LANG_SITE_BACKUP=Site Backup LANG_SITE_RESTORE=Site Restore LANG_BACKUP_ALL_DOMAINS=Backup All Domains LANG_SELECT_ITEMS=Select Items to include in Backup LANG_WEB_DATA=Website Data LANG_DOMAINS_DIR=Domains Directory: Backs up all user files for all domains LANG_SUBDOMAIN_LIST=Subdomain Lists: Backs up the list of subdomains for each domain LANG_POP_ACCOUNTS=E-Mail Accounts List for all domains (names and passwords) LANG_FOWARDERS=Forwarders: Includes all forwarding addresses. LANG_AUTORESPONDERS=Autoresponders: Includes all autoresponders and messages. LANG_VAC_MESSAGES=Vacation Messages: Includes all vacation messages and times. LANG_MAILING_LISTS_INCLUDE=Mailing Lists: Includes the list, digest-list and archives. LANG_EMAIL_SETTINGS=E-Mail Settings: Includes the filters and the catchall address. LANG_EMAIL_DATA=E-Mail Data: Includes the messages from the Inbox, IMAP Folders, and webmail data. LANG_FTP=Ftp LANG_FTP_ACCOUNTS=Ftp Accounts LANG_FTP_SETTINGS=Ftp Settings LANG_DATABASES=Databases LANG_DBS_INCLUDE=Database Settings: Backs up all DB Users and DB Settings LANG_DB_DATA=Database Data: If 'Databases' is selected, include the actual DB data LANG_CREATE_BACKUP=Create Backup LANG_CLICK_FOR_BACKUPS=Click here for a list of your current backups LANG_SELECT_FILE=Select a File to Restore LANG_SELECT_RESTORE_OPS=Select Restore Options LANG_RESTORE_FROM_FILE=Restore from File LANG_SELECT_ITEMS_TO_REST=Select Items to Restore from LANG_RESOTRE_SELECTED_ITEMS=Restore Selected Items LANG_DNS_ZONES=DNS LANG_DNS_INCLUDE=DNS Zones: Includes all A records and MX records LANG_TRASH_DATA=Deleted Trash Data