LANG_CUST_FOR=PHP-FPM config customization for LANG_AVAIL_TOKENS=Available Tokens LANG_INSTRUCTIONS=Add the code to be inserted into the CUSTOM tokens LANG_PHP_FPM_CONFIG_CHECK=PHP-FPM Configuration Check LANG_CUST_HTTPD_CONF=Custom Httpd Configurations LANG_CONFIG_ERROR=Configuration Syntax Error - See below for details LANG_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE=    *** Custom Template *** LANG_SAVE_ALL_PHP_VERSIONS=Save for all PHP versions LANG_SAVE_ALL_PHP_WARNING=WARNING: This assumes your code is valid across all php versions. LANG_SAVE_ALL_PHP_WARNING2=This will also overwrite any other custom code for other versions. LANG_GLOBAL=Global LANG_GLOBAL_TITLE=Global custom tokens apply to all php versions, but only for this User. Global is added before per-php tokens.