### ensureVersion() { PERL_VER=`perl -v | head -n2 | tail -n1 | cut -d\ -f4 | cut -dv -f2` NUM1=`echo $PERL_VER | cut -d. -f1` NUM2=`echo $PERL_VER | cut -d. -f2` NUM3=`echo $PERL_VER | cut -d. -f3` if [ $NUM1 -gt 5 ]; then return 1 fi if [ $NUM2 -gt 6 ]; then return 1 fi if [ $NUM3 -gt 0 ]; then return 1 fi do_exit 1 "Your perl version is $PERL_VER. You require at least perl 5.6.1 for Mail-SpamAssassin-${SPAMASSASSIN_VER}." } #################################################### downloadMake() { cd $CWD VER=`getVer ${1}` NAME=${1}-${VER} getFile ${NAME}.tar.gz ${1} tar xzf ${NAME}.tar.gz --no-same-owner cd ${NAME} perl Makefile.PL make make install cd $CWD } #################################################### clean_tarball() { #clean_tarball name current_version extension if [ "$1" = "" ] || [ "$2" = "" ] || [ "$3" = "" ]; then echo "Skipping $1 tarball, needs more arguments in doclean_old_tarballs()." return fi for i in `ls ${WORKDIR} | grep "^${1}-[0-9]" | grep -v "$2" | grep "$3$"`; do rm -f ${WORKDIR}/$i if [ "${CLEAN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then echo "Removing ${WORKDIR}/$i..." fi done } doclean_old_tarballs() { if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ]; then clean_tarball lsws ${LITESPEED_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "openlitespeed" ]; then clean_tarball openlitespeed ${OPENLITESPEED_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx_apache" ]; then clean_tarball nginx ${NGINX_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball mod_aclr2 ${MOD_ACLR2_VER} tar.gz fi clean_tarball lego ${LEGO_VER} tar.gz if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "apache" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx_apache" ]; then clean_tarball httpd ${APACHE2_VER} tar.gz if [ "${HAVE_SUPHP_CGI}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball suphp ${SUPHP_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${HAVE_FCGID}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball mod_fcgid ${MOD_FCGID_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${MOD_RUID2_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball mod_ruid2 ${MOD_RUID2_VER} tar.bz2 fi if [ "${HTSCANNER_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball mod_htscanner2 ${HTSCANNER_VER} tgz fi fi clean_tarball nghttp2 ${NGHTTP2_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball apr ${APR_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball apr-util ${APR_UTIL_VER} tar.gz if [ "${MODSECURITY_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "apache" ]; then clean_tarball ${MODSECURITY_FILENAME} ${MODSECURITY_VER} tar.gz else clean_tarball ${LIBMODSECURITY_FILENAME} ${LIBMODSECURITY_VER} tar.gz fi clean_tarball owasp-modsecurity-crs ${OWASP_RULES_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball ${MODSECURITY_NGINX_CONNECTOR_FILENAME} ${MODSECURITY_NGINX_CONNECTOR_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball ${MODSECURITY_APACHE_CONNECTOR_FILENAME} ${MODSECURITY_APACHE_CONNECTOR_VER} tar.gz if [ "${MODSECURITY_RULESET_OPT}" = "comodo" ]; then if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ]; then clean_tarball cwaf_rules_ls ${CWAF_RULES_LS_VER} tgz elif [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "apache" ]; then clean_tarball cwaf_rules ${CWAF_RULES_VER} tgz else clean_tarball cwaf_rules_nginx_3 ${CWAF_RULES_NGINX_VER} tgz fi fi fi if [ "${CLAMAV_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball clamav ${CLAMAV_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${SPAMD_OPT}" = "spamassassin" ]; then clean_tarball Mail-SpamAssassin ${SPAMASSASSIN_VER} tar.gz elif [ "${SPAMD_OPT}" = "rspamd" ]; then clean_tarball rspamd ${RSPAMD_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball ragel ${RAGEL_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball glib ${GLIB_VER} tar.xz clean_tarball LuaJIT ${LUAJIT_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball libmagic ${LIBMAGIC_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball rspamd_conf ${RSPAMD_CONF_VER} tar.gz fi clean_tarball curl ${CURL_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball pcre ${PCRE_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball pcre2 ${PCRE2_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball zlib ${ZLIB_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball libpng ${PNG_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball libwebp ${LIBWEBP_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball libmaxminddb ${LIBMAXMINDDB_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball geoipupdate ${GEOIPUPDATE_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball libmcrypt ${MCRYPT_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball mhash ${MHASH_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball freetype ${FREETYPE_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball libiconv ${ICONV_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball libsodium ${LIBSODIUM_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball libxslt ${LIBXSLT_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball libxml2 ${LIBXML2_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball libzip ${LIBZIP_VER} tar.gz if [ "${IMAGICK_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball imagick ${IMAGICK_VER} tgz clean_tarball ImageMagick ${IMAGEMAGICK_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${PHP_PHALCON_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball psr ${PSR_VER} tgz clean_tarball phalcon ${PHALCON_VER} tgz fi if [ "${PHP_SNUFFLEUPAGUS_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball snuffleupagus ${SNUFFLEUPAGUS_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${PHP_IMAP_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball imap ${IMAP_VER} tgz fi if [ "${EXIM_SRS_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball libsrs_alt ${LIBSRS_ALT_VER} tar.bz2 fi clean_tarball libspf2 ${LIBSPF2_VER} tar.gz if [ "${EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball exim.easy_spam_fighter ${EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${BLOCKCRACKING_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball