LANG_TWOSTEP_AUTH=Two-Step Authentication LANG_FEATURE_OFF=This feature is not turned on. LANG_SETTINGS=Settings LANG_NEW_SECRET=New Secret LANG_CREATE_A_SECRET=Create a new secret to begin. LANG_SAVE=Save LANG_REQUIRE_AUTH_CODE=Require valid Two-Step Authentication Code to login to this account. LANG_ALLOW_AP_LOGIN=Allow API logins with the current User/password. Login Keys and Session Keys are always allowed. LANG_NOTIFY_ME=Notify me on all incorrect codes entries. Disabling this option will still notify you after LANG_FAILED_ATTEMPTS=failed attempts. LANG_NEW_SECRET_NOTE=Note: Creating a new secret voids your current codes. Re-Scan the QR code and re-print your scratch codes. LANG_SCAN_TO_PHONE=Scan this code into your phone. LANG_DESCRIPTION=Description LANG_DESC_IN_PHONE=This describes your code. Shown in your phone. LANG_CHECK_BEFORE_LOGOUT=Before logging out, test your phone's code LANG_TEST_CODE=Test code LANG_SECRET=Secret LANG_TWOSTEP_AUTH_INFO=To use this feature, download the Google Authenticator App for your phone (or equivalent), and scan in the QR code.
The App will show you a code, which you'll use to Login to DirectAdmin.
Scratch Codes are one-time use codes in case you don't have your phone, so keep them safe. LANG_CURRENTLY_TRUSTED=This device is currently trusted. LANG_REMOVE_TRUST=Remove Trust LANG_REMOVE_TRUST_EXPLANATION=This simply clears the cookie and will ask for code upon your next login.