LANG_IGNORED=(Ignored if not allowed) LANG_SECURE_SSL=Secure SSL LANG_SAME_AS_MAIN=Same as Main Account LANG_CONFIRM_DIR=Using a symbolic link will delete the private_html directory and all files in it. Do you wish to continue? LANG_SETUP_FOR=private_html setup for LANG_SSL_REQUIRED=(SSL must be enabled above) LANG_USE_DIR=Use a directory named private_html LANG_USE_SYMLINK=Use a symbolic link from private_html to public_html - allows for same data in http and https LANG_ADD_ANOTHER_IP=Add Another IP to LANG_SELECT_IP_TO_ADD=Select IP to Add LANG_ADD_DNS_RECORDS=Add dns records for this IP LANG_ADD_IP=Add IP LANG_FORCE_SSL_REDIRECT=Force SSL with https redirect LANG_REDIRECT_TO=Redirection for domain, pointers,
and sub-domains. LANG_WWW_REDIRECT=Force Redirect LANG_NO_REDIRECT=No redirection LANG_CL_SELECTOR_WARNING=CloudLinux Php Selector Plugin is present. To use it, above must use LANG_PHP_SETTINGS=Php Settings LANG_MOD_SECURITY=ModSecurity LANG_MOD_SECURITY_SETTINGS=Settings for ModSecurity LANG_NGINX_ONLY=Nginx-Only LANG_NGINX_ONLY_DESC=Use only Nginx. Proxy to apache is disabled.