exim.blockcracking ${BLOCKCRACKING_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${PIGEONHOLE_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball pigeohole${DOVECOT_SHORTREL} ${PIGEONHOLE_VER} tar.gz fi clean_tarball icu4c ${ICU_VER}-src tgz if [ "${WEBALIZER_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball webalizer ${WEBALIZER_VER}-src tgz fi if [ "${FTPD_OPT}" = "proftpd" ]; then clean_tarball proftpd ${PROFTPD_VER} tar.gz else clean_tarball pure-ftpd ${PUREFTPD_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${EXIM_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball exim ${EXIM_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball s-nail ${S_NAIL_VER} tar.gz fi clean_tarball msmtp ${MSMTP_VER} tar.xz clean_tarball lua ${LUA_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball dovecot ${DOVECOT_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball fts-xapian ${FTS_XAPIAN_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball zstd ${ZSTD_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball xapian-core ${XAPIAN_CORE_VER} tar.xz clean_tarball bubblewrap ${BUBBLEWRAP_VER} tar.xz clean_tarball autoconf ${AUTOCONF_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball automake ${AUTOMAKE_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball m4 ${M4_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball help2man ${HELP2MAN_VER} tar.xz clean_tarball libtool ${LIBTOOL_VER} tar.gz if [ "${ROUNDCUBE_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball roundcubemail ${ROUNDCUBE_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${SQUIRRELMAIL_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball squirrelmail ${SQUIRRELMAIL_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${AWSTATS_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball awstats ${AWSTATS_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${UNIT_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball unit ${UNIT_VER} tar.gz fi if [ "${PHPMYADMIN_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball phpMyAdmin ${PHPMYADMIN_VER} tar.gz fi clean_tarball pigz ${PIGZ_VER} tar.gz if [ "${SUHOSIN_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball suhosin ${SUHOSIN_VER} tgz fi if [ "${OPCACHE_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball zendopcache ${OPCACHE_VER} tgz fi if [ "${CLOUDLINUX_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then clean_tarball mod_lsapi ${MOD_LSAPI_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball mod_hostinglimits ${MOD_HOSTINGLIMITS_VER} tar.gz clean_tarball mod_proctitle ${MOD_PROCTITLE_VER} tar.gz fi #PHP bit needs to be different for i in `ls ${WORKDIR} | grep '^php-' | grep -v "${PHP53_VER}" | grep -v "${PHP54_VER}" | grep -v "${PHP55_VER}" | grep -v "${PHP56_VER}" | grep -v "${PHP70_VER}" | grep -v "${PHP71_VER}" | grep -v "${PHP72_VER}" | grep -v "${PHP73_VER}" | grep -v "${PHP74_VER}" | grep tar.gz`; do rm -f ${WORKDIR}/$i if [ "${CLEAN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then echo "Removing ${WORKDIR}/$i..." fi done #Clean MySQL/MariaDB tarballs if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mysql" ]; then for i in `ls /usr/local/ | grep ^mysql- | grep 'tar.gz$' | grep -v "^mysql-${MYSQL_VER}"`; do rm -f /usr/local/$i if [ "${CLEAN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then echo "Removing /usr/local/$i..." fi done fi if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mariadb" ]; then for i in `ls /usr/local/ | grep ^mariadb- | grep 'tar.gz$' | grep -v "^mariadb-${MARIADB_VER}"`; do rm -f /usr/local/$i if [ "${CLEAN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then echo "Removing /usr/local/$i..." fi done fi } #################################################### doclean_old_webapps() { if [ "${CLEAN_OLD_WEBAPPS_OPT}" != "yes" ]; then do_exit 1 "You cannot clean webapps, because you do not have it set in options.conf file." fi #Clean phpMyAdmin if [ "${PHPMYADMIN_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ -e /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin ]; then PHPMYADMIN_CUR=`ls -ld /var/www/html/phpMyAdmin | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d- -f2,3,4` for i in `ls /var/www/html/ | grep phpMyAdmin- | grep -v "${PHPMYADMIN_CUR}"`; do rm -rf /var/www/html/$i if [ "${CLEAN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then echo "Removing /var/www/html/$i..." fi done fi #Clean SquirrelMail if [ "${SQUIRRELMAIL_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ -e /var/www/html/squirrelmail ]; then SQUIRRELMAIL_CUR=`ls -ld /var/www/html/squirrelmail | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d- -f2,3` for i in `ls /var/www/html/ | grep squirrelmail- | grep -v -e "${SQUIRRELMAIL_CUR}\$"`; do rm -rf /var/www/html/$i if [ "${CLEAN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then echo "Removing /var/www/html/$i..." fi done fi #Clean RoundCube if [ "${ROUNDCUBE_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ -e /var/www/html/roundcube ]; then #ROUNDCUBE_CUR=`ls -ld /var/www/html/roundcube | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d- -f2` ROUNDCUBE_CUR=`roundcube_version` for i in `ls /var/www/html/ | grep roundcubemail- | grep -v "${ROUNDCUBE_CUR}"`; do rm -rf /var/www/html/$i if [ "${CLEAN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then echo "Removing /var/www/html/$i..." fi done fi #Clean AWstats if [ "${AWSTATS_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ -e /usr/local/awstats ]; then AWSTATS_CUR=`ls -ld /usr/local/awstats | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d- -f2` for i in `ls /usr/local/ | grep awstats- | grep -v "${AWSTATS_CUR}"`; do rm -rf /usr/local/$i if [ "${CLEAN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then echo "Removing /usr/local/$i..." fi done fi } #################################################### doClean() { cd ${CWD} if [ -e ${LOCKFILE} ]; then return fi rm -rf mod_ruid2-${MOD_RUID2_VER} rm -rf ${MODSECURITY_FILENAME}-${MODSECURITY_VER} rm -rf ${LIBMODSECURITY_FILENAME}-v${LIBMODSECURITY_VER} rm -rf ${MODSECURITY_APACHE_CONNECTOR_FILENAME}-${MODSECURITY_APACHE_CONNECTOR_VER} rm -rf ${MODSECURITY_NGINX_CONNECTOR_FILENAME}-${MODSECURITY_NGINX_CONNECTOR_VER} rm -rf mod_aclr2-${MOD_ACLR2_VER} rm -rf htscanner-${HTSCANNER_VER} rm -rf mod_fcgid-${MOD_FCGID_VER} rm -rf pigz-${PIGZ_VER} rm -rf php-${PHP53_VER} rm -rf php-${PHP54_VER} rm -rf php-${PHP55_VER} rm -rf php-${PHP56_VER} rm -rf php-${PHP70_VER} rm -rf php-${PHP71_VER} rm -rf php-${PHP72_VER} rm -rf php-${PHP73_VER} rm -rf php-${PHP74_VER} if [ "${UNIT_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then rm -rf unit-${UNIT_VER} fi rm -rf zstd-${ZSTD_VER} rm -rf xapian-core-${XAPIAN_CORE_VER} rm -rf bubblewrap-${BUBBLEWRAP_VER} rm -rf s-nail-${S_NAIL_VER} rm -rf msmtp-${MSMTP_VER} rm -rf lua-${LUA_VER} rm -rf help2man-${HELP2MAN_VER} if [ "${EXIM_SRS_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then rm -rf libsrs_alt-${LIBSRS_ALT_VER} fi rm -rf libpsf2-${LIBSPF2_VER} if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ]; then rm -rf lsws-${LITESPEED_VER} fi if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "openlitespeed" ]; then rm -rf openlitespeed-${OPENLITESPEED_VER} fi if [ "${CLOUDLINUX_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then rm -rf mod_lsapi-${MOD_LSAPI_VER} rm -rf mod_proctitle-${MOD_PROCTITLE_VER} fi if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mysql" ]; then rm -rf mysql-${MYSQL_VER} fi if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mariadb" ]; then rm -rf mariadb-${MARIADB_VER} fi if [ "${IMAGICK_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then rm -rf imagick-${IMAGICK_VER} rm -rf ImageMagick-${IMAGEMAGICK_VER} fi if [ "${PHP_PHALCON_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then rm -rf psr-${PSR_VER} rm -rf phalcon-${PHALCON_VER} fi if [ "${PHP_IMAP_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then rm -rf imap-${IMAP_VER} fi rm -rf curl-${CURL_VER} rm -rf nginx-${NGINX_VER} rm -rf nghttp2-${NGHTTP2_VER} rm -rf pcre-${PCRE_VER} rm -rf pcre2-${PCRE2_VER} rm -rf zlib-${ZLIB_VER} rm -rf ${JPEGDIR} rm -rf libpng-${PNG_VER} rm -rf libwebp-${LIBWEBP_VER} rm -rf libmaxminddb-${LIBMAXMINDDB_VER} rm -rf geoipupdate-${GEOIPUPDATE_VER} rm -rf libmcrypt-${MCRYPT_VER} rm -rf mhash-${MHASH_VER} rm -rf freetype-${FREETYPE_VER} rm -rf libiconv-${ICONV_VER} rm -rf libsodium-${LIBSODIUM_VER} rm -rf libxslt-${LIBXSLT_VER} rm -rf libxml2-${LIBXML2_VER} rm -rf libzip-${LIBZIP_VER} rm -rf icu4c-${ICU_VER}-src rm -rf icu rm -rf easy_spam_fighter rm -rf libspf2-${LIBSPF2_VER} rm -rf ${ZENDNAME_PHP53} rm -rf ${ZENDNAME_PHP54} rm -rf ${ZENDNAME_PHP55} rm -rf ${ZENDNAME_PHP56} rm -rf ${WEBALIZER} rm -rf proftpd-${PROFTPD_VER} rm -rf pure-ftpd-${PUREFTPD_VER} rm -rf httpd-${APACHE2_VER} rm -rf exim-${EXIM_VER} rm -rf dovecot-${DOVECOT_VER} rm -rf dovecot-ce-${DOVECOT_VER} rm -rf suphp-${SUPHP_VER} rm -rf suhosin-${SUHOSIN_VER} rm -rf zendopcache-${OPCACHE_VER} rm -rf autoconf-${AUTOCONF_VER} rm -rf m4-${M4_VER} rm -rf dovecot-${DOVECOT_REL}-pigeonhole-${PIGEONHOLE_VER} rm -rf automake-${AUTOMAKE_VER} rm -rf libtool-${LIBTOOL_VER} rm -rf Mail-SpamAssassin-${SPAMASSASSIN_VER} rm -rf rspamd-${RSPAMD_VER} rm -rf ragel-${RAGEL_VER} rm -rf libmagic-${LIBMAGIC_VER} rm -rf LuaJIT-${LUAJIT_VER} rm -rf glib-${GLIB_VER} rm -rf clamav-${CLAMAV_VER} # Mailman is not yet supported # rm -rf mailman-${MAILMAN_VER} rm -rf ${ZENDNAME_PHP53} rm -rf ${ZENDNAME_PHP54} #Clean MySQL/MariaDB if [ -h /usr/local/mysql ] && [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" != "no" ]; then MYSQL_CUR=`ls -ld /usr/local/mysql | cut -d\> -f2 | cut -d' ' -f2` for i in `ls /usr/local/ | grep '^mysql-\|^mariadb-' | grep -v "${MYSQL_CUR}"`; do if [ -h /usr/local/${i}/data ]; then rm -rf /usr/local/$i if [ "${CLEAN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then echo "Removing /usr/local/$i..." fi fi done fi if [ "${CLEAN_OLD_TARBALLS_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then doclean_old_tarballs fi if [ "${CLEAN_OLD_WEBAPPS_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then doclean_old_webapps fi if [ "${CLEAN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then echo "All clean!" fi } DOCLEAN_CASE=1 doclean_toggle() { DOCLEAN_CASE=0 } #################################################### if [ ! -e ${LOCKFILE} ]; then case "$1" in update) doclean_toggle ;; update_data) doclean_toggle ;; "") doclean_toggle ;; gen_help_json) doclean_toggle ;; opt_help) doclean_toggle ;; set) doclean_toggle ;; set_php) doclean_toggle ;; get_versions_txt) doclean_toggle ;; update_script) doclean_toggle ;; versions_json) doclean_toggle ;; versions_ajax) doclean_toggle ;; gen_help) doclean_toggle ;; version) doclean_toggle ;; versions) doclean_toggle ;; list_removals) doclean_toggle ;; list_removals_json) doclean_toggle ;; remove_items) doclean_toggle ;; set_fastest) doclean_toggle ;; set_fastest_quiet) doclean_toggle ;; kill) doclean_toggle ;; update_da) doclean_toggle ;; versions_nobold) doclean_toggle ;; list_configs_json) doclean_toggle ;; settings_json) doclean_toggle ;; get_timezone) doclean_toggle ;; custom_config) doclean_toggle ;; set_versions_txt) doclean_toggle ;; show_component_config) doclean_toggle ;; remove_customized_config) doclean_toggle ;; show_file) doclean_toggle ;; check_options) doclean_toggle ;; esac if [ "${CLEAN_OPT}" = "yes" ] && [ "${DOCLEAN_CASE}" = "1" ]; then doClean fi fi #################################################### BUILD_SECTIONS_CASE=1 build_section_toggle() { BUILD_SECTIONS_CASE=0 } case "$1" in opt_help) build_section_toggle ;; set) build_section_toggle ;; set_php) build_section_toggle ;; get_versions_txt) build_section_toggle ;; update_script) build_section_toggle ;; version) build_section_toggle ;; set_fastest) build_section_toggle ;; set_fastest_quiet) build_section_toggle ;; kill) build_section_toggle ;; update_da) build_section_toggle ;; list_configs_json) build_section_toggle ;; settings_json) build_section_toggle ;; get_timezone) build_section_toggle ;; custom_config) build_section_toggle ;; set_versions_txt) build_section_toggle ;; show_component_config) build_section_toggle ;; remove_customized_config) build_section_toggle ;; show_file) build_section_toggle ;; check_options) build_section_toggle ;; esac if [ "${BUILD_SECTIONS_CASE}" = "1" ]; then