LANG_CUST_HTTPD_CONF=Custom Httpd Configurations LANG_CUST_FOR=Httpd.conf Customization for LANG_NGINX_CUST_FOR=nginx.conf Customization for LANG_AVAIL_TOKENS=Available Tokens LANG_HTTPD_CONTENTS_FOR=Contents of the httpd.conf file for LANG_NGINX_CONTENTS_FOR=Contents of the nginx.conf file for LANG_WARNING=Only add the few lines of the VirtualHost you need to insert.
Do not add a whole <Virtualhost>..</VirtualHost> LANG_NGINX_WARNING=Only add the few lines of the server code you need to insert.
Do not add a whole server { ... } entry. LANG_CONFIG_ERROR=Configuration Syntax Error - See below for details LANG_CONFIG_CHECK=Configuration Check LANG_ADDITIONAL_CUSTOM_TOKENS=Additional CUSTOM tokens LANG_TOP_OF_TEMPLATE=Appears at the very top of the template, before setting the variables. LANG_ALL_LOCATIONS=Appears in ALL location / sections. Use the LOCATION token. LANG_BEFORE_DIRECTORY=Appears just before the <Directory> section. LANG_BEFORE_WEBAPPS=Appears just before the webapps include. LANG_FIRST_DIRECTORY=Appears as the first item within the <Directory> section. LANG_LAST_ENTRY=The very last entry. LANG_CUSTOM_TEMPLATE=    *** Custom Template *** LANG_TEMPLATES=Templates