LANG_BRUTE_FORCE_MONITOR=Brute Force Monitor LANG_FAILED_LOGINS=Failed Logins LANG_CLICK_IP_TO_FILTER=Click IP address or User to filter results LANG_CLEAR_SEARCH_FILTER=Clear Search Filter LANG_SKIP_LIST=Skip List LANG_LOG_SCANNING_OFF=Log Scanning is not currently turned on. Enable it from your Admin Settings LANG_IP_ZERO=IP limit is set to 0. Admins will not be notified for failed login attempts from an IP. LANG_IP_VALUE=Admins will be notified when an IP makes |IP_LIMIT| failed attempts. LANG_USER_ZERO=User limit is set to 0. Admins will not be notified for failed attempts on a specific account. LANG_USER_VALUE=Admins will be notified when |USER_LIMIT| failed attempts are made on a specific account. LANG_ADD_TO_SKIP=Add to Skip List LANG_COMMENTS=Comments LANG_BLOCK_IPS=Block IPs LANG_ARE_YOU_SURE_BLOCK=Are you sure you want to block these IPs? LANG_BLOCKED_IPS=Blocked IPs LANG_UNBLOCK=UnBlock LANG_OPTIONAL_IP=IP/Range/Domain/Email LANG_BLE_IS=brute_log_entries.list is LANG_ONLY_READ=Only read LANG_ZERO_OR_NEG=0 or negative number LANG_BYTES_FROM_THE_END=bytes from the end of the file (negative number). 0 for all.