HELP_SECTIONS="BUILD_COMP BUILD_PHP_EXT BUILD_COMP_CONF BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS BUILD_CB BUILD_OLD BUILD_UPDATE BUILD_UPDATE_PCG BUILD_ALL BUILD_PHP_EXTENSIONS BUILD_EXPERIENCED" BUILD_PHP_EXT_SET="php_gmp php_ioncube php_imagick php_imap php_opcache php_phalcon php_psr php_snuffleupagus php_suhosin php_xmlrpc php_zend" BUILD_PHP_EXT_DESC="Install/update PHP extensions" BUILD_PHP_EXT_REQADD="" BUILD_COMP_SET="apache autoconf automake awstats awstats_process bubblewrap clamav composer curl cpanel_to_da dovecot exim freetype geoipupdate glib iconv icu imagemagick jailshell ragel lego libjpeg libmagic libmaxminddb libmodsecurity libpng libspf2 libsrs_alt libsodium libtool libxml2 libxslt libzip litespeed lua luajit libwebp m4 mcrypt mhash mod_lsapi mod_proctitle mod_aclr2 mod_ruid2 mod_htscanner2 mod_fcgid modsecurity modsecurity_rules msmtp mysql netdata nginx nginx_apache openlitespeed pigeonhole pigz pcre pcre2 php proftpd pureftpd rspamd snail spamassassin suphp unit webalizer zlib zstd" BUILD_COMP_DESC="Install/update server components" BUILD_COMP_REQADD="" BUILD_COMP_CONF_SET="exim_conf dovecot_conf blockcracking easy_spam_fighter php_ini rewrite_confs secure_php spamassassin_cron litespeed_license litespeed_license_migrate" BUILD_COMP_CONF_DESC="Components configuration options" BUILD_COMP_CONF_REQADD="" BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS_SET="phpmyadmin roundcube squirrelmail" BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS_DESC="Install/update web applications" BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS_REQADD="" BUILD_CB_SET="create_options custombuild_plugin cron opt_help options list_removals remove_items set set_fastest set_fastest_quiet update_da update_versions update_webapps used_configs versions version" BUILD_CB_DESC="CustomBuild related options/functions" BUILD_CB_SET_REQADD="opt_help set" SET_ADDIT="option_name value" OPT_HELP_ADDIT="(full)" BUILD_OLD_SET="clean clean_old_webapps" BUILD_OLD_DESC="Remove old build data" BUILD_OLD_REQUADD="" BUILD_UPDATE_SET="update update_script" BUILD_UPDATE_DESC="Get latest build script with or without new packages" BUILD_UPDATE_REQADD="" BUILD_UPDATE_PCG_SET="update_data" BUILD_UPDATE_PCG_DESC="Get packages for current build script" BUILD_UPDATE_PCG_REQADD="" BUILD_ALL_SET="all" BUILD_ALL_DESC="Build everything what is set in the options.conf file" BUILD_ALL_REQADD="" BUILD_PHP_EXTENSIONS_SET="php_extensions" BUILD_PHP_EXTENSIONS_DESC="Build all PHP extensions set set in the php_extensions.conf file" BUILD_PHP_EXTENSIONS_REQADD="" BUILD_EXPERIENCED_SET="php_expert php_htscanner2 todovecot set_service" BUILD_EXPERIENCED_DESC="Recommended for experienced users only (!)" BUILD_EXPERIENCED_REQADD="php_expert php_htscanner2 set_service" PHP_EXPERT_ADDIT="php_release php_mode" PHP_HTSCANNER2_ADDIT="php_release" SET_SERVICE_ADDIT="service ON|OFF|delete" fi ################################################### generateHelp() { for section in ${HELP_SECTIONS}; do DESC=${section}_DESC echo " +-----------------------------------------------------------+" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" "$(eval_var ${DESC}):" BUILDSET="${section}_SET" BUILD_ADD_TO_OUT="${section}_REQADD" for setting in $(eval_var ${BUILDSET}); do ADDIT="" for i in $(eval_var ${BUILD_ADD_TO_OUT}); do ADDIT_VAR=`echo "${i}_ADDIT" | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"` if [ "$i" = "${setting}" ]; then ADDIT="$(eval_var ${ADDIT_VAR})" fi done printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" " $0 ${setting} ${ADDIT}" done done } initJSONVars() { #################################################### #SKIP LISTS for CustomBuild plugin to generate in JSON format accoring to the options set HELP_SECTIONS_JSON_SKIP="BUILD_EXPERIENCED" BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP="" if [ "${IMAGICK_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP="${BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP}imagick " fi if [ "${ZEND_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP="${BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP}zend " fi if [ "${IONCUBE_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP="${BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP}ioncube " fi if [ "${SUHOSIN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP="${BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP}suhosin " fi if [ "${PHP_SNUFFLEUPAGUS_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP="${BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP}snuffleupagus " fi if [ "${PHP_PHALCON_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP="${BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP}phalcon " BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP="${BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP}psr " fi if [ "${PHP_IMAP_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP="${BUILD_PHP_EXT_SKIP}imap " fi BUILD_COMP_SKIP="" if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "apache" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}nginx litespeed nginx_apache mod_aclr2 openlitespeed " elif [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}apache litespeed nginx_apache mod_aclr2 openlitespeed " elif [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}apache nginx nginx_apache mod_aclr2 openlitespeed " elif [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "openlitespeed" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}apache litespeed nginx nginx_apache mod_aclr2 " fi if [ "${AUTOCONF_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}autoconf " fi if [ "${AUTOMAKE_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}automake " fi if [ "${LIBTOOL_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}libtool " fi if [ "${CURL_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}curl " fi if [ "${CLAMAV_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}clamav " fi if [ "${AWSTATS_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}awstats " fi if [ "${WEBALIZER_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}webalizer " fi if [ "${FTPD_OPT}" = "pureftpd" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}proftpd " else BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}pureftpd " fi if [ "${MOD_RUID2_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}mod_ruid2 " fi if [ "${MODSECURITY_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}libmodsecurity modsecurity modsecurity_rules " fi if [ "${CLOUDLINUX_OPT}" = "no" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "nginx" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "litespeed" ] || [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" = "openlitespeed" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}mod_hostinglimits ${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}mod_lsapi ${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}mod_proctitle " fi if [ "${HTSCANNER_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}mod_htscanner2 " fi if [ "${HAVE_FCGID}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}mod_fcgid " fi if [ "${HAVE_SUPHP_CGI}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}suphp " fi if [ "${PIGEONHOLE_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}pigeonhole " fi if [ "${DOVECOT_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}dovecot " fi if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}mysql " fi if [ "${SPAMD_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}glib libmagic luajit spamassassin rspamd ragel " elif [ "${SPAMD_OPT}" = "rspamd" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}spamassassin " else BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}glib libmagic luajit rspamd ragel " fi if [ "${EXIM_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_SKIP}exim " fi BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP="" if [ "${PHP_INI_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP}php_ini " fi if [ "${EXIMCONF_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP}eximconf " fi if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" != "litespeed" ]; then BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP}litespeed_license " fi if [ "${WEBSERVER_OPT}" != "litespeed" ] || [ "${LITESPEED_SERIALNO_OPT}" = "trial" ]; then BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP}litespeed_license_migrate " fi if [ "${DOVECOT_CONF_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP}dovecot_conf " fi if [ "${BLOCKCRACKING_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP}blockcracking " fi if [ "${EXIMCONF_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_CONF_SKIP}easy_spam_fighter " fi BUILD_CB_SKIP="create_options opt_help list_removals remove_items set set_fastest_quiet update_versions versions" BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS_SKIP="" if [ "${PHPMYADMIN_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS_SKIP}phpmyadmin " fi if [ "${ROUNDCUBE_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS_SKIP}roundcube " fi if [ "${SQUIRRELMAIL_OPT}" = "no" ]; then BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS_SKIP="${BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS_SKIP}squirremail " fi BUILD_OLD_SKIP="" BUILD_UPDATE_SKIP="" BUILD_UPDATE_PCG_SKIP="" #DESCRIPTIONS COMP_UNIT_NAME="Build Nginx Unit" COMP_UNIT_DESC="Install/update Nginx Unit dynamic application server." COMP_UNIT_VER="Version ${UNIT_VER}." COMP_APACHE_NAME="Build Apache" COMP_APACHE_DESC="Install/update Apache WEB server." COMP_APACHE_VER="Version ${APACHE2_VER}." COMP_AUTOCONF_NAME="Build autoconf" COMP_AUTOCONF_DESC="Install/update autoconf." COMP_AUTOCONF_VER="Version ${AUTOCONF_VER}." COMP_AUTOMAKE_NAME="Build automake" COMP_AUTOMAKE_DESC="Install/update automake." COMP_AUTOMAKE_VER="Version ${AUTOMAKE_VER}." COMP_AWSTATS_NAME="Build awstats" COMP_AWSTATS_DESC="Install/update AWstats." COMP_AWSTATS_VER="Version ${AWSTATS_VER}." COMP_AWSTATS_PROCESS_NAME="Build awstats process" COMP_AWSTATS_PROCESS_DESC="Install/update AWstats processing script." COMP_AWSTATS_PROCESS_VER="Version ${AWSTATS_PROCESS_VER}." COMP_BUBBLEWRAP_NAME="Build bubblewrap" COMP_BUBBLEWRAP_DESC="Install/update bubblewrap." COMP_BUBBLEWRAP_VER="Version ${BUBBLEWRAP_VER}." COMP_JAILSHELL_NAME="Build jailshell" COMP_JAILSHELL_DESC="Install/update jailshell." COMP_JAILSHELL_VER="Version ${JAILSHELL_VER}." COMP_CLAMAV_NAME="Build ClamAV" COMP_CLAMAV_DESC="Install/update ClamAV antivirus engine." COMP_CLAMAV_VER="Version ${CLAMAV_VER}." COMP_COMPOSER_NAME="Build composer" COMP_COMPOSER_DESC="Install/update composer." COMP_COMPOSER_VER="Version ${COMPOSER_VER}." COMP_LEGO_NAME="Build lego" COMP_LEGO_DESC="Install/update lego Let's Encrypt client." COMP_LEGO_VER="Version ${LEGO_VER}." COMP_CURL_NAME="Build cURL" COMP_CURL_DESC="Install/update cURL." COMP_CURL_VER="Version ${CURL_VER}." COMP_CPANEL_TO_DA_NAME="Build cpanel_to_da" COMP_CPANEL_TO_DA_DESC="Install/update cPanel to DirectAdmin script." COMP_CPANEL_TO_DA_VER="" COMP_DOVECOT_NAME="Build Dovecot" COMP_DOVECOT_DESC="Install/update Dovecot IMAP/POP3 server." COMP_DOVECOT_VER="Version ${DOVECOT_VER}." COMP_EXIM_NAME="Build Exim" COMP_EXIM_DESC="Install/update Exim Mail Transfer Agent." COMP_EXIM_VER="Version ${EXIM_VER}." COMP_FREETYPE_NAME="Build Freetype" COMP_FREETYPE_DESC="Install/update Freetype." COMP_FREETYPE_VER="Version ${FREETYPE_VER}." COMP_PHP_GMP_NAME="Build gmp" COMP_PHP_GMP_DESC="Install/update gmp extension for PHP." COMP_PHP_GMP_VER="" COMP_ICONV_NAME="Build iconv" COMP_ICONV_DESC="Install/update iconv." COMP_ICONV_VER="Version ${ICONV_VER}." COMP_PHP_IMAGICK_NAME="Build imagick" COMP_PHP_IMAGICK_DESC="Install/update ImageMagick extension for PHP." COMP_PHP_IMAGICK_VER="Version ${IMAGICK_VER}." COMP_PHP_SNUFFLEUPAGUS_NAME="Build snuffleupagus" COMP_PHP_SNUFFLEUPAGUS_DESC="Install/update snuffleupagus extension for PHP." COMP_PHP_SNUFFLEUPAGUS_VER="Version ${SNUFFLEUPAGUS_VER}." COMP_PHP_PHALCON_NAME="Build phalcon" COMP_PHP_PHALCON_DESC="Install/update Phalcon extension for PHP." COMP_PHP_PHALCON_VER="Version ${PHALCON_VER}." COMP_PHP_PSR_NAME="Build psr" COMP_PHP_PSR_DESC="Install/update psr extension for PHP." COMP_PHP_PSR_VER="Version ${PSR_VER}." COMP_PHP_IMAP_NAME="Build imap" COMP_PHP_IMAP_DESC="Install/update imap extension for PHP." COMP_PHP_IMAP_VER="Version ${IMAP_VER}." COMP_PHP_XMLRPC_NAME="Build xmlrpc" COMP_PHP_XMLRPC_DESC="Install/update xmlrpc extension for PHP." COMP_PHP_XMLRPC_VER="" COMP_IMAGEMAGICK_NAME="Build ImageMagick" COMP_IMAGEMAGICK_DESC="Install/update ImageMagick." COMP_IMAGEMAGICK_VER="Version ${IMAGEMAGICK_VER}." COMP_ICU_NAME="Build ICU" COMP_ICU_DESC="Install/update ICU." COMP_ICU_VER="Version ${ICU_VER}." COMP_PHP_IONCUBE_NAME="Build ionCube" COMP_PHP_IONCUBE_DESC="Install/update ionCube." COMP_PHP_IONCUBE_VER="Version ${IONCUBE_VER}." COMP_PHP_SUHOSIN_NAME="Build suhosin" COMP_PHP_SUHOSIN_DESC="Install/update suhosin." COMP_PHP_SUHOSIN_VER="Version ${SUHOSIN_VER}." COMP_LIBJPEG_NAME="Build libjpeg" COMP_LIBJPEG_DESC="Install/update libjpeg." COMP_LIBJPEG_VER="Version ${JPEG_VER}." COMP_LIBPNG_NAME="Build libpng" COMP_LIBPNG_DESC="Install/update libpng." COMP_LIBPNG_VER="Version ${PNG_VER}." COMP_LIBWEBP_NAME="Build libpwebp" COMP_LIBWEBP_DESC="Install/update libwebp." COMP_LIBWEBP_VER="Version ${LIBWEBP_VER}." COMP_LIBMAXMINDDB_NAME="Build libmaxminddb" COMP_LIBMAXMINDDB_DESC="Install/update libmaxminddb." COMP_LIBMAXMINDDB_VER="Version ${LIBMAXMINDDB_VER}." COMP_GEOIPUPDATE_NAME="Build geoipupdate" COMP_GEOIPUPDATE_DESC="Install/update geoipupdate." COMP_GEOIPUPDATE_VER="Version ${GEOIPUPDATE_VER}." COMP_LIBSPF2_NAME="Build libspf2" COMP_LIBSPF2_DESC="Install/update libspf2." COMP_LIBSPF2_VER="Version ${LIBSPF2_VER}." COMP_LIBSRS_ALT_NAME="Build libsrs_alt" COMP_LIBSRS_ALT_DESC="Install/update libsrs_alt." COMP_LIBSRS_ALT_VER="Version ${LIBSRS_ALT_VER}." COMP_LIBSODIUM_NAME="Build libsodium" COMP_LIBSODIUM_DESC="Install/update libsodium." COMP_LIBSODIUM_VER="Version ${LIBSODIUM_VER}." COMP_LIBTOOL_NAME="Build libtool" COMP_LIBTOOL_DESC="Install/update libtool." COMP_LIBTOOL_VER="Version ${LIBTOOL_VER}." COMP_LIBXML2_NAME="Build libxml2" COMP_LIBXML2_DESC="Install/update libxml2." COMP_LIBXML2_VER="Version ${LIBXML2_VER}." COMP_LIBXSLT_NAME="Build libxslt" COMP_LIBXSLT_DESC="Install/update libxslt." COMP_LIBXSLT_VER="Version ${LIBXSLT_VER}." COMP_LIBZIP_NAME="Build libzip" COMP_LIBZIP_DESC="Install/update libzip." COMP_LIBZIP_VER="Version ${LIBZIP_VER}." COMP_LIBMAGIC_NAME="Build libmagic" COMP_LIBMAGIC_DESC="Install/update libmagic needed for Rspamd." COMP_LIBMAGIC_VER="Version ${LIBMAGIC_VER}." COMP_M4_NAME="Build m4" COMP_M4_DESC="Install/update m4." COMP_M4_VER="Version ${M4_VER}." COMP_MCRYPT_NAME="Build mcrypt" COMP_MCRYPT_DESC="Install/update mcrypt." COMP_MCRYPT_VER="Version ${MCRYPT_VER}." COMP_MHASH_NAME="Build mhash" COMP_MHASH_DESC="Install/update mhash." COMP_MHASH_VER="Version ${MHASH_VER}." if [ "${CLOUDLINUX_OPT}" = "yes" ]; then COMP_MOD_LSAPI_NAME="Build mod_lsapi" COMP_MOD_LSAPI_DESC="Install/update mod_lsapi." COMP_MOD_LSAPI_VER="Version ${MOD_LSAPI_VER}." COMP_MOD_HOSTINGLIMITS_NAME="Build mod_hostinglimits" COMP_MOD_HOSTINGLIMITS_DESC="Install/update mod_hostinglimits." COMP_MOD_HOSTINGLIMITS_VER="Version ${MOD_HOSTINGLIMITS_VER}." COMP_MOD_PROCTITLE_NAME="Build mod_proctitle" COMP_MOD_PROCTITLE_DESC="Install/update mod_proctitle." COMP_MOD_PROCTITLE_VER="Version ${MOD_PROCTITLE_VER}." fi COMP_MOD_ACLR2_NAME="Build mod_aclr2" COMP_MOD_ACLR2_DESC="Install/update mod_aclr2." COMP_MOD_ACLR2_VER="Version ${MOD_ACLR2_VER}." COMP_MOD_RUID2_NAME="Build mod_ruid2" COMP_MOD_RUID2_DESC="Install/update mod_ruid2." COMP_MOD_RUID2_VER="Version ${MOD_RUID2_VER}." COMP_MODSECURITY_NAME="Build ModSecurity" COMP_MODSECURITY_DESC="Install/update ModSecurity." COMP_MODSECURITY_VER="Version ${MODSECURITY_VER}." COMP_LIBMODSECURITY_NAME="Build LibModSecurity" COMP_LIBMODSECURITY_DESC="Install/update LibModSecurity (ModSecurity 3.0)." COMP_LIBMODSECURITY_VER="Version ${LIBMODSECURITY_VER}." COMP_MODSECURITY_RULES_NAME="Build ModSecurity Rules" COMP_MODSECURITY_RULES_DESC="Install/update ModSecurity rule set." COMP_MODSECURITY_RULES_VER="" COMP_PHP_OPCACHE_NAME="Build opcache" COMP_PHP_OPCACHE_DESC="Install/update opcache." COMP_PHP_OPCACHE_VER="" COMP_PIGZ_NAME="Build pigz" COMP_PIGZ_DESC="Install/update pigz." COMP_PIGZ_VER="Version ${PIGZ_VER}." COMP_RAGEL_NAME="Build ragel" COMP_RAGEL_DESC="Install/update ragel (needed for compilation of Rspamd)." COMP_RAGEL_VER="Version ${RAGEL_VER}." COMP_LUAJIT_NAME="Build luajit" COMP_LUAJIT_DESC="Install/update luajit (needed for Rspamd)." COMP_LUAJIT_VER="Version ${LUAJIT_VER}." COMP_GLIB_NAME="Build glib" COMP_GLIB_DESC="Install/update glib (needed for Rspamd)." COMP_GLIB_VER="Version ${GLIB_VER}." COMP_MOD_HTSCANNER2_NAME="Build mod_htscanner2" COMP_MOD_HTSCANNER2_DESC="Install/update mod_htscanner2." COMP_MOD_HTSCANNER2_VER="Version ${HTSCANNER_VER}." COMP_MOD_FCGID_NAME="Build mod_fcgid" COMP_MOD_FCGID_DESC="Install/update mod_fcgid." COMP_MOD_FCGID_VER="Version ${MOD_FCGID_VER}." COMP_MYSQL_NAME="Build ${MYSQLNAME}" COMP_MYSQL_DESC="Install/update ${MYSQLNAME}." if [ "${MYSQL_INST_OPT}" = "mysql" ]; then COMP_MYSQL_VER="Version ${MYSQL_VER}." else COMP_MYSQL_VER="Version ${MARIADB_VER}." fi COMP_NGINX_NAME="Build nginx" COMP_NGINX_DESC="Install/update nginx WEB server." COMP_NGINX_VER="Version ${NGINX_VER}." COMP_LITESPEED_NAME="Build litespeed" COMP_LITESPEED_DESC="Install/update LiteSpeed WEB server." COMP_LITESPEED_VER="Version ${LITESPEED_VER}." COMP_OPENLITESPEED_NAME="Build openlitespeed" COMP_OPENLITESPEED_DESC="Install/update OpenLiteSpeed WEB server." COMP_OPENLITESPEED_VER="Version ${OPENLITESPEED_VER}." COMP_NETDATA_NAME="Build netdata" COMP_NETDATA_DESC="Install/update netdata metrics for your server." COMP_NETDATA_VER="" COMP_NGINX_APACHE_NAME="Build nginx+Apache" COMP_NGINX_APACHE_DESC="Install/update Apache and nginx (nginx as a reverse proxy for Apache)." COMP_NGINX_APACHE_VER="Apache ${APACHE2_VER} and nginx ${NGINX_VER}." COMP_PIGEONHOLE_NAME="Build Pigeonhole" COMP_PIGEONHOLE_DESC="Install/update Pigeonhole used in Dovecot to provide Sieve email filtering and ManageSieve protocol." COMP_PIGEONHOLE_VER="Version ${PIGEONHOLE_VER}." COMP_PCRE_NAME="Build PCRE" COMP_PCRE_DESC="Install/update PCRE." COMP_PCRE_VER="Version ${PCRE_VER}." COMP_PCRE2_NAME="Build PCRE2" COMP_PCRE2_DESC="Install/update PCRE2." COMP_PCRE2_VER="Version ${PCRE2_VER}." COMP_PHP_NAME="Build PHP" COMP_PHP_DESC="Install/update