LANG_FTP_SETUP=Ftp Setup LANG_CREATE_FTP=Create FTP account LANG_MODIFY_FTP=Modify FTP account LANG_ANON_FTP_SETTINGS=Anonymous FTP settings LANG_ALLOW_ANON=Allow Anonymous Access: LANG_ALLOW_ANON_UP=Allow Anonymous Upload: LANG_WELCOME_MESS=Welcome Message: LANG_FTP_USERNAME=FTP Username: LANG_FTP=Ftp LANG_CUSTOM=Custom LANG_DOMAIN_USER=Ftp account with the root directory in the domains home directory (one up from the public_html) LANG_FTP_USER=Ftp account with the root directory in the domains public_ftp directory LANG_USER_USER=Ftp account with the root directory as the users name in the public_html directory LANG_FLOGIN=Login LANG_FTP_SAVE_PASSWORD=Save Password