LANG_LICE_UP=Licensing / Updates LANG_LICE_VALS=License Values LANG_LICE_IP=License IP LANG_LICE_NAME=Name in License LANG_LID=License ID LANG_CID=Client ID LANG_VALID_AFTER=Valid After LANG_VALID_UNTIL=Valid Until LANG_CURRENT_TIME=Current Server Time LANG_TIME_REM=Time Remaining LANG_LAST_UP=Last Updated LANG_UP_LICE=Update License LANG_UP_LICE_AUTO=Update License Auto LANG_UP_LICE_T=Traditional license update method LANG_UP_LICE_AUTO_T1=The Auto method makes a call to the script/wget based call LANG_UP_LICE_AUTO_T2=Useful if your License ID number has changed or your are having other download issues. LANG_DA_VALS=DirectAdmin Values LANG_COMPILED_FOR=Compiled on LANG_SERVER_VER=Server Version LANG_CURRENT_VER=Current Available Version LANG_UPDATE_DA=Update DirectAdmin LANG_LTYPE=License Type LANG_INTERNAL=INTERNAL LICENSE -- This special license may not be resold or transferred. For internal datacentre use only. Please contact your server provider for control panel and system technical assistance. Please report unauthorized reselling to LANG_EXTERNAL=External license LANG_COMPILE_DATE=Compile Date LANG_PORTIONED_LICENSE=Portioned License LANG_PORTIONED_EXPLANATION=This Portioned License is a license that has a true expiry at a date further into the future than is set in the physical key. The license will automatically update to the next time period when the key's expiry nears.
True expiry: LANG_LAST_RESTART=Last Restart LANG_RESTART_DA=Restart DirectAdmin LANG_DA_NOT_RESTARTED=DirectAdmin has not been restarted since the last license.key update! LANG_ACCOUNT_LIMIT=Account Limit LANG_DOMAIN_LIMIT=Domain Limit LANG_END_OF_LIFE=End-Of-Life LANG_DA_LICENSE=DirectAdmin License LANG_VERIFY=Verify LANG_CHECK_IF_SOFTWARE_VALID=Check to see if the current software is valid