PHP." if [ "${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT}" = "no" ] && [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" = "no" ] && [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" = "no" ]; then COMP_PHP_VER="Version ${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT} as ${PHP1_MODE_OPT}." elif [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" = "no" ] && [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" = "no" ]; then COMP_PHP_VER="Version ${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT} as ${PHP1_MODE_OPT} (default) and ${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT} as ${PHP2_MODE_OPT} (additional)." elif [ "${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT}" = "no" ] && [ "${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT}" = "no" ]; then COMP_PHP_VER="Version ${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT} as ${PHP1_MODE_OPT} (default), ${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT} as ${PHP2_MODE_OPT} (additional) and ${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT} as ${PHP3_MODE_OPT} (additional)." else COMP_PHP_VER="Version ${PHP1_RELEASE_OPT} as ${PHP1_MODE_OPT} (default), ${PHP2_RELEASE_OPT} as ${PHP2_MODE_OPT} (additional), ${PHP3_RELEASE_OPT} as ${PHP3_MODE_OPT} (additional) and ${PHP4_RELEASE_OPT} as ${PHP4_MODE_OPT} (additional)." fi COMP_PROFTPD_NAME="Build ProFTPd" COMP_PROFTPD_DESC="Install/update ProFTPD FTP server." COMP_PROFTPD_VER="Version ${PROFTPD_VER}." COMP_PUREFTPD_NAME="Build Pure-FTPd" COMP_PUREFTPD_DESC="Install/update Pure-FTPd FTP server." COMP_PUREFTPD_VER="Version ${PUREFTPD_VER}." COMP_SPAMASSASSIN_NAME="Build SpamAssassin" COMP_SPAMASSASSIN_DESC="Install/update SpamAssassin." COMP_SPAMASSASSIN_VER="Version ${SPAMASSASSIN_VER}." COMP_RSPAMD_NAME="Build Rspamd" COMP_RSPAMD_DESC="Install/update Rspamd." COMP_RSPAMD_VER="Version ${RSPAMD_VER}." COMP_SNAIL_NAME="Build s-nail" COMP_SNAIL_DESC="Install/update s-nail - environment for sending and receiving mail." COMP_SNAIL_VER="Version ${S_NAIL_VER}." COMP_MSMTP_NAME="Build msmtp" COMP_MSMTP_DESC="Install/update msmtp - smtp client for jailed environments." COMP_MSMTP_VER="Version ${MSMTP_VER}." COMP_LUA_NAME="Build lua" COMP_LUA_DESC="Install/update lua scripting language." COMP_LUA_VER="Version ${LUA_VER}." COMP_SPAMASSASSIN_CRON_NAME="Build SpamAssassin cron." COMP_SPAMASSASSIN_CRON_DESC="Install SpamAssassin cronjob for periodic rule updates." COMP_SUPHP_NAME="Build suPHP" COMP_SUPHP_DESC="Install/update suPHP." COMP_SUPHP_VER="Version ${SUPHP_VER}." COMP_WEBALIZER_NAME="Build Webalizer" COMP_WEBALIZER_DESC="Install/update Webalizer." COMP_WEBALIZER_VER="Version ${WEBALIZER_VER}." COMP_PHP_ZEND_NAME="Build Zend Guard loader" COMP_PHP_ZEND_DESC="Install/update Zend Guard loader." COMP_PHP_ZEND_VER="" COMP_ZLIB_NAME="Build zlib" COMP_ZLIB_DESC="Install/update zlib." COMP_ZLIB_VER="Version ${ZLIB_VER}." COMP_ZSTD_NAME="Build zstd" COMP_ZSTD_DESC="Install/update zstandard lossless compression algorithm, targeting real-time compression scenarios at zlib-level and better compression." COMP_ZSTD_VER="" COMP_EXIM_CONF_NAME="Update Exim configuration files" COMP_EXIM_CONF_DESC="Updates Exim configuration files (exim.conf and exim.pl). WARNING: Any customizations done will be lost." COMP_DOVECOT_CONF_NAME="Update Dovecot configuration files" COMP_DOVECOT_CONF_DESC="Updates Dovecot configuration files." COMP_BLOCKCRACKING_NAME="Enable BlockCracking" COMP_BLOCKCRACKING_DESC="Enables BlockCracking for outgoing SPAM mitigation in Exim configuration file (exim.conf). Requires Exim configuration version 4.3 or higher. More information: https://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php?t=50059." COMP_EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER_NAME="Enable Easy Spam Fighter" COMP_EASY_SPAM_FIGHTER_DESC="Enables Easy Spam Fighter for incoming SPAM mitigation in Exim configuration file (exim.conf). Requires Exim configuration version 4.3 or higher. More information: https://forum.directadmin.com/showthread.php?t=50059." COMP_PHP_INI_NAME="Update PHP configuration files" COMP_PHP_INI_DESC="Updates php.ini configuration files used by PHP. WARNING: Any customizations done will be lost." COMP_REWRITE_CONFS_NAME="Rewrite WEB server configuration files" COMP_REWRITE_CONFS_DESC="Rewrites Apache/Nginx WEB server configuration files (useful when configuration got corrupted or needs to be updated). WARNING: customizations must be present in 'custom/' folder, otherwise they will be lost." COMP_SECURE_PHP_NAME="Secure PHP" COMP_SECURE_PHP_DESC="Disables dangerous PHP functions in php.ini file." COMP_LITESPEED_LICENSE_NAME="Update LiceSpeed License" COMP_LITESPEED_LICENSE_DESC="Updates LiteSpeed license using the serial number provided." COMP_LITESPEED_LICENSE_MIGRATE_NAME="Migrate LiteSpeed License" COMP_LITESPEED_LICENSE_MIGRATE_DESC="Releases LiteSpeed license (equivalent of 'lshttpd -m').." COMP_PHPMYADMIN_NAME="Build phpMyAdmin" COMP_PHPMYADMIN_DESC="Install/update phpMyAdmin WEB MySQL administration tool." COMP_PHPMYADMIN_VER="Version ${PHPMYADMIN_VER}." COMP_ROUNDCUBE_NAME="Build RoundCube" COMP_ROUNDCUBE_DESC="Install/update RoundCube webmail." COMP_ROUNDCUBE_VER="Version ${ROUNDCUBE_VER}." COMP_CUSTOMBUILD_PLUGIN_NAME="Build CustomBuild plugin" COMP_CUSTOMBUILD_PLUGIN_DESC="Install/update CustomBuild plugin." COMP_SQUIRRELMAIL_NAME="Build SquirrelMail" COMP_SQUIRRELMAIL_DESC="Install/update SquirrelMail webmail." COMP_SQUIRRELMAIL_VER="Version ${SQUIRRELMAIL_VER}." COMP_CREATE_OPTIONS_NAME="Regenerate options.conf file" COMP_CREATE_OPTIONS_DESC="Re-create options.conf file by asking questions." COMP_CRON_NAME="Enable/update CustomBuild cronjob" COMP_CRON_DESC="Enables or updates cronjob used by CustomBuild to send notifications to specified email address about the updates, auto-update components." COMP_OPT_HELP_NAME="Options.conf help" COMP_OPT_HELP_DESC="Generates available options that could be used in the options.conf file." COMP_OPTIONS_NAME="Display options.conf settings" COMP_OPTIONS_DESC="Shows current options set in the options.conf file" COMP_SET_NAME="Change options.conf setting" COMP_SET_DESC="Changes