LANG_SPAM_SETUP=Spamassassin Setup LANG_WHERE_TO_GO=Where do you want the spam to go? LANG_TO_RECIPIENT=Inbox (don't block it) LANG_TO_FOLDER=Redirect it to the catch-all spam folder in your main imap account. LANG_TO_USER_FOLDER=Send the spam to the email account's spam folder. LANG_DELETE_SPAM=Delete the spam. LANG_SCORE_THRESH=What score threshold do you wish to use? LANG_LOW_THRESH_DESC=A lower threshold will block more spam, but can potentially tag legitimate mail.
LANG_HIGH_THRESH_DESC=A higher threshold will let more spam through, but is less likely to tag legitimate mail. LANG_LOW_THRESH=Low Threshold LANG_MED_THRESH=Medium Threshold LANG_HIGH_THRESH=High Threshold LANG_CUSTOM_THRESH=Custom Threshold LANG_REWRITE_SUBJECT=Do you wish to rewrite the subject of a spam email? LANG_YES_SET_SUBJECT=Yes, set the subject to the following LANG_NO_LEAVE_SUBJECT=No, leave the subject unchanged. LANG_HOW_DELIV=How should the spam be delivered? LANG_DELIV_1=Attachments will separate the spam into its own message, preventing scripts from being run.
LANG_DELIV_2=Text-only attachements are used for increased safety.
LANG_DELIV_3=Not using attachments will leave the spam unaltered except for spam headers. LANG_ATTACH_1=Don't use attachments (dangerous). LANG_ATTACH_2=Use attachments. LANG_ATTACH_3=Use text-only attachments. LANG_EMAIL_BL=Email Blocklist LANG_LIST_OF_BLOCKED=This is the list of email address that will be blocked.
LANG_TAGGED_AS_SPAM=Any email from these addresses will automatically be tagged as spam.
LANG_ONE_EMAIL=One email per line, no commas etc. * and ? are both valid.
LANG_EG_DOMAIN=eg: * LANG_EMAIL_WL=Email Allow LANG_THROUGH=This is the list of email address that will be allowed through, regardless of content.
LANG_SAME_FORMAT=The format is the same as the Email Blocklist LANG_MANUALLY_EDIT=Manually edit the config file yourself LANG_DISABLE=Disable LANG_SA_ENABLED=SpamAssassin is currently enabled. LANG_SA_DISABLED=SpamAssassin is not currently enabled.
Click "Save" (below) to enable it. LANG_DELETE_HS_SPAM=Would you like to delete high scoring spam? LANG_YES_DELETE_HS_SPAM=Yes, block all spam scoring higher than: LANG_1_99_NO_DEC=(1-50, no decimals) LANG_NO_DO_NOT_DEL_HSS=No, do not block high scoring spam. Use only the threshold in the previous section. LANG_THIS_BUTTON=This button will remove data learned by spamassassin.
It will free up some space, but will reset any
learned progress SpamAssassin has previously made. LANG_DELETE_BAYES=Delete Bayes Data