LANG_CRON_JOBS=Cron Jobs LANG_VALID_CRON=Valid cron time values are the numbers indicated and *. LANG_EXACT_TIMES=You can specifiy exact times using commas to separate them. eg: 1,2,3 (minutes 1,2 and 3) LANG_DASH=You can specify spans using a dash. eg: 5-7 (minutes 5 to 7) LANG_INTERVALS=You can specify intervals using a star and a forward slash. eg: */2 (every 2nd minute) LANG_COMBINE=You can combine them to create a more precise schedule. eg: 1,5,11-15,30-59/2 (minutes 1, 5, 11 to 15 and every 2nd minute between 30 and 59) LANG_NO_SPACES=Note that there are no spaces LANG_CURRENT_TIME=Current Time LANG_CREATE_NEW_CRON=Create a New Cron Job LANG_MINUTE=Minute LANG_HOUR=Hour LANG_DAY_OF_MONTH=Day of Month LANG_MONTH=Month LANG_DAY_OF_WEEK=Day of Week LANG_COMMAND=Command LANG_SUNDAY=Sunday LANG_PREVENT_EMAIL=Prevent Email LANG_SEND_OUTPUT_TO=Send all Cron output to E-Mail LANG_VALID_EMAIL=Valid values are an E-Mail address, your DA username LANG_OR_BLANK_FIELD=or a blank field to prevent any email LANG_SAMPLE_CRON=Sample cron commands LANG_RUN_ON_REBOOT=Run on @reboot