LANG_CERT_COPIED=Certificate Copied to the Clipboard LANG_SSL_CERTS=SSL Certificates LANG_USE_SERVERS=Use the server's certificate LANG_USE_SHARED=Use the server's shared signed certificate. LANG_CREATE_SELF_SIGNED=Create your own self signed certificate LANG_CREATE_CSR=Create A Certificate Request LANG_COUNTRY=2 Letter Country Code LANG_STATE=State/Province LANG_CITY=City LANG_COMPANY=Company LANG_COMPANY_DIV=Company Division LANG_COMMON_NAME=Common Name LANG_PASTE=Paste a pre-generated certificate and key LANG_PASTE_FROM=Paste from Clipboard LANG_COPY_TO=Copy to Clipboard LANG_IE_ONLY=(IE only) LANG_CLICK_HERE=Click Here to paste a CA Root Certificate LANG_NOTE=When creating a certificate request, the key will be saved and shown in the field above. The request will be shown on a new page. When you get the certificate from the Certificate Authority using the request, simply paste the certificate in the field after the key on a new line and click "Save" LANG_CA_SSL=CA SSL LANG_CA_CERT=Certificate Authority SSL Certificate LANG_USE_CA=Use a CA Cert. LANG_SSL_CSR=SSL Certificate Request LANG_HERE_IS_CSR=Here is your SSL Certificate Request. You will send this text to a Certificate Authority and they will give you a Signed Certificate. To use it, paste the Signed Certificate on the next line after
"-----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----" on the previous page and click "Save". LANG_ADMIN_SAVE_KEY=Be sure to copy and backup the "RSA PRIVATE KEY" along with the the request. You will need it when installing the certificate. Because you're an admin, you will be saving to the "shared server certificate" and the key is not saved anywhere until you paste it with the certificate. LANG_SSL_ENABLED=SSL is currently enabled for this domain. You can disable it LANG_SSL_DISABLED=SSL is currently disabled for this domain. You can enable it LANG_SSL_HERE=here LANG_KEYSIZE=Key Size (bits) LANG_CERT_TYPE=Certificate Type LANG_FREE_LETS_ENCRYPT=Free & automatic certificate from LANG_LETSENCRYPT_IN_USE_AUTO_RENEWAL=Let's Encrypt in use. Auto-renewal in LANG_LETSENCRYPT_DAYS=Days LANG_LE_MORE_THAN_ZERO=Must select more than zero entries. LANG_LE_CANNOT_EXCEED=Cannot exceed LANG_LE_REQUESTS_PER_WEEK=requets per week. LANG_LE_MUST_INCLUDE_MAIN_DOMAIN=You must include your main domain: LANG_LE_SELECTED=Selected Entries LANG_LE_MAX=Maximum requests per week LANG_LE_DISABLE_AUTORENEW=Disable Auto-Renew LANG_CERTIFICATE_HOSTS=Certificate Hosts LANG_CERTIFICATE_EXPIRY=Certificate Expiry LANG_FORCE_SSL_REDIRECT=Force SSL with https redirect LANG_DA_WILL_MANAGE_CERTS=With this setting, DirectAdmin will automatically manage your certificates. LANG_AUTO_SSL_CERT_INFO=Automated SSL Certificates Information LANG_TRIGGER_RETRY=Trigger Retry for this Domain LANG_CERT_REQUEST_WILL_BE_CREATED=A certificate request will be created for domain LANG_MANUAL_TRIGGER=Manual Trigger LANG_MANUAL_TRIGGER_INFO=Used to trigger the auto-creation of a certificate on a pre-existing host. LANG_NO_SUBS_WHEN_WILDCARD=The subdomains value is ignored if a wildcard is used. LANG_WILDCARD_ONLY_LOCAL_DNS=Only use wildcards for locally controlled dns zones. LANG_WILDCARD_HTTP_FALLBACK=Wildcard failure will automatically attempt an http based fallback request for all sub-hosts. LANG_WILDCARD=Wildcard LANG_NO_AUTO_SSL=Automatic SSL is not enabled