LANG_IPV6_MASK=For IPv6 IPs, use a /mask, eg: /64
LANG_IP_PURPOSE=The main purpose for this feature is to link LAN IPs to external IPs,
and/or to link IPv6 IPs to IPv4 IPs.
LANG_LAN_EXPLANATION=LAN: View the details of the external IP. Link the internal IP to the external IP.
Only select Apache, do not select DNS. Add Users to external IP
LANG_IPV6_EXPLANATION=IPv6: View the details of the IPv4 IP. Link the IPv6 to the IPv4. Check both DNS and Apache.
LANG_LINK_OPTIONS_EXPLANATION=Adding a linked IP to the current IP will add the linked IP to the areas where current IP exists.
Linking an IP with dns will duplicate the A/AAAA records for the current IP with the linked IP.
Linking an IP with apache will add the linked IP into the VirtualHost with the current IP.
LANG_MULTI_IP_RELATION=This feature is independant of the Multi-IP system, but they can be used together.
For example a User can have 2 IPs with the Multi-IP system, and each of those IPs can have linked IPs.
LANG_LINK_NOT_RECURSIVE=Links are not recursive, so you don't need to worry about infinite loops.
LANG_APPLY_TO_DOMAINS=The "Apply to existing Domains" option will trigger the httpd.conf rewrites and insert A/AAAA records into the local dns zones.
Disabling this checkbox won't touch the dns or httpd.conf files, but future httpd.cont rewrites will have the linked IP added.
LANG_ADD_TO_DEVICE=Add to device
LANG_ADD_TO_DEVICE_TITLE=Add IP to configs, but never to network device
LANG_GLOBAL_CHECKBOX_INFO=When enabled, this IP can be used by multiple Resellers