value in the options.conf file" COMP_SET_FASTEST_NAME="Set fastest download server" COMP_SET_FASTEST_DESC="Selects the fastest download server to use and sets it in the options.conf file." COMP_SET_FASTEST_QUIET_NAME="Set fastest download server (no output)" COMP_SET_FASTEST_QUIET_DESC="Selects the fastest download server to use and sets it in the options.conf file. Command generates no output." COMP_UPDATE_DA_NAME="Update DirectAdmin" COMP_UPDATE_DA_DESC="Updates DirectAdmin to the latest version." COMP_UPDATE_VERSIONS_NAME="Update all components" COMP_UPDATE_VERSIONS_DESC="Checks what updates are available and applies them." COMP_UPDATE_WEBAPPS_NAME="Update WEB applications." COMP_UPDATE_WEBAPPS_DESC="Updates WEB applications if updates are available (only phpMyAdmin, RoundCube and SquirrelMail)." COMP_USED_CONFIGS_NAME="Used configuration files" COMP_USED_CONFIGS_DESC="Displays full paths to component configuration (./configure) files used by CustomBuild." COMP_VERSIONS_NAME="Updates availale" COMP_VERSIONS_DESC="Shows what updates are available to be applied on the system. Does not update them automatically." COMP_VERSION_NAME="CustomBuild version" COMP_VERSION_DESC="Shows CustomBuild version." COMP_LIST_REMOVALS_NAME="List components for removal" COMP_LIST_REMOVALS_DESC="Lists all components that are available for removal." COMP_REMOVE_ITEMS_NAME="Remove not needed components" COMP_REMOVE_ITEMS_DESC="Removes all components that are available for removal (components that are installed, but not set in options.conf)." COMP_ALL_NAME="Build everything" COMP_ALL_DESC="(Re)installs all components set in the options.conf file" COMP_CLEAN_NAME="Clean old directories" COMP_CLEAN_DESC="Removes not needed folders from CustomBuild directory." COMP_CLEAN_OLD_WEBAPPS_NAME="Clean old WEB applications" COMP_CLEAN_OLD_WEBAPPS_DESC="Removes old WEB applications that are not currently used from /var/www/html directory." COMP_UPDATE_NAME="Update CustomBuild script and packages" COMP_UPDATE_DESC="Updates CustomBuild script, grabs latest versions.txt file and packages." COMP_UPDATE_SCRIPT_NAME="Update CustomBuild script" COMP_UPDATE_SCRIPT_DESC="Updates CustomBuild script only (the 'build' file)." COMP_UPDATE_DATA_NAME="Download packages" COMP_UPDATE_DATA_DESC="Downloads packages needed for the CustomBuild script (does not include versions.txt file or the 'build' file)." COMP_PHP_EXPERT_NAME="Install specified PHP version" COMP_PHP_EXPERT_DESC="Installs specified PHP version, but does not apply any automatic configuration to it." COMP_PHP_HTSCANNER2_NAME="Build php_htscanner2" COMP_PHP_HTSCANNER2_DESC="Install/update php_htscanner2 component used by Apache and PHP." COMP_TODOVECOT_NAME="Convert mbox to Maildir" COMP_TODOVECOT_DESC="Converts all emails from mbox format to Maildir. todovecot() function is called." COMP_SET_SERVICE_NAME="Service autostart" COMP_SET_SERVICE_DESC="Calls set_setvice function with specified ON|OFF|delete values." } generateHelpJSON() { initJSONVars echo "{" if [ "${1}" != "" ]; then NUM_OF_SECTIONS=1 HELP_SECTIONS=`echo ${1} | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"` else NUM_OF_SECTIONS=`echo ${HELP_SECTIONS} | wc -w` fi CUR_SECTION=0 for section in ${HELP_SECTIONS}; do CUR_SECTION=`expr ${CUR_SECTION} + 1` LOWERCASE_SECTION=`echo $section | tr "[A-Z]" "[a-z]"` SECTION_DESC=${section}_DESC SECTION_SET=${section}_SET NUM_OF_SETTINGS=`echo "$(eval_var ${SECTION_SET})" | wc -w` CUR_SETTING=0 SKIP_CAT="no" for skip_cat_opt in ${HELP_SECTIONS_JSON_SKIP}; do if [ "${section}" = "${skip_cat_opt}" ]; then SKIP_CAT="yes" break fi done printf "\t\"${LOWERCASE_SECTION}\": {\n" printf "\t\t\"description\": \"$(eval_var ${SECTION_DESC})\",\n" printf "\t\t\"skip\": \"${SKIP_CAT}\",\n" for setting in $(eval_var ${SECTION_SET}); do CUR_SETTING=`expr ${CUR_SETTING} + 1` SETTING_UP=`echo $setting | tr "[a-z]" "[A-Z]"` BUILD_NAME="COMP_${SETTING_UP}_NAME" DESCRIPTION="COMP_${SETTING_UP}_DESC" VER_VAR="COMP_${SETTING_UP}_VER" SKIP_VAR="${section}_SKIP" SKIP="no" for skip_opt in $(eval_var ${SKIP_VAR}); do if [ "${setting}" = "${skip_opt}" ]; then SKIP="yes" break fi done printf "\t\t\"${setting}\": {\n" printf "\t\t\t\"build\": \"${setting}\",\n" VERSION_STRING="$(eval_var ${VER_VAR})" if [ "${section}" = "BUILD_COMP" ] || [ "${section}" = "BUILD_PHP_EXT" ] || [ "${section}" = "BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS" ]; then if [ "${VERSION_STRING}" = "Version 0." ]; then SKIP="yes" fi fi printf "\t\t\t\"skip\": \"${SKIP}\",\n" printf "\t\t\t\"name\": \"$(eval_var ${BUILD_NAME})\",\n" if [ "${section}" = "BUILD_COMP" ] || [ "${section}" = "BUILD_PHP_EXT" ] || [ "${section}" = "BUILD_COMP_WEBAPPS" ]; then if [ "${VERSION_STRING}" != "Version ." ]; then printf "\t\t\t\"version\": \"$(eval_var ${VER_VAR})\"\n", fi fi printf "\t\t\t\"description\": \"$(eval_var ${DESCRIPTION})\"\n" if [ ${CUR_SETTING} -ne ${NUM_OF_SETTINGS} ]; then printf "\t\t},\n" else printf "\t\t}\n" fi done if [ ${CUR_SECTION} -ne ${NUM_OF_SECTIONS} ]; then printf "\t},\n" else printf "\t}\n" fi done echo "}" } ################################################### showHelp() { printf " +%-55s+\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" "DirectAdmin WebServices Installer" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" "Written by Martynas Bendorius and DirectAdmin" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" "Version: $(showVersion)" printf " +%-55s+\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" "To build everything run:" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" " $0 all" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" "" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" " ${boldon}NOTE${boldoff}: Command all will compile everything as it is set" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" " in the options.conf file, please take a look at" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" " \"$0 options\"!" generateHelp printf " +%-55s+\n" "-----------------------------------------------------------" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" "You can pass a 2nd argument to automate the input:" printf " | %-55s %-2s|\n" " $0