LANG_ADMIN_SETTINGS=Administrator Settings LANG_ADMIN_NOTIFY=Notify all admins whenever a service goes down using the messaging/ticket system. LANG_OVERSELL=Overselling: Allow Resellers to sell More features than they are allowed. LANG_SUSPEND_RES=Suspend a Reseller and their Users when the Reseller goes over their Bandwidth limit. LANG_RESELLER_BACKUP=Allow a Reseller to Backup/Restore their Users.(Separate from User Backup/Restore) LANG_USE_UPDATER=Allow the latest version of DirectAdmin to be pushed to this server, as needed. LANG_DEMO_USER=Enable User Demo. Login LANG_DEMO_RESELLER=Enable Reseller Demo. Login LANG_DEMO_ADMIN=Enable Admin Demo. Login LANG_SERVER_SETTINGS=Server Settings (will restart DirectAdmin) LANG_SERVER_HOSTNAME=Server's Hostname LANG_NS1=NS1 LANG_NS2=NS2 LANG_TIMEOUT=Timeout (seconds) LANG_SESSION_TIME=Session Timeout (minutes) LANG_MAX_UPLOAD=Max Request/Upload Size (bytes) LANG_APACHE_LOG_ROTATE=Apache Log Rotate Size (Megabytes) LANG_KEEP_LOGS=Keep Number of Apache Log Backups LANG_SKIN_DOC_ROOT=Document Root to Demo Skin LANG_BLACKLIST_IP=Blacklist IPs for excessive DA login attempts LANG_BLACKLIST_AFTER=after LANG_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS=login attempts. LANG_UNAUTH_CONN=unauthorized connections. LANG_BRUTE_OR=or LANG_PREVENT_LOCAL_BLACKLIST=Prevent from being Blacklisted LANG_USERS_LESS_THAN=Allow Users with less than LANG_TO_CREATE_BACKUPS=% Disk Usage to create Backups. (0 = off, 100 = always on) LANG_WARN_ADMINS_AT=Warn Admin's at LANG_PERC_PARTITION_USAGE=% partition usage LANG_CHECK_EVERY=Check Every LANG_DAY=Day LANG_MINUTE=Minute LANG_NEVER=Never LANG_LOST_PASSWORD_RECOVERY=Enable Automatic Lost Password Recovery LANG_YES=Yes LANG_NO=No LANG_PURGE_SPAMBOX=Automatically Purge Spambox/Trash data LANG_PURGE_AFTER=After LANG_PURGE_DAYS=days. (0 = never) LANG_TIME_BEFORE_RESET=Time before failed login count resets LANG_SECONDS_AFTER_LAST=seconds after the last attempt LANG_REMOVE_IP_AFTER=Remove an IP from the blacklist after LANG_REMOVE_MINUTES=(minutes) (0 = never) LANG_DIFF_PASS_ENF=Difficult Password Enforcement LANG_CHECK_SUB_CREATION=Check domain owner for Subdomain creation LANG_SECURITY=Security LANG_EMAIL_LIMIT=Daily E-Mail limit per DirectAdmin User LANG_RBL_BLOCKING=Use RBL Blocking LANG_BF_REMOVE_IP_AFTER=Remove an IP from the BF blacklist after LANG_BF_REMOTE_IP_MINUTE=minutes (0 = never) LANG_PER_EMAIL_LIMIT=Daily limit per E-Mail Account LANG_USER_CAN_SET_PER_EMAIL_LIMIT=User can set limit per E-Mail LANG_MAX_PER_EMAIL=Max limit User can set per E-Mail LANG_PARSE_FOR_BFA=Parse service logs for brute force attacks LANG_NOTIFY_AFTER_IP=Notify Admins after an IP has LANG_NOTIFY_ADMIN_USER=Notify Admins after a User has LANG_RESET_COUNT_AFTER=Reset count of IP/User failed attempts LANG_CLEAR_BF_FROM_LOG=Clear failed login attempts from log LANG_ALL_LOGS=All Logs LANG_MANUAL=Manual LANG_SCAN_APACHE_LOGS=Scan for WordPress attacks LANG_TIMEZONE=Server's Timezone LANG_MAX_USERNAME_LENGTH=Max Username Length